Welcome to our hebdomadal show that looks back over the past seven days and this episode, the brilliantly outspoken Mark Sutherland returns to talk us through what has captured his attention, piqued his interest or made his blood boil in the news, media and tabloids.
Mark is a film director, producer and a social/political commentator, known for his conservative Christian worldview and his support of Brexit, MAGA and President Trump.
He cares passionately about what happens in both the UK and the US, he contributes to over twenty-five independent channels, regularly appearing on the Christian network Revelation TV's “Politics Today” program and is a widely followed commentator on American culture and politics from both sides of the Atlantic.
Topics on the agenda this week include...
- United Nations chief backs Scottish government's gender recognition reforms.
- Shanghai schools to go online as Covid spreads in China.
- Meet the man preparing Britain for the next pandemic.
- Cancer crisis reaches 'watershed moment' as experts warn upward trend in deaths 'is likely to continue'.
- The Republicans who voted against reinstating troops who refused the mandated clot-shot.
- World Health Organization names influential scientist who helped to crush Covid lab leak theory as 'conspiracy' as its new chief scientist.
- Tory MP alleges 'cover up' of Covid vaccine inflaming heart arteries in bombshell claim.
- Another couple want unvaccinated blood for their seriously ill toddler.
- Channel illegal migrants to be housed in holiday camps.
- Poll suggests Labour will win 314-seat Commons majority at general election.

To find out more about Mark go to http://www.marksutherland.org/

Originally broadcast as a live video news review 17.12.22

Scroll down for full transcript

*Special thanks to Bosch Fawstin for recording our intro/outro on this podcast.

Check out his art https://theboschfawstinstore.blogspot.com/ and follow him on GETTR https://gettr.com/user/BoschFawstin

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Links to stories discussed this episode....
Scotland gender recognition
Covid spreads in China
Meet the man
Cancer crisis
The Republicans
World Health Organization
MP alleges 'cover up'
Unvaccinated blood
Channel migrants
Shock poll
It is great to have a guest. It's been a while. And its Mark Sutherland. Mark, thank you so much for coming
back with us.
My pleasure, Peter. It's an absolute privilege to join you again and to join your audience. So thank you very
much indeed.
always good to have you on always. And I thought I was,
actually thinking of doing this myself and I thought it's Christmas. I thought, well, I'll try,
Mark wondering. He said, yeah, I'd love to come on. So I hope I haven't messed up your late Christmas
shopping, Mark.
Late Christmas shopping? What's that? What is Christmas shopping, Peter?
I try and avoid it. I thought it was a demonic activity.
That's for another... Okay. So first, lots of stories, obviously, to go through. You'd sent me a website and
I want to maybe open with that. And it is looking at J6. We've had Jake Lang on before
speaking to us from his prison cell. Someone who'd been in solitary confinement for 11 months. There are
many, many individuals still being held without trial, completely illegally. They would have,
probably had better treatment if they were in Guantanamo Bay. But tell us about this, J6patriot.news. Just fill
us in a little bit on us before we move on to our main first story.
Thank you, Peter. And thank you for bringing this up at the beginning of the show. So there is a book called
the American Goula Chronicles. The book is chronicling the 45,
prisoners, the letters, the exchange between those particular prisoners and talking about their stories and what
they've suffered and a friend of mine, Tim Rivers, out of that the J6,
patriot news has grown. The book has been created, it's now on sale, so I would be delighted if people could
look this up and buy the book and if there's hassle in that regard to then getting.
Contact with me but the book is there to raise money to create money to then help them financially in
regard to their defence fund to actually help their families because 96, 97 prisoners are in prison
And in basically, as far as I'm concerned, we're calling them gulags, American gulags. They are, they
have not been brought to trial. And of course, the gulag reflection goes back to Alexander Solzhenitsyn's
incredible book called our gulag archipelago, that hence the name of that.
So we, the, these people have been arrested, we're fully aware of how some of that has been done with with
the disgusting behaviour of the FBI. But the book is there to raise money for their legal defence fund and to
protect their families.
Because if you have then put the people in prison who are the sole breadwinner of particular families, it
means that houses have been lost, rent can't be paid, payments on cars, et cetera.
So we need this book to take off because the injustice, we could spend a whole show discussing the injustice
of this and you very kindly are showing the website where people can go to,
J6patriot.com click on the top of that to book info and then and then go from there, people are fully aware of
what happened on jan 6. 
2021 now a complete and utter set up and this is happening in the united states of America This is not
happening in Russia, it's not happening in North Korea, it is not happening in any other throat in China.
This is happening in North America under a, you know, where the constitution was ratified in September
Say that this is the country that is pursuing life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. It stands for the
injustice is unbelievable and I don't really have, we don't really have time
to discuss some of the stories of what some of these people and I'm very glad that you have had Jake Lang
on. I am fully aware of his particular story and the disgusting things that's gone on.
Quickly to finally end on that then before we move on, seven people have committed suicide over this
and a grandmother that was arrested on the steps, was arrested because she was on the
steps of the house because she was praying, found herself in the gulag and because sadly of her upbringing
they then said right we're going to put you in solitary confinement. She refused to do
that because of what I've been through when I was a child and they said well if you won't go into solitary
confinement then we're going to give you a jab and they gave her the fact she took the vaccine which is just
another subject of horrendousness. The abuse, the lack of food.
The beatings that are going on is a reality and we need to see these people come out when as the the
House has then gone to the Republicans.
These people like Jim Jordan and everything else need to step up.
Marjorie Taylor Greene, Gates, Gantz, Louie Gomer, the whole thing.
They need to then step up and to throw the book at Cheney and Co. and Nadler and put and actually say
the truth of the situation and what actually happened on that day instead of this, you know, FBI led lies
along, of course, with Pelosi, etc.
Just to quickly remind ourselves, five people at the hands of the DC police, including one DC policeman,
Officer Signick, died that day. They died, Patriots died that day. And remember where Officer Signick
is talked about, the Republicans, the people that were there on the day were criticized,
were accused of beating him with a fire extinguisher.
That was a complete and utter lie. You then look at the sad case of Roseanne Boylan being physically beaten
by the DC police with batons.
We then have Ashley Baber of course shot by Brown in
the house. You then have two others as well that have died. This is abominable and I just want to point
out one last thing on this. Please go to stophate.com to a dear friend of mine, David.
Somerall. Look at his work who's basically the principal expert on what is going on in regard to Jan 6.
If it wasn't for him, that book wouldn't be happening. If it wasn't for him, then this issue
would not be as high up the list as it should be. But put it this way, it is not as high as it should,
be and it needs to be up there in regard to mainstream news. People like Mike Huckabee, et cetera, I'm just
going to say it, need to get him on their show along with others. This is important along with Bannon and all
the rest. Now we haven't got time to potentially...
We don't. Let me show you. J6patriotnews.com. It's in the chat there on GETTR. So let's move on to the first.
Just a couple of people. Roger Grant Rav is first on Getter. Chris
Davis 33 is there. He's always Vicky. Do drop your comments. Let us know where you're watching.
Always good to see that on the Getter chat, which is always busy. So do drop your comments in that and do
make sure and look on the website, j6patriotnews.com. The link is in the getter,
Let's go to, completely different, north of the border, up in poor, Scotland. All you Scots who voted for the
SNP, this is what you're now getting. And if you keep voting for the SNP.
It'll just become more hellish for you north of the border. This is BBC UN Chief Back Scottish
Government Gender Recognition Reforms. If we can just scroll that down Proj. And this is the trans right so
I look at that beautiful
Look at that, and someone's brought their child along. I mean, what sick perverts are you?
And top UN officials back the Scottish government's plan to reform gender recognition law, ministers want [3:45]
to make it easier for trans people to change their gender just so they can, while they're choosing what their
breakfast cereal is, they can also choose what gender they wish to be that day.
Mark, give us your thoughts on this madness.
Well, my thoughts on this matter is I'm desperately trying to be polite, but this is complete and utter madness.
So I think the first thing to say, there are only two sexes, male and female.
The fact that in here, they want to speed up the process to go that you can decide to after your cornflakes or
your rice krispies, even though you're a man, you can suddenly go, I want to be a woman today and to say to
speed this up for three months.
This is just outrageous.
The other issue as well, of course, is if you are a man, you want to identify as a woman, if you then end up in
certain situations.
If you end up as a, say you are a male prisoner, you're saying, I want to identify as a woman now, go
into a female prison, and then we have a situation of rape and all this kind of thing.
And people think, maybe I've just said an extremist comment.
No, I haven't, because this is the reality of the situation and everything, as we say.
As Bible-believing Christians, yes, let's say that, we know that this is a full and utter attack of what
everything that the scripture stands for, what everything that our faith actually stands for.
J.K. Rowling is right.
She's absolutely right when she has called all of this out. And the, I mean, in many ways, we know where this
is going.
This has been planned for a long, long time. People are unaware of that. But I also will say, I think this is a
complete and utter mental illness, frankly, Peter.
There are many, many things that we could put within that. I have sympathy for a lot of people that have
mental problems, but the fact this is a spiritual battle.
And now within the education, within the Scottish system, the relationship and sex education and
wanting to push the fact that if you're going to on four and five year olds,
discuss issues that four and five year olds should not know and you can even say they shouldn't know until
they're 16 years of age.
I'm not just, I'm not going to bring those up, but people can think about that. Frankly, Peter, it's
madness as far as I'm concerned.
Let me just bring up this story. I hadn't talked about the story Mark, but I want to just mention it because it
fits into this. And that's why you're very popular. Shut that off. (strange music starts) Is that you?
No, it's not me. It's not me. It's not me. Yes, it is me. I do apologize.
That's okay. He's popular. He's popular. Someone's not watching him on the show, realizing he's
live. Let me just bring up this story because again, if it's in, I'll just mention it. This New York Post two days
ago, BBC covered it yesterday. Norwegian actress Tondre Gjelvjorn,
my Norwegian isn't so good, faces up to three years in prison for saying men cannot be lesbians. And then it
comes out later, yesterday she is gay. So she's a lesbian. So as a lesbian,
she said that men can't be lesbians and she's now facing three years in prison for saying that according to
Norway's hate speech legislations, which it just shows the state of Europe and,
compelled speech, extremely dangerous, whenever truth can be a lie and it's irrelevant, right or wrong. That's
where we're going. What happens when you abandon any concept of truth.
This is where you head. I just wanted to bring that up, but let's go on to, there are lots of others. So
let's jump on to COVID to add to the madness. And this is what's, it's been very
curious watching the last two weeks over in China. And this is Shanghai schools to go online as COVID
spreads in China. Pro Jam, do you want to just scroll that down? This is all the children,
and of course still masked up, even with the vote being fully jabbed, not with an Mrna jab,
which is also really interesting.
But it's the largest city.
And they're all been told they now should go online effective from Monday. And it's, yeah, Mark,
you've watched what's happening with China and their zero COVID policy and the pushback against that.
Once again, the children are going to be punished for stupidity in the government.
Well, it's very interesting, isn't it?
Because they've just had a sort of a plandemic rerun of event 201 in Australia where they're they're focusing
on children saying something's happening in Brazil and all this kind of thing.
They've done a simulation here. We also must remember that the Chancellor of the Exchequer over here,
Jeremy Hunt, who sort of during the COVID-Novid nonsense was espousing the delights of how the Chinese
were handling this.
We saw scenes of people being put in their, they were in their flats and having doors sealed because they had
got they are tested positive for a virus. And again, we have all
these testing, instead of turning around and saying how many people have actually died.
From this. Then they have pushed forward all these vaccinations. Did you just say that the vaccination
to the Chinese was not mRNA?
That's what I read two days ago and that was Fortune magazine that said that not one Chinese citizen has
been offered mRNA vaccine. I thought, wow.
And I haven't delved deeper into that. I'm just putting that as what I read in Fortune magazine two,
three days ago.
So we have to remember, of course, you know, and then we've got Fauci in America, gained a function.
I can't recall 215 times or something in the recent legal action that he was a witness in. Why are we
People have got to wake up to event 201, September, October, 2019, where they simulated everything
that is now unfolding.
We then go to Australia, where it's children, et cetera, et cetera, and we see what is unfolding.
And very, very sadly, we see those children with masks.
We're now going to push their education onto Zoom. So there's even more mental health problems,
they're creating, more socialization problems that they are creating. The fact is China is a technocracy. It's a
technocracy. Complete lockdowns, complete control.
And let's just remind ourselves something, Peter. Who was the man, you know, there he is, fronting the
World Economic Forum.
Who was the man that is espousing the delights of the leader of China? I think it's the biggest bond villain
we've never had, Klaus Schwab. Yeah.
Absolutely. Let's go for closer to home. Projam. up the next one on what they're doing planning here in the
This was in the Telegraph a day or two ago. Meet the man preparing for Britain's next pandemic from a
The story is a joking story about him, someone knocking the windows, the postman, he has to get up
and the building they're in is a prefab building.
But this man is prepping the next stage, the next wave, however we want to look at it. He could be one of the
most dangerous individuals in the UK.
I read the story, again, a lot of information about him and what they've set up. I don't know much about his
I would have thought he would want to stay in the shadows, but it's a joking story, mocking this and that.
And it's concerning, obviously, that our government is all getting ready,
all planning for the next, I think the next stage, I would say, is a fair response to,
Well, I come back to Jeremy Hunt again. You know, Jeremy Hunt, who's actually running the country,
not Rishi Sunak. Jeremy Hunt, who turned around and absolutely celebrates
exposes the spouses, the delights of China and their reaction, their reaction to this. I mean, this whole thing
So you have SARS, you have MERS, you create whatever you can, you know, Ebola and all the rest.
This is not a popular thing to say, of course, because for some of us who do not have a medical background
over the last two to two and a half years,
we have tried to educate ourselves and say that the best immunity you have is our body. So whatever's been
put in the water,
the food, the air, the throwback to the fact that phar marcia here we break down
means magic, the fact that we should not even be having any of these vaccines, any of these pills, etc. And it
is about making an industry a load of money. So you then go to Pfizer in 2008, 2009, I think through a
subject through, we may have to check this afterwards, something called a pill,
called Merck or something like that and they with all the damage that's done where people are taking this
they then have to pay a fine up to 14 billion
dollars. Okay, the link here and this is not funny to actually turn around and say we're gonna lock people
down because their genocidal agenda and.
And it is, we look at the injuries that are now coming forward.
They are absolutely, I mean, you're just in tears listening to people's stories.
We look at when we've got people like John O'Looney who then able to do an autopsy on a particular body.
It's been out there, it's been, bless him, he's been talking about that.
There was on the film, Died Suddenly, you were then got an autopsy in New Zealand, a guy out there.
And they've been pulling out these long strands. Look at what's happening is doing to people's blood and the
clotting and all the rest. So all these long strands.
I am not a medical doctor. I'll just say that. But the key is this is wrong.
It's as though they're being like plasticizer going on. And mRNA, as you know, recent technology, of course
they've had it planned for a long, long time.
They haven't properly tested this and all the rest and they've rushed it out.
And it's a mass psychosis on the population, as that incredible professor whose name has just gone from me,
from Belgium, where he talks about this.
Desmond Matisse, sir. Desmond.
Precisely. So My Body, My Choice does not seem to apply when people are turning around and going, sorry,
with great respect, I believe in terrain, and I don't believe in germ theory.
This is not a joke, and as you said, so the next thing is plan to lock us down, wreck the economy, bring
in the social credit score and all the rest, and I think very sadly.
People like Rishi Sunak seem to believe in this, whether that's through a father-in-law's company of
Infosys that's then involved in China and involved in all these processes. We are not making this up.
The key verse says, Hosea 4 verse 6 says, "'My people are destroyed through lack of knowledge,' and we
need to get this knowledge.
There's now, I'll tell you what, Peter, we need to do some research.
There is the accusation, of course, We know that Rishi has been involved in various financial dealings, hedge
funds, etc. in America. And there is an accusation of a particular hedge fund investing in AstraZeneca,
leading to Moderna, etc. etc.
That is an accusation that's out there. That needs to be followed up.
And we need to research this and find out because all of these guys are up to their neck in it. We have to
remember when Boris Johnson was having the Gavi conference and saying that he's going to use our
taxpayers' money to go in that direction.
What about the comments he made at the UN roundabout September, October 2019?
He's having a go at anti-vaxxers. He's bestowing the delights of nanobots and all this kind of thing.
This is a reality. We are seeing the damage and the mass psychosis, the mass psychological attack
from, you know, nudge, etc, etc.
They've done such a good job on this, which is awful.
We've still got people around in society in this country wearing masks. I have to work out.
Forgiving here and just going, you are completely and utterly believe the Kool-Aid of what you've
been given through the mainstream media and please, please, please start listening to us
and doing some of the research. But this has been, I hate to say it, extremely clever on the enemy's side.
Oh yeah and Died Suddenly, I watched it over the last couple of days ago and one of the
reasons why I knew I had to watch it. And then just for the viewers, we've got Richard Hirschman on
Monday. Obviously I've interviewed John O'Looney, interviewed Steve Kirsch, and I wanted to watch it
before I get interviewed. And it is a frightening... I still, and I'll just say this,
the point will not discuss, but I still am not at the point of accepting the depopulation.
And I'm holding off on that.
But even without that, which is a kind of thread throughout the film, what they're putting forward is utterly
frightening and it's even more concerning that no one is allowed to talk about it.
So the film is phenomenal film. You need to watch it to our viewers and listeners and you need to pass it on.
And we'll have Richard Hirshman with us on Monday who was along with John O'Looney and the
gentleman from New Zealand who I've forgotten, the three of them were the funeral directors,
the embalmers who were showing those long threads and strings and elastic substances,
they were pulling out.
But we'll not, I just wanted to mention that. Let's onto this and this is something that's mentioned.
This is something which I have looked at recently and become really, really concerned about. This story,
cancer crisis reaches a watershed moment as experts warn upward trend in deaths is likely to
continue. So you've got people not seeing, I think only 60% of people now see a cancer specialist within two
months of being referred for an urgent appointment from their their GPs. So you've got,
one side you've got lockdown decimating our health services. But then you've got the other side of mRNA
and the information is coming
out on the spike proteins and how it can affect cancerous growth and speed it up. And that's the whole
area I need to go.
But those two in my head make this concerning. It's coming out and it's just getting worse and worse, the
cancer rates.
Well, I think the issue is it's about neglect, isn't it? If you have not been able to see your specialist with the
health problem that you have had,
then that saying the obvious is not rocket science, is it?
That means that your need is not being seen to. As a dear friend of mine who works in the NHS system
within the middle of the country,
it's still going on about the fact that doctors are not returning to work properly.
To access a doctor, to have an appointment online, etc. The delay is huge.
Nurses are not going back. But then again, if they were threatened with a jab and they refused to have a jab,
then do you blame them?
There needs to be some very, very big secure legal action on this. So doctors are still being very well paid
within certain practices that we are all paying for. And they are not seeing the patients.
The other thing is, and maybe, Peter, this is something that we can all contribute to, is that these people,
sadly, that are suffering from cancer and all the rest, we need to be looking at homeopathic remedies, and
they are there.
I am not an expert on that. A friend of mine, Kate Shimarni, is in regard to, has a lot to say on that herself and
in regard to her own personal health.
People have as well and those some of those experts are in are in America we need to address those.
So we need to be encouraging as, Kate is, people to take responsibility for their health what can they
do and we know we know the attacks that are coming in so without sort of repeating myself I'll say
this if you are being denied access to these specialists then sadly the situation you are in,
is going to get worse and this is where I would say that as far as I'm concerned that is contrived,
I believe of course that is deliberate and it isn't the physical effects and then contribute then linked with the
mental effects and this combined-ness is horrific. [22:43]
If people are going, how long does it take to get an ambulance to people if you're looking at this in
London and all the rest? So the demands are huge. But the other thing is, is that we have got to, I'm speaking
to myself, we have got to take responsibility for our own health.
What can we do? We need to be educating ourselves over that.
And you and I have access to incredible people that can do that. And that's what we need to be doing.
And these doctors, et cetera, need to be getting back to work immediately.
And of course, sadly, a number of those, as a particular gentleman who's the heart specialist, We'll come on
to that article later, who has been speaking out.
NHS doctors, a number of those, are fully aware of what's going on. They need to be speaking out as well.
Yeah, completely. Well, let's, over in the States, let's look at some rhinos. So this, I saw the story yesterday.
Here are the Republicans who voted against reinstating troops who refused the vaccine. Now the story is that
four Republican senators joined Democrats in shutting down an amendment to defense authorization package
that would have reinstated troops discharged for refusing.
To take the COVID-19 vaccine.
It was Mitt Romney, is he actually a Republican? I can't even say his name with a Republican in the same
Susan Collins of Maine, Bill Cassie of Louisiana and Mike Rounds of South Dakota. They voted no in the
last mid-amendment so it failed.
I don't understand the evil of these people to refuse because my understanding is that you've got your jab-jab
and then you were told that was good for a long time, then you're told actually it was me good for nine
months, six months, three months.
But these people haven't been forced to take a booster.
So even if you believe that, that actually that was good for nine months, actually then And after nine
it doesn't work according to what we're told. Therefore, it doesn't make sense to keep the mandate whenever
you are not continually rolling out the booster. But not to get these people
their jobs back is quite sick. And these are obviously rhinos, I guess, dancing to Biden's,
Well, of course, it's absolutely sick. And you look at those individuals, you look at people like Mitt Romney
for argument's sake, let's just go to that.
Establishment, a part of the globalist order, we haven't got time to discuss that tonight. He is totally
and utterly in on it.
And the four people there deciding to vote against reinstating all these people to make sure that they're
military, they're supposed to be protecting them, but they're most of all got their own private armed services,
themselves that they pay for. They are being paid by the taxpayer and they are then they've just voted against
this. These people need to be in jail. This is
outrageous. All of these people need to be called out and they are and they are then turning around to their
military, weakening their military even more and
going right we're gonna vaccinate these people. We have had a lot of American military then leave, resign etc
over this. Their religious rights.
As committed Christians etc have not or if they are of other faiths have not been respected one iota
and I'll say this without sounding conspiratorial but if you want to weaken,
a country's defense this enough is a very very good way of actually doing it. We have got some of They have
got some of the elitist military service people, personnel in the world.
We could have an argument between our own special boat service and theirs and their rangers and all the
But they are top. And then these people are having vaccinations and you've got these extremely fit young
men, young women suffering from myocarditis, suffering from all the rest that in the video guide suddenly
actually raises.
But more importantly, more importantly, people have to realise that within Washington DC politics, the [27:51]
Republicans and the Democrats, they're two wings of the same bird.
And if God is giving that time, all of these disgusting pieces of work need to be thrown out of the House,
thrown out of the Senate, etc. And we know that at the moment that is not easy because of the digital.
That goes on from creating a situation where you've got voting day, to voting week, to voting month,
to voting season.
We only have to look at what's been happening with Kari Lake in Arizona. So I hope that these people, the
four of these names, will never ever ever be forgotten.
Yeah, yeah. Let's go over to the WHO and the awards given out, the WHO awards ceremony, and it goes,
to this individual, Sir Jeremy Farrar, and the headline in the mail.
And it's interesting how suddenly you've got the media on the right now wanting to talk about it after
actively trying to destroy people's lives as much as they could for two years.
They now pretend they're the mouthpieces of truth and freedom.
But China's puppet, the World Health Organization, named Sir Jeremy Farrar the influential scientist who
helped to crush COVID lab leak theory as conspiracy as its new chief scientist.
This is one of the most prestigious roles in the world of science. It seems though he has been rewarded for
his acceptance of whatever China would put out.
He was happy to be their mouthpiece and now he's been rewarded with his 30 pieces of silver.
Is there in that article is Imperial college mentioned in that article or was Imperial college mentioned
in the man that's in his sort of mobile, mobile cabinet?
The reason I say that is because we have to remember the Imperial college and they all focus in, Oh, you
know, a hundred thousand people are going to die. No, it goes down to 20,000.
The biggest non-mathematician that we've ever had. All of these things, how these models are created. Now
in regard to this gentleman who I don't know, I've I've just read this article very briefly. So then we're.
Crushing the COVID, novid nonsense lab theory. Well, let's just go, what about gain of function? So
we are stopped from doing gain of function in America. We then Fauci says, and here is the, there is a link
Fauci then says in 2017 that the Trump administration is going to face a pandemic.
Well, how the beeper beep do you know that?
So then the WHO are covering this up, the man in front of the WHO from Ethiopia, a member of a terrorist
group in the past or the group that the Americans round about,
94, 95 or say, no, maybe 2005,
six Tetros says you're a member of a terrorist organization, etc.
Then suddenly there's all this legislation to hand over the individual responsibility of a country's health
policy to the who.
And of course, who backs the who? Bill Gates, who backs them? China, they're all involved. So this
particular gentleman, with great respect, sir, you need to actually look at what is going on.
You need to look at the Wuhan lab. You need to look at that smart city.
You need to look at the 5G.
You need to look at all this technology of control that's coming about. And then you need to look at
the vaccines and the damage that they are doing to people.
And the deaths that are being caused and the injuries are being caused. And then please can we have a
polite conversation and actually say to you, where is your moral compass now?
Moral compass in regards to China and the WHO and this. Pro Jam, can you bring up the next story?
On what was the next story? Our next story was the absolutely wonderful Andrew Bridgen.
For those who don't know, Andrew Bridgen is one of our 650 MPs and has spoken in the House of
There have been a number of others, handful, you can count them on one hand. This individual has, this is
the headline from the Express, it's all over.
MP alleges cover-up of COVID vaccine, inflaming heart arteries in bombshell claim. Well, this claim has
been made for quite a long time now, but an MP has used parliamentary privilege to make a bombshell [32:49]
allegation that a senior member of the British Heart Foundation has covered up a report,
which shows the mRNA COVID vaccine increases inflammation of the heart arteries. So he is telling us the
information is there. They've got a report to tell us the dangers of this
and the report is being quietly put away. The sad part was that I didn't see any other end.
He's jumping up to his defence. It was, it was silence, but well done, Andrew Bridgen for being an
absolute hero and going in there to the lion's den and facing off such anger and vitriol against anyone who
would dare hold an.
Opinion that actually this vaccine is killing us.
I couldn't agree with you more on it. It's a, it's a real privilege for me to actually comment on this
because Andrew I think is an absolute hero in what he did.
We do know, we can see as some people have pointed out to me, how empty the benches in the House of
Commons were and I'd ask them to put that aside because the point is this is that he has now
gone on the record to express truth. He has gone on the record to express how many many of us have He has
gone on the record to actually say the truth where certain friends of ours have been billified,
we've been called conspiracy theorists and all the rest, for speaking the truth for some time.
This is a particular MP who publicly admitted that he has had two vaccines. We have seen people like Esther
McVeigh as another member of parliament who has begun to raise some of these issues.
There is a number of people. We need MPs, whereas people like Steve Baker, etc. We need these MPs
to speak out. There's another individual as well whose name...
Charles Walker has spoken and Swain has also spoken.
Is there a guy called Kruger? Could be.
So Andrew said it absolutely brilliantly, the particular doctor that he quoted, whose name has just gone from
me as well, I do apologise, who has recently been over in America on Tucker talking about what has
Doctor that went on G.B. News and he was pushing the vaccines and then suddenly through his own
father's death and his own investigation, he then turned around and said, no, this is wrong.
These are wrong and we should not be pushing this.
He also raised the fact that the the Heart Foundation, etc.
Were were just saying, no, we're not having this investigation whatsoever. Now going going back to Andrew
and what he said, and it's not unusual for Andrew to challenge things and to hold to hold the government
government to account.
He has been a thorn in the flesh on previous, you know, conservative manner of administrations. And if I
were part of his constituency in Leicester, I would right now be sending an email for my MP going,
You've got my you you have my prayers and I'm extremely proud of you for what you have done because
many many I watched I've seen it.
I've watched that speech. Many many people have watched that and there is much applause.
Now Andrew as I say he desperately needs our prayers and our and God's protection in that in that
way. and like all these people, a bit like Neil Oliver when he is speaking out and when he does his
incredible 10 or 11 minute presentations. And I find it fascinating that in many ways in this country there are
non-Christians that are leading the vanguard to this. It's another subject,
but where is the church's voice on this? We have no Christian, let's just say it publicly, we have,
no Christian institution in this country addressing the issue of vaccines. And I'm pleased and so,
pleased to see a Member of Parliament of Andrew Brigdon of turning around and saying, I'm going to
represent my constituents. I believe this is true. I am concerned about this. And I'm,
going to speak on behalf of the rest of the population within the UK that actually share my views and it is the
evidence is out there the particular doctor that he he quoted is an absolute
expert on this and that particular doctor also revealed that once he spoke out other people came and
said this is true but we can't talk about it we need all these doctors etc to start speaking out but of course it's
going to be you're not going to get your pension we're going to well,
We're not actually, this is the key thing. [37:49]
People who are accessing research funding are turning around and saying, well, if we speak out, we're
not going to get our research funding. This is wrong, where in the sense of how
big pharma is dictating health policy in this country.
Need to look at and I just say the word pharmacy, pharmacia, meaning magic. Bear that in mind from
a spiritual and scriptural point of view.
Let me just play, it's just a minute, so let me just play that clip from the Express of Andrew Bridgen
speaking and you can see the packed parliament. Let me play it.
(audio plays of Andrew Bridgen MP)
'It has also been brought to my attention by a very reliable source that one of these institutions is covering up
clear data that reveals that the mRNA vaccine increases inflammation of,
the heart arteries. They are covering this up in fear that they may lose funding from the pharmaceutical
industry. The lead of that cardiology research department has a prominent
leadership role with the British Heart Foundation and I'm very disappointed to say that he has sent out nondisclosure agreements to his research team to ensure that this important,
data never sees the light of day. This, Madam Speaker, is an absolute disgrace. Such systemic failure in an
over-medicated population also contributes to huge waste of British taxpayers' money and increasing strain
on the NHS.
Huge waste.'
So there are four members of parliament in there listening to this. Now what about the benches on the other
How many are there on the other side? So in other words, let's just say it.
But Mark, there are four on that side, the one that government minister has to respond. You've got four
other MPs there.
Three of them are staring at their phones as far as I can see. They're not interested in people dying.
Well, there's a particular, there was an individual that I saw last night and I saw him who has had the
vaccines and you know, I'm nearly in tears when I'm listening to him and the
effect on his body of this particular young man.
There are a number of others again saying this, publicising what has happened against them.
This is disgusting. And then we have Rishi Sunak, our technocratic coup fronter, turns around and says, oh,
there's nothing wrong with the vaccines and I completely support this and all of this.
The fact that the members of parliament, someone has mean this, you know.
Discussing this, there's no one in there, but when they're discussing their pay rise, the whole of
Westminster is absolutely full. Now, I say it again, Andrew Brigdon is an
incredibly brave man and an honourable man now to then look at the evidence, the evidence has come to him
and he, over a period of time, would have assessed that evidence and by using
parliamentary privilege, which frankly we should all have that privilege and we all, that is this thing called
free speech, we can turn around and say well I believe this, there has been an
accusation that we need to look into. We are, we are, we have a right to have our opinion and that's,
why the whole address that Andrew Brigdon made was so important to many of us because he was
articulating in the Houses of Parliament how we have felt when so many people, and a particular
individual I can think of, where they're taken to court, they are prosecuted, because they've actually spoken
up and said the truth. You know, it's outrageous.
Well, I want to jump over three more stories. I want to jump over to New Zealand, and this is
following on, I'm sure we covered this last week on our program. This is second anti-vax,
couple. Hey, everyone should be anti-vax at this stage. I certainly am anti-vax at this stage. I wasn't before,
so thank you, my government for turning me into a full on anti-vaxer.
Second anti-vax couple want unvaccinated blood for seriously ill toddler. And the issue was last time where a
child's been taken away from
a couple, not because actually there's surgery about to happen, but it's because it will have to happen at
some point and they say they don't want unvaccinated blood. This is really scary,
where we're going because obviously the concern is you get a blood transfusion, you're unvaccinated, you
receive blood which has dangerous spike proteins, whatever else is in it, and then And actually you've chosen
not to get injected by this experimental jab, but you get it through,
a blood transfusion.
And obviously our government don't give a damn, but they'll pump you with anything they want to.
And I fear for this couple that the same thing will happen to them. They'll have their children taken away.
Well, there is precedent through us through to this through different means. and we have to remember during
the 90s of the, and just before that, of blood coming from
American prisoners in America, and this was big then under the Clinton campaign, and I can speak
anecdotally from first-hand experience where a dear friend of mine had a blood transfusion and and was then
was then infectious with hepatitis B, etc.
There has been a huge and praise God, completely healed.
There has been a huge court case that started at the beginning of covid, no big nonsense because people had
taken the finally the NHS in court were beginning to address this issue. And of course, it's been very
Because people are now come to the New Zealand case in a minute.
But this is important because people that were seeking compensation, a number of those people had died, a
number of those people had contracted, you know, full-blown aids and all this rest.
This is a reality and of course that blood was then brought over from America via prisoners. So this is
appalling isn't it? So this couple have turned round and gone, no we're not vaccinated, we're not vaccinated.
Reason we will now push this forward. Now there was a discussion on needing blood banks from
unvaccinated people.
And look at how there was enough division as it is. Then we create even more division and look at
how this can absolutely carry out.
At the moment, with great respect, hospitals are not the places that we want to end up in. Exactly. And I'm
not saying that for a fact. So this couple desperately need our prayers,
they're entitled. We look at, you know, Jacinda, Jacinda Mann de Hearn. I mean, this is just appalling. This is
just appalling. I have prayed that that woman just gets kicked out politically.
And that someone genuinely comes in who actually believes in that country and help turn things
I cannot say enough how appalling this is. They have a right.
They have a right to how their child is treated.
They have a right to their opinion, which they can back up medically. Now, what would happen if this
child then has a full blown transfusion?
We then see the fact that that blood is tested, it is infected and all the rest. We don't even want to go down
that road.
But this could be happening in that case and in other people's cases. And why do they not respect, this is
interesting, it's linked with the Scottish article that you put up earlier. Why do they not respond?
The comments and the authority of the parents in this situation, because the state wants to own the
This is another way of the state undermining family, and there has been enough attack on that as it is.
Yeah. Let's go to our final two stories, This one on immigration, which gets pushed to the sidelines whenever
our children are being killed through a jab.
Channel migrants to be housed in holiday camps.
And that is that more than 44,000 migrants have crossed the channel this year and officials believe
there are 6,000 more coming in the coming weeks.
Disuse in off-season holiday parks, because they've used up all the hotels, are said to be turned into [48:19]
accommodation for channel migrants as ministers attempt to reduce the $5.6 million,
a day being spent on hotels, which is what, just over $2 billion. It's wonderful when you can turn up in the
country. I certainly haven't had that privilege, Mark, turning up in the country and suddenly, well, your hotel
is ready, sir. We know you haven't paid,
but here, we'll give you accommodation. I guess we are paying for this nice jolly that these 44,000 men of
fighting age are having?
Well, absolutely. The issue that has to be said is that if you are not, as a country, able to defend your borders
or in charge of your borders, then we have the definition of country being redefined.
It's very, very simple, but this has been going on for a long time.
We look at, of course, the migration issues in Europe that have gone on a couple of years ago and sadly a
baby's body is washed up on the beach and then suddenly...
Mass migration into Europe, into Germany, Sweden, etc. etc. This is the English Channel. In 1944, we
crossed the English Channel. Hitler didn't come over. It was dealt with. We crossed,
over the English Channel. We floated the Mulberry Harbours and we invaded Europe. It's a very, very busy,
dangerous piece of water. The Navy helped in that situation. We of course had Dunkirk,
a load of little ships went over and we brought all these soldiers back. Get the British Navy off its backside
and out there and start turning these boats back. And the problem is, if under Teresa
May you had signed the global migration compact without discussing that with the British public.
And I had written a letter to my then Member of Parliament asking about this issue and a particular
individual wrote back and I need to find these letters and publish them on my website,
along with a few other letters on various subjects. And the issue was this, oh no, no, No, no, this won't affect
It's very simple.
It's very, very simple indeed.
Turn them back. Get them back.
This has to stop and you're right. The other issue of men coming over of a fighting age.
John O'Looney has said some very, very interesting comments about this that we all need to do some
research and follow up.
Because if you want to cause chaos in a country, and let's just quickly look at Europe, we quickly look at
what happened in Spain, Catalan, et cetera.
At various times, and also in France with the yellow vest, at various times when police forces are in
complete black Star Wars garb.
Where they are unrecognizable, we then wonder where the particular forces that are in those uniforms
have actually come from.
And there is a correlation here.
If you did want to put down the people of a particular country, you're not going to ask your local police force,
your local army to actually do that because there will be personal relationships with that.
We only have to go back to our own history of the miners strike in this country, where you were bringing up
metropolitan police officers up to the Midlands and there wasn't the family commitments.
That is what has been going on in Europe. I suspect we need to find the proof. So why are these gentlemen
over here?
With various crew cuts and all the rest. Is there a correlation between this? This accusation needs to be
looked at very very quickly,
but I'll tell you something if a country is not in charge of its own borders, if it's not in charge of its own
money supply, if it's not in charge of its own laws, etc.
And it's not. Then the definition of a country is then completely and utterly and in not in charge of its
own language then the
country is defined as a non country so ending if we end this in the in one sense if we look at the Tower of
Babel biblically hence all that's going on, [53:19]
hence that there is a repeat of that so if you then write the book the fourth Industrial Revolution which
basically is the fourth Reich then this is the,
situation you are using. You are using this situation to undermine the foundations of a country and to then
change it.
Yeah. Let's finish off on two minutes on UK politics. We don't really want to talk depressing the state of
politics in the UK, but this is a shock poll suggests Labour will win 314
Commons majority at general election and Tories will be left with just 69 MPs. Thank you Lord.
And with even Rishi Sunak losing his seat. Projam, can you just scroll down just to the graph, to the
map? There's a map all in red. There it is. There it is. That is what the UK will look like,
after. And I kind of think it serves them right, Mark. And actually, under Keir Stammerick, I don't think it
could be any worse. But what are your thoughts on these Rhino Tories getting kicked out?
Absolutely. Well, the problem is where, you know, every single party you could argue within the,
within the commons is either socialist light, socialist extreme, socialist not so obvious, socialist obvious.
So, Keir Starmer, this is what the chattering classes of Islington, etc.
This is what they want. And the press and all the rest, they have never forgiven Boris Johnson for the fact
that he led the Brexit revolt, even though remember he's a populist.
It's all about being popular.
He's an opportunist. We can say, a number of us can say that now. is a is a closet liberal and and really
if you really ask you know I don't believe is a conviction politician whatsoever. Yes you are right. The,
issue is this is that so many of them they are all the same and the problem is about socialism it works
wonders until they run out of other people's money. So,
we have the SNP, we have the Welsh Nats, we have Sinn Fein, we have the Labour party and then of course
we have these conservatives. A country that is not sorting out the fact that it needs to establish a
manufacturing base, it needs to export basic economics. I'm not an economic expert but I am self-employed.
That doesn't then work. It defines, it,
impress one iota and of course it would be led by you know Starmer as an interesting individual people need
to research his past however the the thing is what about what the low labor party backed in regard to coven
no big they wanted something that was even even worse and worse
lockdowns and worse this and worse that they're not in it you know what about life liberty and in the
pursuit of happiness within our own, within our own country and freedom.
They actually don't they don't want it because every single person virtually except Andrew Bridgen, except
Esther McVey, except a few others.
The rest of them believe in statism. The real quick issue is this. Whatever people think of Liz Truss
now, you know, blowing up Nord Stream 1, Nord Stream 2.
An interesting little theory there.
The key thing is this, and Kwasi Kwateng
Suddenly it was like, we need to go for economic growth. We need to grow ourselves out of this
Now, if you then create a huge downturn in the Asian markets and you deliberately go, oh, let's panic.
Now we're gonna get rid of her. she then makes her.
State, now we then bring in, we bring in this technocrat. There is no difference between Rishi Sunak
and Starmer. There is no difference politically in either side. That's why I turn
around and say slightly sarcastically, it's socialism light or it's socialism heavy.
Yeah, completely. Mark, thank you so much for coming on and sharing your views. Always Good to have
you with us. So thank you for your time tonight. [57:44]
And it's an absolute privilege and lovely to join you. And thank you. Thank you for letting me rant. I do
appreciate it.
I enjoy your ranting.
So don't you worry. It's always good fun. Let me just say there were there were two pictures just
want to show you as we finish.
Obviously, Sam Bankman Fried, who's the who set up a Ponzi scheme pretending it was a cryptocurrency
and funded all the Democrats.
Actually, he's on suicide watch now and I believe we've just got a picture of his prison guard so I think he
does need to worry about his suicide watch.
He may be no more. So do pray for Sam that, actually the same thing, he doesn't have an Epstein moment.
Let me show the other two.
This was a picture I sent someone who, this was at the airport whenever I flew back last time and this was an
I don't know where he put that on because he saw me, but anyway, that he was heading off to the airplane,
wasn't on mine.
And I said that to my friend.
This is what they sent back. And I think it's a good model for us to live this week. And I know this
doesn't apply to any of you.
And it is this John Wayne quote, 'life is tough, but it's tougher when you're stupid' and I think sometimes we
meet many stupid people.
So, life is tough, but you watching are not stupid. You want to understand, you want to reason, but there are
some stupid.
So be gentle with the stupid people you meet this week. Be gentle with them.
And on that, I wish our viewers a wonderful rest of your evening. Thank you for joining us. Enjoy the rest of
your Saturday, your weekend, and we will see you with Richard Hirschman on Monday from the film Died

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