We are delighted to welcome Connor Tomlinson to help us look back at some of the talking points of the last seven days and we go a bit deeper on some of the posts that Connor has shared on his social media.
Connor is a presenter and writer for the brilliant LotusEaters and has an army of fans for his articulate and succinct analysis of what's going on in the world, so we can't wait to hear his thoughts on the topics this episode, including...
- Parliament Vs Islamism
- Metropolitan Police investigation of Dan Wootton finds no evidence, decides no further action.
- Woke Army: British soldiers transitioning to be a pretend woman can live in female-only barracks 'as soon as the transition process begins'
- Men and women's brains do work differently, scientists discover for first time.
- Disgusting nonce who helped run a child abuse website that shared sexual abuse material of babies and toddlers on the dark web has been jailed.
- Widow sues AstraZeneca after husband's Covid-19 vaccine death.
- A British Trident nuclear missile misfired and crashed into the ocean near the submarine that launched it during a test last month.
- 'Bankrupt’ Birmingham reveals 21% council tax rise.

Connor Tomlinson is a writer and podcast host at LotusEaters. He was a co-founder and Head of Research at the British Conservation Alliance (2019-2022). He published the research paper, “It’s Easy being Green”, with The Adam Smith Institute, which shaped the Nuclear Energy (Financing) Bill (2022). He is a political commentator for GB News and TalkTV, and wrote regular columns for the Global Warming Policy Foundation, C3 Solutions Magazine, and The American Spectator. He is an alumni of the first UK cohort of contributors for Young Voices, and holds a Masters in English from the University of Kent.

Connect with Connor and LotusEaters...
X                        https://x.com/Con_Tomlinson?s=20
Lotuseaters       https://www.lotuseaters.com/

Interview recorded 23.2.24

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Links from this episode...
Sir Lindsay Hoyle https://x.com/BBCPolitics/status/1760652326002401783?s=20
Dan Wootton  https://order-order.com/2024/02/21/exclusive-metropolitan-police-investigation-of-dan-wootton-finds-no-evidence-met-decides-no-further-action/
British soldiers https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-13106989/Transgender-soldiers-female-barracks-UK-guidance.html
child abuse https://x.com/lotuseatersnews/status/1759876275726868789?s=20
AstraZeneca https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-leicestershire-68285232
Female students https://archive.is/e3Xyl
British nuclear missile https://archive.is/EnVXg
Bankrupt Birmingham https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-birmingham-68342493