After years of fundamentalist evangelical Christian practice, Eva Live only felt disillusioned with religion. She was feeling aloneness, disconnection, and isolation — an inner sort of torture. She spent years deconstructing her life. Never feeling good enough or a real sense of belonging or spiritually connected until a significant turning point that set her on a course of awakening and beginning with one of her deepest spiritual experiences. From that point, she began reconstructing a new life based on a sense of openness to mystery. She sought out tools and teachers that took her on an inner journey of exploration of what is right for her — opening the doors to trusting her inner voice and wisdom.

Today she knows what it takes to make life work on her terms from a place of inner strength and power. She helps others untangle spirituality from religion by inviting them to experience their connection to Self and align with their divine essence – their Soul. When you embrace conscious choice from within and align with your Soul you feel a sense of purpose that fuels and guides your journey forward in life.


Join us for the pearls of wisdom from Eva as she shares the tapestry of her journey to include:

Shifts and changes along the way

The role of isolation and disconnection in opening new doorways

Isolation vs. community

Diving into spirituality after religion

Living in "flow mode."

Purpose - where does it come from

Ways to discover purpose

Souls journey

Eva's philosophy/mantra - "observe what is, and do what works."

Using your "inner compass of joy"

Connect with your power source

Practices to lift one up

Ecstatic dance

How to connect with and trust your intuition

The value of saying no! 


"The Soul Resonance Method for Discovering Your Life Vision "

If you’re looking to connect in person around spirituality, embodiment, and conscious awakening, here are some ideas of keywords to Google or search on Facebook — just add your city name to the end of each one. A lot of things tend to be listed on Facebook and not Google, Eva recommends looking in both places. Ecstatic Dance, 5 Rhythms Dance, Meditation group, Conscious movement, Tantra, Authentic relating, Intuitive jam, Contact improv, Singing circle, Moon circle, Spiritual awakening group, Sexual awakening group, Sacred embodiment community, Yoga.


Facebook Group: Spirituality After Religion

A space to share and connect on spirituality that’s outside of religious frameworks, especially for those who have also left a dogmatic religion and are reconstructing their life outside of it.


Eva Live is a writer, poet, and coach who is passionate about helping those who have become disillusioned by the aspects of religion that seek to dominate human spirituality.

After healing long-term traumatic effects of her religious past and letting go of the beliefs that held her back, she has discovered an ecstatic spiritual life lived in alignment with her inner soul calling.

She started Ecstatic Soul Calling to help you discover your own ecstatic soul calling — so you can feel fully alive, in tune with the life force that flows through all things.

BONUS: EVA's FUTURE STATE (not shared in the interview)

She has a poetry book that’s almost complete. It’s been on hold for a while as she's focused on other aspects of her creative life, but she's excited to get that out there. It is a poetic journey of coming into her own energy and being and as she says, "becoming who I am."

She likes to help more and more humans to discover and connect with our own innate human spirituality and become empowered by reconnecting with our inner core. Particularly for people who’ve been wounded by religion, she's really excited to share the things that have worked for her to get deep healing and come into a sense of purpose as she aligns with what feels like her ecstatic soul calling.

Long term, she'd love to see the type of religion that’s been artificially holding humanity down being transmuted. She once had a vision of all religions turning into gold beneath our feet, becoming a beautiful foundation for us to move forward from. It’s when we get to space where we’re no longer feeling victim to our past, but able to see it as foundational with gratitude but also consciously choosing another path, that we really start coming into our power as humans.