In this interview, Carol learns how Deb Schell turned her life around and found a sense of calm that she has shared with many others through her Find Calm Here Community. Self-examination helped Deb find the courage to ask hard questions that opened her eyes to finding a path to calm and happiness. In doing so, she realized that her environment and past habits were holding her back from feeling empowered. Deb explains how the elements of Clarity, Awareness, Learning, and Motion helped her manage stress, leave the corporate world, find financial freedom, and create an environment of calm.  

Show Notes:
Waiting vs. Starting – "Stop wishing and go create!"

Stepping into confidence

Honoring self over people-pleasing

Physical environment – clutter and placement

Paying attention to relationships

The power of choosing a word for the year

The road to sharing the Find Calm Here message

Creating a welcome warm space



Deb has created the Find, Calm Here Community where members are welcomed warmly and offered monthly interactive meetings in an atmosphere of wellness and encouragement for living a life of Calm and Empowerment. Find Calm Here Community on Mighty Networks 

Virtual Events


Find Calm Here Podcast

Quote Referenced:

Maya Angelou - "I've learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel."