Show-Notes and Transcript

Matt Le Tissier has experienced how fickle and nasty the British media can be. Overnight he went from being a football legend to a dangerous conspiracy theorist and anti vaxxer! 
'Le God' returns to Hearts of Oak to talk about the ongoing attempts by the media to attack and discredit him. 
We discuss how even outlets we trusted as believers in free speech have apparently become government mouthpieces on the COVID new-speak and how can Britain only have one single MP who will challenge and question the COVID tyranny and jab nonsense.
We also touch on Matt's team, Southampton. 
After 20 years in the top flight they have recently been relegated and we chat about what Matt thinks went wrong this season.
So join us this episode for more straight talking and common sense from an absolute gentleman.

Matt Le Tissier is a bona fide football legend, often described as one of the most naturally talented players of his time, the man that south coast residents call ‘Le God’ and one of the most famous soccer stars of the 1990's.
Matt joined Southampton FC on the YTS scheme in 1985, signed professional forms with them the following year at 16 years of age and for the next 16 years he put loyalty above riches and remained at the club.
A hero to his fans for his creativity, he was the first midfielder to score 100 goals in the Premier League and Matt's penalty taking abilities were renowned, converting 47 out of 48 from the spot.
Then for 15 years he was on our TV screens every week on Sky Sports giving his commentary on the Premier League football matches.
This all came to a screeching halt when he tweeted his thoughts on the Ukraine/Russia conflict, refused to wear a badge on-air of an organisation he had no interest in being associated with and also retweeting a post that questioned the government line on COVID.
These actions were apparently outside the accepted new-speak and for these crimes he was sacked.

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Interview recorded 18.5.23

*Special thanks to Bosch Fawstin for recording our intro/outro on this podcast.

Check out his art and follow him on GETTR and Twitter 

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(Hearts of Oak)

Hello Hearts of Oak and welcome to another interview coming up in a moment with Matt Le Tissier who rejoins us and we start off looking at obviously the attacks that he has faced through the media on him and his family for simply questioning the COVID narrative and then how the media have turned on people like Andrew Bridgen, the one MP who's spoken up on vaccine harms and how the media have attacked him including media that we trusted like Spiked Online and what that means for our trust in those media institutions that we did rely on for news before.
And then we look at 25 percent of Americans not having the jab, latest data coming out, that CDC originally said it was eight percent, three times higher. Again, everything is changing.
And then we finish off just asking Matt how he stays sane in the midst of the chaos.

And it's wonderful to have the football legend Matt Le Tissier back with us again.
Matt, thank you for your time today.

(Matt Le Tissier)

My pleasure Pete, good to see you mate.

Always good to have you on and if we can, well obviously your handle there is your Twitter handle, people can follow you and you tweet regularly so people can get all the information their own events you're at, speaking events, your thoughts on the news, everything is there.
But maybe first, Matt, my commiserations to you on Southampton's, what, 11 seasons in the Premiership finishing. Yeah, that obviously was your life for many, many years.
It must be quite sad whenever it all goes.

Yeah, it is sad.
Obviously, no football fan likes to see their team relegated.
But I think the saddest part of all for me was I was at the game on Saturday, a game that they needed to win to keep their hopes alive of staying up.
And I just couldn't believe what I was watching. You know, the lack of commitment in the game from the players, the lack of effort at times, the lack of passion, the lack of urgency to try to get a result in front of your home fans was something that I had kind of not really witnessed before. And that was the saddest part of the whole season.

I guess with clubs that are smaller clubs, it is a nigh on impossible task against the bigger teams who have the financial clout. There is a gap that I guess every season just gets wider.

I mean I guess it kind of does, but the great thing about football is that you still, you still have a chance, you can still fight harder than the team that has spent the most money and give yourself a chance in a football match.
And at times we have done that. I mean, we were one of the few teams that beat Manchester City this season, we knocked them out of the league cup.
So there was occasions where they did play to their full potential and gave it a really good go.
But over the last kind of few weeks, uh, the writing's kind of been on the wall.
I mean, we had a bit of a decent performance at Arsenal, but again, capitulated right near the end, couldn't hold onto a lead and so, yeah, it's, it's been a disappointing and frustrating season, but it's not all down to finances
you know, you can look at that. Yeah. I look at the recruitment.
I mean, you talk about finances, not many people mentioned that we've spent nearly 140 million pound this season.
Now for Southampton, that is unheard of. You know, we just don't do that.
And we only really spend money if we've sold a player for like 70 million or whatever.
But this season we really heavily invested without bringing any money in.
And we've ended up cut adrift at the bottom of the Premier League.
So you have to kind of look at the department that was responsible for the recruitment of the players, and ask yourself, you know, did they spend that money
wisely and I have to say looking at the season as a whole, no they didn't.

I guess.
On the bright side your season ticket will be a bit cheaper now.

Probably not because they still give me free tickets to go watch the game first of all but also you get that many more games in the championship it will feel like it's money saved but it really isn't you just get to watch four extra games.

As you've kind of spoken out. No one, I guess you also, whenever you're just seeing news and speaking out, maybe pushing back against some of the information that comes out.
No one expects, I don't think, a massive backlash. I guess if you challenge something, you might get ridiculed, you might get mocked, you might get pulled up, but cancellation isn't really thought, of. Tell us about that as you've spoken up more and more over the last three years. I guess you you weren't expecting the backlash that you faced?

Well, I kind of was expecting it after, I guess probably the very first controversial tweet I ever did before we even locked down, I think it was, when I tweeted, why are we making such a big deal about a virus that is only gonna affect the very elderly, and the already immunocompromised?
And that was in March of 2020. And the reaction to that was it was quite something. I think it got the most likes of any tweet I've ever tweeted at the time, but it also got the most abuse in the replies, So at that point I thought hang on something's, something's not quite right I've never really had that reaction to a tweet before when I've just given my opinion on something, so I kind of knew early on and then the whole you know, COVID stuff, the George Floyd stuff, the Black Lives Matter, taking the knee, all that business, going against that probably cost me my job to a certain extent, but I wasn't going to be forced into wearing a badge of an organization that I had no desire to be associated with.
And so I stood my ground knowing that, yeah, it might cost me my job, but at the end of the day, I think you've got to put your head on your pillow at night and know that you can sleep soundly by the decisions you've made in your life and the principles that you've stuck by.

I guess you never thought that you'd end up being a commentator on the culture wars. That's probably the last thing you were thinking.

Yeah, if you'd have told me three years ago that I'd be on a news station giving my political take on things, I would have said you're absolutely mad, given that I'd never really taken any interest in politics, quite frankly. From a young age, I always felt like I never trusted politicians really to have the best interest of the people at heart. And so I'd never even voted in an election or anything. I just stayed clear of politics I just concentrated on my football career, you know building a life for my family. Making sure that I could home them and feed them. And that's kind of what I concentrated on until, March of 2020 when all of a sudden government overreach into my life, I got into a point where I was very uncomfortable with it and decided to stand up for what I thought was right.

I enjoyed watching your time with LotusEaters and you went through some of the stories, many hit pieces that have been on you and I guess the hit pieces on family which really hit home.
When you look back, I guess when it starts coming out you're thinking, wow, why are they going for me? I mean, they're obviously worried about what you're saying. It's not just, we're going to have a good kick at Matt Le Tissier. It's actually stuff that he's coming out with, we don't agree. And it's not simply, I guess, the journalists themselves who write it, it's from, higher up and the whole story is wheeled out. I mean, tell us about that, because I guess when it comes initially, you're not expecting it. Then you've begun to get accustomed to it, I guess, and think, well, bring it on.

Yeah, I think when you realize that you're going against the establishment and the weapons that they have at their destruction to try to take you down are pretty severe, you kind of get very used to it very early on. So, you know, I kind of made a point of not really reading my replies that much on social media. I kind of put my thoughts out there and just let it linger out out there for people to chew over.
And then, you know, you get the hit pieces in the newspapers and I've had a bit of a disdain for newspapers anyway, given the way that they covered my footballing abilities in my career.
And so I was kind of used to it. I mean, my football career really kind of primed me, for what was gonna happen over these last three years.
And it's been an interesting ride, but as you say, you do, you get used to it. I was used to it.
It didn't really affect me at all. You know, it affected my family and the people around me more.
And I think sometimes that's the people that they aim to attack because they know that they can't get through me because I've got the skin of a rhino and I believe in what I'm saying.
And so when they can't attack me, then the next best thing they'll do is obviously attack the people closest to me because they know that they're the people that I love and that'll affect me.
But, I've stood firm, my family know my views and not all my family agree with my views.
But, I've never fallen out with them about it. I'm quite happy to allow other people to have their view.
And all I ask in return is that they respect me in the same way and the views that I have.
And yeah, that's kind of been the crux of it all, really.
I think it's important that we have debate in this country. I think it's important that the media should be showing both sides of the story and letting people make their own minds up what they think is right. We haven't had that and so I decided to highlight that because I thought it was important.

Tell us about the new people you met, because it's a whole new world that we find ourselves in, not just in what's happening in our country and the world, but also with the people we've got to meet, with this being a completely new cause of forced jabs. None of us had thought, we would ever get that in the UK. In some countries, there are mandatory vaccines, but we haven't really had it in the UK. Tell us about that over the last three years, that journey going from football commentary to actually being at crowds and speaking at events and shoulder-to-shoulder with people who maybe you hadn't come across years before.

It's been incredible the people that I've met over the last few years because we share a common cause.
If you'd have told me three years ago that I would have been interviewing people like Dr Peter McCullough, Robert Malone, Mike Yeadon, Dr. Tess Laurie, people like Ivor Cummins, who is probably one of the cleverest men I think I've ever spoke to in my life. He's just a genius for me. And so many more. It's just been incredible, the people that I've been in contact with. I never thought I would be kind of being invited to Zoom meetings where you know, Robert F. Kennedy will be speaking and it's just, it's just mad. I mean, I even got a free round of golf at the Trump International in Aberdeen through my friends at GETTR.
So yeah, it's just, it's just been an amazing rollercoaster.

Watching the media and I've been intrigued with it, obviously the media that I guess we traditionally trusted, The Telegraph, Mail.
I've grown up kind of on the right of politics thinking I trust them and they stand for free speech and people's personal responsibility and a whole range of issues and then seeing them capitulate completely. I mean what for you that there must have been parts of the media that you would have gone to and more or less trusted the information you were given. What's your thoughts now?

My thoughts now are that I no longer, there's many institutions that I've lost a lot of trust in, a lot of faith in, the media is one of them. I'm not sure I had a huge amount of trust in the newspaper industry anyway, from my experience as a footballer. I didn't realise probably until the last three years just how bad the mainstream news on the TV was in terms of the propaganda that that throws out. So yeah, my trust has been completely destroyed in mainstream media. My trust in government wasn't really there in the first place but that's gone. My trust in the scientific, the scientists around the world, my trust in those has disappeared. My trust in health agencies has disappeared. My trust in the NHS, they've behaved despicably over the last few years.
They really have. And it's just, it's kind of turned your world upside down, really. I've kind of taken, taken things in my own hands, really. And I now, you know, tried to look after my health a little bit better, because I don't want to have to rely on those institutions anymore.
And you know just try and live my life in the best way possible, in the happiest way possible without having to without having to interact with those kind of organisations.

What institutions then do, because it does shake up your world, and you mentioned the medical side, you mentioned you go to your doctor and that would have been fine. Now actually you think twice about it because you wonder what they will push, what they will force, what their views are.
How do you then stay, I guess relatively sane because you see those institutions you trust. Do you say is it me or is it them? How do you kind of cope with that on a personal level?

I cope with it by doing everything in my life not to have to interact with them, so I try and keep myself healthy.
I don't try and get myself into any trouble with the law and I just kind of go about my life and make sure that I have a balance in my life to to keep me happy, because at the end of the day, we are still here only once, apparently.
Some people might argue that.
And I wanna have as good a time as I can while I'm here. So I still make sure I have time to do the things in life that I enjoy, but also, it's also important to speak up about things that I think are harming the world, and about the organizations that I think are not helping people.
They are wolf in sheep's clothing, unfortunately, and organizations like the WHO, United Nations, all those kind of things, not for me.

Here in the UK we have one MP who has spoken out. We've had a few in Parliament but I've been, surprised at how few Conservative MPs who I thought would have been on the side of concerns of vaccine harms and excess deaths and all that, they've remained silent while Andrew Bridgen has been kicked and mauled and abused by the Conservative Party and then was forced out.
I mean, he's someone who I know you've been on the stage with and I'm sure you've got to know.
I mean, has that surprised you? There haven't been a number of others to come to support him, that we have one out of 650 actually on this.

I'm not sure it does surprise me, to be honest, given politicians' record down the years and also knowing the amount of corruption that is in Westminster, knowing the amount of influence pharmaceutical industry have over certain individuals. So it doesn't surprise me that there's only one. Yeah, I interviewed Andrew just before Christmas, on my GETTR live streams.
And I'm very, very grateful for what Andrew has tried to do for the vaccine injured, like quite a few of us, we've tried to shine a light on this issue, because the government are completely ignoring them. And given that it was the government that were the ones that were heavily coercing people into taking these vaccines and now they've just, the ones that took them and were damaged by them, have just been completely thrown aside and ignored, I think is an absolute disgrace and the other 649 MPs need to hang their heads in shame for what they've done for these people.

Have you ever thought of putting yourself in the mix politically? I live and breath politics, we would have been opposites, but yes, I've kind of found myself on the sides with no political party affiliation. I'm seeing Andrew Bridgen actually has intrigued me to what might happen with Reclaim, with Lozza, and they're not the only ones. Have you thought of putting yourself mix because you should take Twitter to to the to the poling booth should you not?

Obviously I hadn't really thought about it seriously and it probably hadn't crossed my mind until I don't know maybe the last year or so when people have people have actually suggested that to me and I thought ah, do I really want to go down that route would it make any difference is the system rigged. But I certainly think if there was a new political party formed that was for the people, for the freedom of speech, then I would certainly back it. I might consider running for a party like that but it's not something that was ever kind of on my radar. No great ambition to be a politician, quite frankly, I feel like the whole system at the moment is actually a bit of a sham and I don't think we're getting represented properly by the parties that are in power. The two main parties look like two cheeks of the same arse to me. So if there was a way that that could be shaken up and I had trust in that process then yeah I'd consider it.

I mean is is alternative media a more powerful way of engaging with the public and changing their opinion to think,

Uh, I think so. I think alternative media over the last few years there has been such a rise, so many people that I now speak to in everyday life and I've had two conversations already this morning, a friend of mine rang me to speak about CBD, which I've just kind of got involved with and another guy just on my taking the dog out for a walk just before I came and spoke to you, randomly just stopped his car, got out, gave me a hug and said, thank you very much for standing up for what a lot of us believe in.
We follow the same kind of people and we've got the same thoughts as you and we just wanted to say thank you for having the balls to stand up with a public persona, and say what lots of other people behind the scenes without a big profile and a big platform are thinking really.

Yeah, because there is that massive disconnect. The media want to paint you and people who are speaking truth as dangerous and someone you cannot associate with.
But actually, the response you said you get is probably the more normal response of gratitude and thanks.

It's amazing, out in what I call real life, not on social media, not in the mainstream media, in real life when I'm going about my business on a daily basis, playing golf with people, doing my after dinner speaking, going to events like Cheltenham races, which I went to a few weeks back, and the response there was just incredible this year.
Honestly, I can't tell you how lifted I was by the amount of people that came up to thank me and wanted pictures taken with me, and didn't have a single negative comment from any of the public who were there at Cheltenham.
It was really uplifting.

You mentioned, just to ask you before going on, you mentioned CBD and you've been talking about that as having health benefits, and it's something which is, I guess, fairly new in the UK market.
Why did you get involved in promoting that and encouraging others to take a look into it?

It's a rapidly growing market, first and foremost, and I'd been approached a while ago, And I kind of, first of all, I was quite sceptical about it.
I was like, well, I don't really know enough about that to be promoting it.
And I've never tried it. So they said, we'll send you some stuff, see what you think.
And so I have, I've been trying, I've been using the CBD gummies, I've been using the sports gel.
And I could honestly say with my hand on my heart, it's made a difference to me.
And so that's why I'm now happy to, because I've tried it and I've looked into it.
I've done a bit of research into it.
And everything about it from what I've read, tells me that it's got some really helpful benefits for people, so that's why I was happy to get involved in promoting it.

Back on to some of the data that we've seen come out, I think the latest data is that 25% of Americans did not take the jab. And that was interesting because I think the CDC had about, 8%. So you've got a massive disconnect where the figure is three times difference. And then the UK was seeing that the booster, there's a website you can put in your postcode and the booster..

Yeah I've done it...

but the booster in my area it's one percent.


So what, again that reiterates the information we've got is very different and that seems to be getting through. Now that's publicly available, people can find out that no one else is getting this.

Well that for me basically summed up what was happening with the media, the propaganda that was being used, the psychological operations and I think they were saying it was five million I think it was in this country that they were saying the five million refus-niks, I think was the headline in one of the papers and then, yeah when the when the actual figures came out it was like 23 million or something and that's what they do, they try to make you feel in a tiny minority and they try to turn everybody else against you.
That's how they do it. It's psychological manipulation. And that's why, the nudge unit, the behavioural insights team on the SAGE committee and all that kind of stuff.
And if you kind of know about this stuff, it's really easy to see through it.
But if you have no idea about it, then you are gonna continue to be duped.
I think it's probably the best word for it.
You're gonna be in positions where you're looking at information and thinking, oh, blimey, this is really bad, this is really bad.
And these people over here, they're absolute nutcases because there's just like a tiny few of them and they're going completely opposite to what I'm being told by the government.
But that's not the reality of the world. And these people, I'm afraid, are gonna have a big shock, I think, at some point down the line when they realize that actually the government
don't really give a shit about your health mate, and don't really care about you at all.
In fact they'd rather you weren't on the planet.

Well they're working hard on that. Duped is an interesting word because duped was the word that Vivek Ramaswamy, who's running for presidential candidate for the Republicans in America.
He was on an interview and said that he feels that he was duped and then discussed that and moved on.
It's fascinating when you have high profile people that are beginning to catch up and and waking up and speak.
And that's kind of like a juggernaut that whenever the more and more people get on board speaking that truth, the higher profile, the dam will break.

Yeah, the harder it is for the media to then suppress the information, as more and more people speak out and more and more of the general public understand what the truth is, then it's harder and harder for the mainstream media to keep lying about it.
And eventually you then force them into telling the truth. And this is how you do it with numbers.
And that's why we see little snippets of the truth coming out, little admissions about things.
Nobody told you when the vaccine first came out, not a single person from any pharmaceutical company told you that they didn't actually test the vaccine to see whether or not you could pass it on.
Still, it wasn't tested for stopping transmission. Nobody, not a single person in the world told you that before the vaccine came out.
Now that is quite an important bit of information, I'd say. And if you're gonna be starting to take an experimental injection, you probably should be able to have all the knowledge available to be able to let you make an informed decision on whether you take it or not.
And people didn't have that.
And they were duped. It was exactly the right word.

I'm amazed at the disconnect with people not trusting politicians, but then trusting them.
Having the conversation, I'm thinking, the penny has to drop at one point.
You hate this person with a passion, but you'll go and do anything they say.
It's such a weird concept.

Well, that's because of, I believe, It's because of people's innate belief in their system that they want to feel safe.
And it's the whole safety thing that these people pray on, everything is for your safety.
Don't kill granny. It's all psychological manipulation.
And they know that. And that overrides their emotions that they felt towards these politicians before all this happened.

I guess, and you look back and you think, I didn't actually see many investigative pieces on these large drug companies. I didn't see them talking about Pfizer and the pay-outs they've had to make for harm. It's a whole back part of the story that actually the public have very little understanding about.

Absolutely. That was another one of the things that I looked into.
The biggest criminal fine in history was paid by Pfizer back in 2009, 10 somewhere around there, and these pharmaceutical companies are not ethical companies. They are there to make money. They're not there to make you healthy. That's not their prime objective, their prime objective is to make money and if you think about it logically, if they came up with a cure for things, they'd be putting themselves out of business.
So their objective is to just make you sick enough to make you need more tablets.
And those tablets will always have a side effect. And guess what?
We've got a tablet for that side effect.
And when that tablet is used, that's got a side effect as well. And guess what?
There's another tablet that can cure that side effect.
And there's how they make all their money.

It's true, because looking at cancer, even begin to go down that rabbit hole, and very little of the conversation is about healthy lifestyle or what you eat.
And it's simply, well, you need to go and go for radiotherapy or chemotherapy and blast all your body.
And it's the most ludicrous way of trying to fix a problem by just destroying your whole body.
And even now looking at that, and I remember talking to people years ago who'd have said, oh, there's a quack and they think that, you know, you can cure yourself by healthy eating, that sort of thing.
But now I'm beginning to think, well, actually, the only reason why the root of therapy though, it is an industry that the drug companies exist for, maybe it's not true.

Yeah, I think it's interesting. Well, I've spoken to quite a few people who have their own stories about people who were given six weeks to live because they had cancer, they went for an alternative therapy, and they're still alive and kicking today because they tried something a little bit different.
And I think you're right, I think there are cancer treatments that have been suppressed by pharmaceutical companies because it's not in their interest to do that.

On the free speech thing, I watched the short, only 30 minutes, I think, Andrew Bridgen interview on GB News with the person from Spiked Online. It was intriguing to watch, in many ways, but one of the ways was Andrew was logical. He was putting down the data that he had come across, and what you had back is conspiracy theorists, dangerous.
I was blown away. It's something you expect, I guess, from an Antifa type of group, when they shout abuse at you whenever you're talking, but actually, grown up media, it's the same tactic that they're just shouting abuse and trying to demonize you.

Absolutely. They never rebut the data. You're right.
They just call you names. You're either an anti something, or a conspiracy theorist, or a denier. These are all their favourite little terms that they just use to shout at you so they don't have to address the point in question. And that's something that's become pretty obvious to me over the last few years that once somebody shouts the conspiracy theory thing at you or calls you a denier or an anti, I mean, I've been an anti vaxxer, apparently, despite the fact that this is probably the only vaccine I've never taken in my life.
My children were vaccinated. And so to be called an anti-vaxxer is like, well, it doesn't really add up, mate, does it?
You're just using that term to try and shut down an argument because you don't really feel comfortable talking about it.
Because in the back of your mind you probably know that I'm right.

The whole anti-vax kind of thing, well, actually, I wasn't before, but actually, I'm kind of beginning to lean that way now.

I'm exactly the same. I would never take another vaccine in my life now. They've completely destroyed my trust in all vaccines, completely destroyed it. They've absolutely shot themselves in the foot when it comes to me and a lot of other people like me who did used to trust that industry, who no longer do. And yeah, I'm not sure they they actually realized that that was going to be the case

Other data coming out is the excess deaths and I think it was a Daily Mirror headline that's basically said so many people are dying and we don't know why.

Doctors are baffled! Doctors are baffled, it's just incredible, I mean doctors have got to be the stupidest profession in the world if they are baffled by what is going on. 2,000 or more people dying every week than what would normally die.
What could it possibly be? What's happened over the last couple of years that might just affect that? And then they go, oh, it's long COVID. That's what's doing it.
And that just, for me, destroys their credibility even more. The fact that they can't even admit to going, oh maybe, just maybe, small part, might be because of these gene therapies that have come out.
They won't even admit that and that just makes me more suspicious.

When you look over all that's happened, you've got that, you've got the WHO meeting, the end of this month and that seemingly they will pass a resolution that will give them the right to tell governments how to run their health services in the case of an emergency.
You've got that, you've got obviously all the central bank digital currencies, you've got what's happening in Netherlands with stopping farming.
When you look at all that and you sit back, is there a specific one that really frustrates you?
You think, If I put my finger in something that's it or is it just all parts of the jigsaw?

I mean there's a there's a lot of parts of the jigsaw. It's a multifaceted attack on humanity is what it is. I can't describe it any other way. Is there one bit that's more important than all the other bits? Do you know, for me the thing that's most important about probably everything, you talk about the specifics of the CBDCs and the farming and everything. But I think on top of everything sits freedom of speech.
I think it's the foremost important thing that we have to protect to be able to shine a light on the corruption that's going on below with all the other stuff that's going on.
We need to be able to shine a light on that without the fear of getting arrested because you've said something on social media that goes against the government. And so for me, the freedom of speech thing is the umbrella that covers every bit of corruption underneath it.

And it seems though the CBDC will be a massive part of that. I hadn't realized until actually, when Mike Yeadon spoke at an event the other week and I looked into it that when you pay with your credit card, if you pay on a card, then it's a record of you paying 10 pounds in Sainsbury's.
But if you use CBDC then actually it breaks it down and it gives the government, I guess, the control they have in China with a social credit system.

Yep, they can start controlling just how much money you spend on certain foods a week. You can only buy so much meat if they want you to. It's a control mechanism that is just way beyond the pale when it comes to intrusion into the lives of the people of this country.

Matt, I appreciate you coming on, and well you were probably going to be playing golf today, it's a beautiful day, lovely golf weather is it?

I probably would of done if I hadn't of been speaking to you, I've got another one at 12 o'clock to do and then I'm going to head up to London and have dinner with some friends tonight.

Well I'll blame your 12 o'clock for stopping your golf and not mine.

Yeah it probably is the twelve.

Thank you for your time Matt.

Great to talk to you, Pete.

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