There has been much talk about states in the US breaking up, and with the current division being driven by the pitiful Biden administration, this is no surprise.
Texas and Florida have been more conservative states while places like New England are classed as more liberal.
Could Texas, Florida and other Conservative states actually break away and form a new country or become separate states in their own right?
America is after all a 'United States' of America and if the states are not united together then is a breakup on the cards?
Scott Dragland has studied all elements of this and has written a book on whether Texit is a reality or even actually possible.
Join us on this very different episode as we ask, Is the US of A coming to an end?

Scott Winston Dragland is an Army veteran, West Point graduate, and the author of Let My People Go: Why Texas Must Regain Its Independence.
A synopsis of the book:
The Federal Government is openly hostile toward the Texan people:
It is waging war on American oil and natural gas producers
It is crushing the middle class with inflation
It has opened the southern border to invasion
It is using your tax dollars to subsidize the slaughter of unborn children
Its President is illegitimate
Its Intelligence Community is politicized
It wants to eliminate election integrity in all of the States
It is promoting a neo-Marxist ideology which threatens the survival of America’s founding principles
The Federal Government is beyond redemption. Any attempt to drain the swamp, however valiant, is doomed to failure. Furthermore, if we cannot have authentic presidential elections, then the United States is no longer a constitutional Republic. The U.S. Constitution still exists on paper, but no longer exists in practice. If Texans want to live in a free and prosperous country, with limited government and the rule of law, they should be willing to consider independence from the federal regime.
Peaceful, lawful secession will give Texans control over their own destinies.
When Texas is an independent nation:
- Texans will have a bright future of economic growth, energy security, and personal liberty
- Texans will not be impeded by climate alarmists who want to make cars, trucks, and gasoline unaffordable for the middle class
- Texans will be able to defend their own borders without a hostile federal regime opposing them every step of the way
- Texans' federal tax dollars will not be spent on the murder of unborn children across the United States
- Texans will be in a stronger position from which they can resist the neo-Marxist attack on America's Christian heritage
In Let My People Go, Scott examines both the urgent necessity and constitutional legality of withdrawing from the Union. This is not another hand-wringing commentary that laments the demise of America. This is an action-oriented book that proposes a way forward. It is time for the red States and the blue States to shake hands and part ways, in a peaceful, lawful manner.

Buy it from Amazon in paperback, Kindle or on Audible audiobooks

Follow and support Scott at

Interview recorded 4.5.22

*Special thanks to Bosch Fawstin for recording our intro/outro on this podcast.
Check out his art and follow him on GETTR
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