Ann and Carol expand the discussion on “Make Every Moment Count” - a previous blog post authored by Ann. They talk about what it means to “Be in The Moment”. They share insights from each other’s experience on why it’s important to practice more mindfulness in our daily lives, and what are the obvious and not so obvious reasons to do so.

Other takeaways include what makes being in the moment so difficult these days and when you do it, it’s like a form of meditation which research has shown has demonstrably positive effects on our overall well-being. They share tips, tools, and techniques on how to practice present moment awareness and how doing so expands time and can actually pause the linear flow.


Listen to find out more about:

Expanding time

Slowing down

Experiencing the gifts life's little things bring

The power of our mind

How to take a photograph - the power of observation

Mindfulness for creativity

Mindfulness for stress relief

The physiology of control and mindfulness

The multiple functions of our cells

How meditation is helpful for pain control

Being more conscious

Finding your reset button

The Oasis of being in the present

Role of letting go and acceptance

Serving others by being present


Mindful moments - reminders

Silence is golden

Creating a balance


Present Moment Awareness: A Better Way to Stay in Control by Deepak Chopra, M.D.
Breathing: The Master Key to Self Healing by Andrew Weil
Digital Minimalism: Choosing a Focused Life in a Noisy World by Cal Newport
Lazy Man's Guide to Enlightenment by Thaddeus Golas

Music by Jonn Serrie


Record Labels and Links to Jonn’s Music: Valley Entertainment and New World Music