Welcome to our regular review of some of the talking points and headlines of the past seven days and we are joined by the brilliantly outspoken David Kurten.
David is full of common sense and fearless in his use of free speech as the listeners to his weekday show on TNT Radio will very well know.
Plenty to get stuck into as we dig a little deeper into some of the posts David has made on his very popular X social media account and we discuss some of what has caught our eye in the press and from across the web, including...
- He needs to be gone: The unelected UK foreign secretary wants more LGBTQQIAAPPP+ in Africa.
- Not Our Flag: What is this woke abomination? 
- Former foreign minister being investigated after he said pro-Israel “extremists” in the party should be kicked out.
- Police Scotland has received more than 3K hate crime reports since a new law was introduced.
- US Secretary of State Blinken says Ukraine will be NATO member.
- BULLSHIT ALERT: 'This could be 100 times worse than Covid' Bird flu warning from scientists.
- Poll putting Tories on 98 seats shows ‘real anger’ of the public.
- Illegal migrants are eligible for £1,600 a month under a “nonsensical” system in Labour-run Wales.

David Kurten is the leader of the Heritage Party, a political party in the UK which stands for free speech, traditional family values, national sovereignty, and defending our culture and heritage against extreme political correctness and ‘woke’ ideology.
He was a London Assembly Member from 2016 to 2021.
Before entering politics, David was a Chemistry teacher and taught in high schools in the UK, Botswana, Bosnia-Herzegovina, the USA and Bermuda.
David presents his own show on TNT Radio, weekdays 10-11am (gmt)
Connect with David and The Heritage Party...
WEBSITE          heritageparty.org      
X                       x.com/davidkurten
TNT RADIO      tntradio.live/presenters/david-kurten

Recorded  5.4.24
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Links to topics...
Foreign secretary https://x.com/davidkurten/status/1775762615093923973
Not our flag https://x.com/davidkurten/status/1775199279218373079
Conservatives https://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/politics/tory-peer-israel-gaza-investigation-duncan-b2523466.html
Police Scotland https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-scotland-scotland-politics-68721208
Ukraine https://www.reuters.com/world/europe/us-secretary-state-blinken-says-ukraine-will-be-nato-member-2024-04-04/
Bird flu  https://www.dailymail.co.uk/health/article-13268235/This-100-times-worse-Covid-Bird-flu-warning-scientists-say-HALF-infections-H5N1-people-fatal-White-House-says-monitoring-situation.html
real anger https://web.archive.org/web/20240403015344/https://www.telegraph.co.uk/politics/2024/03/31/sir-iain-duncan-smith-votes-are-angry-at-government/
nonsensical https://www.express.co.uk/news/politics/1884146/illegal-migrants-basic-income