Always on my mind
The world goes to hell
Canoeing trip
Democracy may suck, but it's the least worst
No backdoors anymore
Ocean Elevening a crack writing team
Afraid of links
Hunting comedians
Free therapy and free coffee
Bill Dawes
Bizarre crazy people
The Laugh Factory
Christopher forgets how to use Google Maps
"It was hip until you drove up"
"Hey Bryan!" "...My name's Bill."
Surprise podcast!
Looking for cameras because Christopher is paranoid, or maybe just weird
James doesn't go to bars
"Aren't you curious?" "No."
Cheers sucked, but Boston was cool
The Good Place
James went to MIT
USA has 3% of the children of the world, but 40% of toys
Lego inheritance
Don't waste your money on a storage unit
James the moving guy
Podcasting from the (airplane) graveyard