In this episode, Carol interviews Dr. Tom Negelow, Healer and Trance Channeler where he discusses his background and goal of supporting people in their healing. For many years he and his wife Dr. Shelley Negelow have worked together to develop healing modalities to heal and encourage self-healing. Tom developed a healing method he calls Cellular Energy Releasing Healing. His passion is to serve the universal family.

In the process of learning and self-development, Tom became aware of an inner knowing and level of intuition. During this time, he experienced the voice and wisdom of an "energy" speaking through him. It became apparent to Tom that he was channeling the energy frequencies of Ascended Master Kuthumi and The Guiding One.

In this special episode, Tom channels the energy of Kuthumi. Listen to the wisdom shared during this global crisis of COVID 19 from this revered ascended master through Tom. It's a treat you won't want to miss!

Also in this episode, Tom talks about his channeling experiences as well as how he tunes into the frequencies of Ascended Master Kuthumi and The Guiding One. Tom is the author of Blueprint for Life, Blueprint for Healing – The Path to Conscious Living and Love and the Human Spirit, a book of dream-inspired poetry. 

Show Notes
Reiki and healing modalities

Tom's perspective on channeling

Seeing the positives that arise out of adversity

Ability to recognize patterns and share what we have learned about ourselves and the world

How to serve - focus on supporting others in their healing

Discover who you are

Kuthumi insights – Keep moving, self-reliance, responsibility to share

Social Media

Facebook: The Voice Of Unconditional Love

Contact Information

Tom Negelow - [email protected]              

Shelly Negelow - [email protected]

Music by Jonn Serrie

Intro and Outro music composed and recorded by Jonn Serrie.


Record Labels and Links to Jonn’s Music: Valley Entertainment and New World Music