This is an interview we have wanted to do for a while now after falling down a rabbit hole while reading an Alex Jones article a few months ago asking whether 5G was a weapons system.
The topic of 5G is widely regarded as a tin-foil hat, crackpot theory by many but after the last 3 years we have learned not to trust those in authority and to keep an open mind as those in governance are often the enemy.
Mark Steele is a weapons expert who has previously worked on projects for the Ministry of Defence, specialising in directional weapons systems, electromagnetic radiation weapons, direct energy weapons, EMP’s, weather modification weapons and he never shies away from what he considers the big picture.
In our discussion he looks at the roll out of 5G and asks the big question: Is 5G safe and effective or is it a weapons system?
It is all food for thought, be receptive to new ideas, never be afraid of asking the question and be ready for an answer that you don't always expect.

Mark Steele is a British engineer, inventor, patent writer and weapons research scientist; an engineer with a materials science background, and inventor of the world’s first binocular optical wave guides, weapons sight systems, infrared thermal imaging head up displays, molecular reactors, signal processing, and transducer design, to name a limited few.
As Chief Technology Officer (CTO) at the company that designed and brought to market the world’s first internationally approved head up display (HUD) product, accredited with a number of innovation awards, but more importantly regulated to a number of internationally recognized standards, including (DOT) Department of Transport ECE 22.05, as well as ANSI and others, he was relied upon in the establishment of international standards for augmented reality (AR) and virtual reality (VR) HUD systems.
Mark's involvement with several research and development projects spans his entire working career and includes some of a sensitive nature due to Official Secrets Act 1911 restrictions and therefore he is not at liberty to disclose these in a public domain; suffice to say this work has led to an understanding of Department of Defense (DOD) contracts, the compartmentalization of weapon product design projects, and Directed Energy Weapons (DEW), whose existence has until recently been obscured and sometimes denied.

For more information.....

Interview recorded 30.1.23

*Special thanks to Bosch Fawstin for recording our intro/outro on this podcast.

Check out his art and follow him on GETTR

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[0:22] Hello, Hearts of Oak. Welcome to another interview on a completely different topic. Mark Steele is about to join us and it is on 5G, whether it's damaging, dangerous, unsafe. It's a topic
that's come up a lot and Mark Steele is certainly a name that always pops up when you look at this issue. He has worked on this, studied this for a long time, the dangers of electromagnetic radiation generally and 5G and the negative aspect of that, whether it's planned or not,
whether it's a kill weapon. I've heard that phrase used. Actually that phrase I think I read from Alex Jones last year where Alex Jones leads, I think we all follow eventually. That's one
thing I've learned. But over the last three years, I think we've called into question so many things and 5G I think fits into that box of things that some of us have begun to question.
When we're told the vaccines are safe and effective, I think we can ask same about 5G. Is that safe and effective as well? So the same question.
[1:24] Great conversation with Mark. We talked all about his background, looked at the 5G rollout, looked at why it's dangerous, looked at how it can be used.
A lot in, in 45 minutes. We could have gone a lot longer, but it is a big subject and it's good to, I think, keep it short, certainly for the first time.
So I know you'll enjoy Mark Steele immensely. So here he is.

It's wonderful to have Mark Steele with us to unpack this. Mark, thank you for your time today.

[1:55] Thanks Pete, that's just great to be on eventually so we can get the information about what's really going on.

I'm here now, the privilege of meeting Mark back end of last year and I kept meaning to come back to him and arrange a time to come on and hadn't and it was actually a friend over in the US had sent me an article on 5G and Mark's name was mentioned and I remembered I need
To get Mark on. So great to have you on., you're very much involved in that.
Actually, it's a political party, but there's a lot of information there as well. Do you want to maybe introduce yourself and touch on Save Us Now as well?

[2:41] All right. Well, I've got a background, an engineering background. I'm an inventor, a patent writer and I've been involved in a number of projects over many, many years. I've spent well over.
You know, 35 years in research and development, I've developed my own products, I've brought them to market. So I understand the, you know, the different types of, you know, how you go about
taking something as an invention and then actually bring it to market. So through international standards, etc., all products have and are required to fit within some type of standardized regime.
For safety. So you can't just be you know manufacturing things and send them across the world and them not being able to be safe to customers because obviously you're going to end up in a bit of trouble there.
And what we've found is
[3:34] A lot of this technology, they call it killer tech for a reason. Pretty lethal. I got myself exercised about the virtual reality headsets, you know, the VR headsets.
I mean, how they got away with that, I'm not really sure how that's even trying to get away with it or even thinking that they can continue getting away with it.
Not only does it make you sick, that optical radiation is extremely problematic.
You kind of just, you know, focus optical radiation in people's eyes, but that's it. It's a whole other story to 5G. but it is interconnected.
You know, the whole virtual world, this whole cloud computing network.
[4:11] And what we did, I found in the early part of 2016, my local council had fitted LED streetlights with these antennas where they were spraying a lot of radiation, basically a spine piece of equipment,
5Gs for back holing data out of its environment.
Okay, so it basically just data scavengers and it's something that your local council want to sell to the highest bidder.
Now, some of this equipment can actually listen to what people are saying.
You know, you can actually pick up sound audio with them, some of it's urban radar.
The really concerning bit, the equipment that we had in the Gateshead area, it had a dialectic, it was a high gain dialectic lens.
Now that then, it's a whole other ball game.
That allows me to target acquire and possibly do some serious damage or even kill somebody. These electromagnetic radiation weapons programs are working to seek weapons facility in the 80s.
So understand about electromagnetic radiation, what we call direct energy in air, direct energy weapons.
[5:18] They're lethal, all right. We know that because the Havana syndrome.
Now governments have always tried to pretend that these pieces of equipment don't exist because they use them against dissidents.
They've used them, you know what I mean? If you listen to Barry Trav, I'll tell you about the weapons that were used against, you know, dissidents in Ireland.
Anybody who they don't like the look of, they can basically sit outside your home and pour this radiation into your home and cause you to have a neurological breakdown and actually cause physiological brain damage.
So you can actually, you can actually, you can visit this, you can see it. And that's what we found in the Havana syndrome attack where there was a lot of misinformation being put out at first about it being an ultrasound weapon.
I can tell you now these microwave radiation weapons are far more sophisticated.
[6:13] Ultrasound is very helpful if it's for subsea, it's a far better medium to travel sound waves in and especially at distance.
So you would use it if you're in air, you're gonna use a microwave radiation type weapon system. So we knew it was a microwave radiation weapon and what happened, the US government have had admit now.
That the injuries that the embassy staff suffered were from microwave radiation because they're getting compensation for it.
It was something they didn't wanna go there. These weapons systems have been around for 40s. The Germans were testing directional weapon systems on camp inmates.
That technology went under operation, paperclip to the US. They then just kept on developing it.
And some of this equipment is extremely, extremely sophisticated, far more advanced than what a lot of people would like to imagine.
And you just don't see it because it's like I said, that's secret programs. Now, the Gateshead area, I spoke to the council, I spoke to a number of councillors and new councillors, so I spoke and I went to the council.
[7:24] Which I explained my concerns about this particular type of technology.
It was all just a little bit over the top of their heads. And I think deliberately, you know, these people are wilfully ignorant to this type of technology.
[7:38] I explained how dangerous it potentially could be, how a great security risk it is, how these systems can be hacked into. I know the operating platform, the equipment that actually installed was already accessible by anybody.
So this kit could be used for spying on the public, basically urban radar, it can also listen in on equipment in your home. And it was all part of this 5G network.
[8:08] Local council denied it was 5G. They said it was some 2G piece of equipment anyway, I then didn't get anywhere with the council. That's why we set up the save us now movement.
And it was to give us some political cover because there is an element of protection.
[8:25] Especially, you know, I'm telling people the equipment that they're gonna install is gonna kill you I'm telling people exactly what we're now know to be true because in
[8:33] 2018 when they took me to court, they took us to court to gag me. They had to gag us. What they said was I was frightening people in the locality by telling people that they would die from this
equipment that had been installed. Unfortunately at the time we only had a small increase, you know probably one two percent increase in heart attacks, two or three percent increase in stroke, which is
significant but not significant enough for you know for you to really you know get to the bottom of it and but unfortunately now we've got near 20 and 30 percent increases and week on week
we're seeing an extra thousand people in the UK die and I can guarantee you this is the contaminated bio weapon which they call a vaccine and I know all about that program for tracking where on the battlefield,
and it's interconnected with the 5G network but it they haven't weaponized it as a weapon yet because you you will see people when they weaponize this technology you'll see people just basically causing a tonic seizure and collapsing in the street. I haven't seen any videos of that in the UK. I saw quite a few of the tests of it in Wuhan and we've seen some from around the rest of the world. Now I know this might sound very very unbelievable and that's why I tell
people that do your own research don't take my word for it. The council took me to court and
[10:02] they said I was a conspiracy theorist, I was frightening vulnerable people and it was amazing that people actually believed me. However the problem that I had they had actually you know they put a lot of media coverage out, they took press releases out that went internationally,
they were totally falsified, they were fabricated pieces of information and basically a criminal conspiracy to cover this whole thing up because what we had at the time in Gateshead was we had a large number of women losing babies in the full term had already measured the radiation levels in a number of people's bedrooms where we're getting lots of complaints so we had the actual evidence of this radiation impact and that radiation people have to always understand its accumulative over
time. So even though that's smaller amounts, you know, it's not as powerful as an x-ray,
this radiation accumulates. So the more that you get, the more biological damage over time.
It's how we get skin cancer.
[11:03] Skin cancer occurs in people with you know poor diet etc but skin cancer occurs on people who continually go into the sun. So it's an accumulative radiation that's non-ionizing radiation and that's man that's natural occurring not man-made.
Man-made something completely more toxic whereas you've got an immersive non-ionizing radiation emission from the sun that will give you skin cancer by the way even though they'll tell you you know these non-ionizing radiation emissions are perfectly safe however that's natural occurring it's immersive and we
are symbiotic with natural occurring non-ionizing radiation we're symbiotic with it this man made something completely different it's toxic due to the square waves z-waves and the data packets that
are actually embedded in it, it brings it in this whole toxicity thing.

[12:05] Can I just step back slightly because for me certainly, I think over the last three years during the pandemic, that a lot of people have begun to question a lot and I think it's into
that kind of reassessing our relationship between the authorities, the institutions and those we trusted.
And I think when you come to this, we're told, don't worry, something is safe.
Well, that doesn't mean it's safe. I'm going to question it. But for you, I mean, was there a point, was there something you read?
Was it just a build-up of your knowledge and understanding that made you begin to question specifically on the 5G issue?

Well I always knew that you know this type of radiation causes pneumonia type symptoms so you know you'll get flu type symptoms viruses are inactive here what a doctor will exhibit you go to the doctors let's say you've got Epstein-Barr virus.
[13:07] Now he's going to tell you you've got a virus what I'm going to tell you is you've been hit with a 50 hertz frequency which exhibits to the medical community as a virus most viruses, pneumonia, all these different, you know
[13:22] Let's say medical conditions can be you know can be looked at there's some environmental pollutant that's actually caused them and obviously electromagnetic radiation man-made in particular.
Is that pollution it's why a lot of people go in the sun you know when you go in the sun you get herpes simplex virus well it's basically just radiation pollution that comes out it's the body
try to get it rid of this you know this pollutant that you've your body's absorbed you probably had too much and that's why you get people who go you know they go skiing and they end up getting their cold sores and how they get the cold sores obviously you've got a lot of light there but it's also reflecting on the snow and then bouncing back up into the face that's how you sometimes get a nice sun tan at the same time when you're skiing,
So it's all electromagnetic radiation.
So when the whole 5G thing and the whole coronavirus, corona is an electrical discharge by the way, on a 5G mask.
So I mean, I'm not saying that that's, I think it's just people, you know, it's a bit like a corona from the sun, electromagnetic radiation emissions from the sun are called corona as well.
So these radiation emissions cause all of the known symptoms that we saw exhibited with coronavirus.
[14:47] But one of the things that we were alerted to early on was the flu vaccines and how the flu vaccines had been contaminated with tungsten was the main contaminant.
Now, if I fill a body with tungsten, used tungsten in the filament for a reason. Okay. If I fill a body full of nano particulates.
And tungsten is the main ingredient has no pharmacological reason why it would be in a vaccine.
[15:17] And but if I hit that with a modulated frequency from any network you know wouldn't have to be 5G I mean obviously 5G is a lot more powerful it's a lot more focused so consequently it's going to
pose a significantly larger risk to people who've had the flu vaccine they're possibly going to get very sick and could possibly die and we know that there was corona type symptoms that medics were you know they were recognizing that these symptoms were right away 2019 well lo and behold 2019 was one of the main switch-ups for 5G.
We were a test bed, Gateshead was a test bed, Bristol, Rotherham, there was other areas in the country so it's not an exhaustive list where these technologies were being tested. Anyway, we're going to the we get to the cold case.
[16:11] When the council tried to gag us and unfortunately it was the biggest mistake they ever made because we got into the court and basically after they basically fabricated most of the evidence
they lied, fortunately had a police officer who was actually at that court case who told the truth they said I've made threats to kill several of them had and there was a police officer who was
actually in ear shot and he was one of the first witnesses on the stand and I made it quite clear about this threat to kill narrative and he said look Mr Steele I was you know I
didn't hear you threaten to kill anybody so I had one honest police officer who saved me from you know some possible other very serious charges of threats
to kill against the council the mayor, the mayor said you know I basically threatened her in the council chamber it's totally false, chief executive said
went in the attacked in the council chamber that was totally false. Unfortunately you talk about serendipity there was a there was a chap who was actually in the public gallery a guy called Stephen
Preston he videotaped the whole thing so they'd basically lying in their statements and this video then pops up, judges watching it and he goes well come on Mr Steele how many times have you been
to Gateshead council he's thinking this is a different time and I go once and he's
[17:41] like you can see the judge totally dumbfounded so he's got these statements from the executive and the mayor saying I basically went to attack them and they
had to eject us from the building and have us wrestle over the bill I mean you want to you talk about making stuff up I mean these people are just pathological liars but I mean politicians are, let's be honest.
They've just proven themselves to be pathologicalized. I think we've got, you know, later, Sir Christopher Chew up probably a handful of conservatives, you know.
[18:15] Bridgen who's doing a fantastic job, we've got some great MPs in there, I'll tell you what, we need a lot more because if this whole thing carries on it's going to be horrendous and.
Like I said at that particular court case this equipment will kill and they won't be able to cover up the body count and that's exactly what we're seeing now. I did predict what was going to happen.

[18:38] Let me put, because I think there are two separate things in my mind and I know I think I saw a similar statement from Alex Jones last year talking about people living close to 5G kill grids are going to die from cancer.
I think we've all learned that Alex Jones could be called a prophet because a lot of what he says has come true.
But there are two separate things. One is technology that has been used and with a rush to market, with a rush to making money, you have side effects. Another side is actually this is targeted for killing.
[19:18] But on the danger side, because obviously you've got the electromagnetic spectrum, you've got x-rays, you've got microwaves, which can be very harmful if it's low burst.
You've then got radio waves, which aren't harmful. Now you've got 5G, which we are told is not harmful, completely benign.
But you're saying that part of the electromagnetic spectrum is extremely harmful. What is it about 5G? Is it because there's just going to be towers everywhere, that everyone's using it? Is it the widespread abuse? Is it targeted?
Tell us specifically on that.

It's well there's two elements to it there's two technical parameters for 5G one's densification so let's say I had a large 2/3G network okay it could let's say be a telecare so a medical network I'll stick on every single on every single chimney pot and all of a sudden I've created a 5g network because 5g is about mesh networks and it's about densification now the densification the more radiation, the more toxic it
is. That's how I know that that particular part of 5G, the densification is a weapon.
[20:32] It's a weaponized part of it. The other specific, the other specific technical parameter of 5G is the focusing of radiation in air. So that can cause, there's a number of different antennas,
phased arrays, one of the main ones where you have a number of different elements, you offset the signal and you cause a beam wave, a lobe of radiation in a densely packed field.
And consequently and that's what they use for you know these active denial systems, they use a focused beam at the target, that's what 5G is. 5G is that equipment, it's the same equipment,
However, the military will tell you that it's non lethal. That's absolute garbage. These are lethal technologies.
I've got the pictures I can show you some of the victims. They're not.
They're not healthy at all Uh, basically I'm gonna cook you to death. I mean some of these 5G mass. I mean we got some stuff.
[21:35] Some antenna design 160 000 watts so you've got a thousand watts microwave cooker, are these can beam
hundreds of thousands of watts and I mean we've got one piece of intelligence which shows it an antenna that can emit a 386 thousand watt beam in the main lobe at a target now. That's not going to cook a person That's just going to knock the house down.
[22:02] so this equipment now one of the really interesting things if you look at the Microsoft.
[22:11] Microsoft patents They've got patterns for delivering a cryptocurrency on bodily activity.
Now we've already done the magnetiser's test, we've got guys across the country who are going out testing people near their magnets to show that they've got a magnetic field emission in the Deltoid.
This is the people who, it's stable in the Deltoid. Some people that didn't aspirate the syringe consequently that, you know, they might just,
could drop down dead immediately. It's where the nano particulates have migrated across the body.
[22:50] But the real purpose of that COVID-19 injection is so they can inject a stable antenna in the deltoid, that can track you and it's all interconnected with Microsoft, the Azure,
right, which is their 5G cloud computing piece of kit.
It's all interconnected with the masts that they've attached to your street lights. So the street light furniture, Telenza,
one of the main ones who are working with Microsoft to create this cloud computing system so they can analyse the data locally.
[23:30] They can then harvest all that data back. The local authorities see you're their property so they're going to they're going to sell that data because obviously they can hear you they can see where your car's parked if your car's parked on a double yellow it'll get an automatic fine. They'll
not need traffic warnings to go out because obviously the urban radar can scan everything in real time and it can actually create this data that the council then sanction you if you put the wrong piece of material in a bin so they can monitor it smart bins they can see whether it's
[24:06] if it's being recycled properly if it's not then you get another sanction this is what it's all about and also using goods in your home when you finish with your last tin of beans you put it in the bin and the next minute it up pops an advert for special offer for beans as that whoever whoever
the high bidder. This is the technology that they're proposing what they haven't taken into consideration, the health effects. The health effects will kill are killing, we're seeing close
to three and a half thousand extra dead, four thousand extra dead over a five year and the five year average has been pretty big because it's been through a pandemic where unfortunately people when
they switched this 5G on a lot of people who had had this these flu jabs were just dropping down dead, you know getting pneumonia type symptoms, basically it enhances the radiation that they were being bombarded with from the 5G switch on. So the whole thing's interconnected. Now I'm pretty sure behind the scenes is some very very nefarious activity going on because why would anybody want to put
uh, nano-particulates into flu vaccines. there's no purpose for it. It was done deliberately, nefariously, and it was a malicious attack to create
[25:27] this COVID-19 plandemic, and then what happens, they can then, they've come in with all of these control measures, you know, that, that central bank digital
currency, uh, you know, new type of digital passport, the digital prison, the whole digital prison warfare, your local councils have been
weaponized against their own populations. The trouble is with your local council, they're full of very, very thick people who want to try and encourage you to get into an electric car that
will give you leukaemia and sterilize your children. But you see, they're that dim, they don't understand the mechanics what the real plan is depopulation and to steal all private wealth and
all private industry private wealth so you've got councils now shutting down their local areas so traffic can't get down there private businesses then go bankrupt council gets into more and more debt because got more and more sick people got to remember since the switch on in 2019.
They've actually added another half a million people to the full-time sickness register they've they've killed a few hundred thousand by the way,
but they've already added another half a million to full-time sick.
Now, anybody that understands the sickness claim issue at the minute, it's extremely difficult. I mean, I know a guy, he was smashed up in a car crash in 1976.
[26:55] He has one of these disability scooters, drives around, has loads of health issues.
[27:03] They actually signed them off just about six months ago and the reason for that is because you could actually go into the assessment, you can speak and you can get in front of a computer
and you can use a computer because his hands are fine, you just can't walk around. So this is the type of activity and so if you think about sort of actually had to add another half a million
to those claimants that impacts on the local authority, it impacts on the local services,
which and we can show that this radiation which does increase Parkinson's risk, cancer risk, diabetes, Crohn's disease, all these ailments, these
neurological damage, mental health problems, anxiety, suicide rates, stratospheric. You know I mean the Gateshead Council, it was so bad in Gateshead that what
they did that carried out the study they've got a number of the institutions up here local universities to do a study and they came back and said it was universal credit that had caused this massive increase in in suicide however.
[28:13] Bristol University had it was catastrophic, Bristol where students were committing suicide they weren't on universal credit so the whole narrative was that falsified and fabricated this.
It was very similar to, there was a group set up in Sheffield and it was a Save Sheffield Trees Action Group.
[28:39] Anybody in that group that mentioned, because obviously Amy who had the 5G contract to put this equipment into the street furniture, they had to chop down all the trees, large number of trees.
Anywhere they found out there's somebody, a whistle-blower, the council wouldn't release the commercial contract and anyway, whistle-blower did release it.
And they plan had chopped down 30,000 trees in the city so they could access this 5G network. Now, 5G in a sub gigahertz range can travel through trees.
Not a problem, okay?
The issue that you've got is when the trees get wet. if I was to pull what's called an EMP, electromagnetic pulse weapon, that would then cause you cause you problem but also the thing with trees they keep the cities cool and the whole point of climate change, I mean in Birmingham, I'm going to Birmingham, if anybody's in the area I'll be doing a talk on this on the seventh and I'm in court on the eighth, it's an online hearing but I have to be in Birmingham because of court.
Well I'll be with the guy down there who's suffering absolutely horrendous,
[29:55] like physical damage, psychological damage, burns skin burns off the radiation. He's EMF sensitive and obviously he gets rashes, burns, lots and lots of trouble with his body from this radiation
pollution. Birmingham City Council have fitted 107,000 of these 100 milliwatt transmitters to every single streetlight. It's a legal urban radar network. It scans people's rooms, back holes all
the data. I don't know what collection cloud services they're using, but we'll probably find out. But this illegal urban radar, it's a total invasion of your privacy. Nobody warned you about it. Nobody told you anything about it. But these are a hundred thousand now. They'll tell you that,
you know that equipment in if it's ignorant guidelines they only talk about one and not talking about a hundred and seven thousand you've got the multiplication of all these transmitters in a small environment and what happens this microwave radiation and those numbers a one milliwatt emission will cause a temperature increase okay so you'll get a thermal you'd actually feel it at 1 milliwatt
[31:10] These are 100 milliwatt each and there's 107,000 of them and they're going oh the cities are getting warmer I wonder why I wonder why the cities are getting warmer and that's not the main the main
reason why climate change is happening that ionospheric radiate has where in the chem trail and where the chem trail in the sky and the bounce now that was over the horizon radar systems which I
know quite a bit about and it's quite interesting a lot of these technologies are battlefield derived
weapon systems and they're coming to a town near you. I said they've weaponized your local council to do you harm
which is in breach of the terrorism laws because it's a political agenda. The whole climate thing is a fraud. It's a total fraud, it's a total nonsense, a hoax just like that plandemic and what they're doing they're going to they're going to use that climate change narrative.
[32:03] To force you into an electric car to sterilize you to give you leukaemia, sterilize your kids, they're putting radar, urban radar up which will now cause us cancer.
So you've got ubiquitous amounts of emissions, urban radar, absolutely lethal where they're scanning the environment. Then you've got these urban radar transmitters on the street lights, 107,000 just in Birmingham. You've got this, all the smart meters, if anybody's got a smart meter, get it removed, it's all about control, it's not about you, it's so that they can control and switch you off whenever they want. Or they're going to actually burn your appliances out.
All the appliances in your home now think about it, you've got a local authority right somebody gets on the phone and goes oh listen we've got a hundred thousand of these new LED tv. all of a sudden.
[32:57] you wake up the next morning your led tv is broken and you've got to go and buy another one and they've just sold the advert on your smart and another smart tv you have in the house you see.
The advert pop off special offer led I mean honestly this is exactly where they're going with this We, you know, this is the hill we're going to have to die on.

[33:17] Can I take it? Cause I want to pick up on it being military technology because most of us have no idea what is actually developed and the public get to know decades later.
But you've kind of got two groups of people. You've got bad actors and you've got useful idiots and both of those groups need to work together to prove something.
When you look at the companies that are ruling this out, they are simply, I'm assuming, looking at making a large profit, getting market share. And that's what it's about to the shareholders. So when you've got a mobile phone company pushing a 5G network, pushing 5G phones, it's about making as much money for the shareholders.
So are they simply useful idiots in this?

[34:09] Absolutely, yeah, yeah, totally, totally. Useful idiots, that's all they are.
And your local councils, you see, one of the things with telecommunications networks, these mesh networks, first and foremost, the telecommunications act in Europe states they have to do these EIAs, these are environmental impact analysis.
They haven't done that. You've got your local council allowing 5G, this large, the larger masts, allowing 5G masts to be installed.
That's the government have told them, they've got to follow the guidance and not assess the environmental impact, not allowed to.
So the councils are just doing as they're told, but they're in breach of the 2012 Social Care Act, which says your government and your local authority,
the director for public health and your local authority in particular, has a duty to protect the health of the local population.
So they're breaking the primary legislation so that they can follow some guidance because some twang in some government agency said.
[35:12] Oh, by the way, when we do planning, we'll give them basic planning approval, but what we can't do, we're not allowed to look at health effects.
That is just absolute, we can't look at the environmental impact.
We can't, all we can do is look at the aesthetics. So if it doesn't look very nice, right? We'll put a big tower up, it doesn't look very nice, then you can object, but you can't object to it killing you, destroying the environment.
Can't do anything and what you definitely can't do is look at the power output.
[35:42] Councils have been given self-certification from the installers. All the installers we came across are empty vessels so that companies who don't have any assets or if there was any harm.
[35:55] The equipment's uninsurable for harm. The tower itself is uninsurable from a fatigue mechanics perspective so it could topple on top of you they're not insured okay they're not insured so.
There's no insurance they've just put this stuff in it's not tested to be safe it couldn't have been tested to be safe because if I tested it it would fail and that's why they never tested 5G
all the other communications networks your 4Gs 3Gs 2Gs 1G they were all tested for safety and that's why your first telecommunications masts got a fence round.
But you see that antenna operates on inverse square law so you only have to be a few meters away from it and the radiation drops off significantly. I mean I wouldn't like to sit next to one for a long time.
But you've got to remember you're driving past these, you're walking past them, you're only immersed in it in a few minutes and then all of a sudden the radiation drops off significantly.
[36:51] What actually happened with 5G, they're putting masts on your streets, next to your schools, next to hospitals on top of hospitals. I mean there's one really interesting thing about UK hospitals you
know with the concrete buildings and the fabric of the building is actually starting to degrade to such a degree where they're worried that the roofs are going to fall in. Well if I pulse modulate
[37:15] materials like with this energy because you know denser materials you're pulse modulating that energy's got to go somewhere and it can fracture materials like concrete, steel can all
be disassociated at specific pulse modulating frequencies that's how some of the vaporizing type of technology the weapons bits right they'd get really interesting as was so in 9-11 when the.
Whole building just basically disappeared away across manhattan just blew away i mean that was that was quite interesting um i mean obviously they did use uh you know they did use normal
explosives but the more interesting part of that particular attack was the way just vaporized the building. That's the weapon I was invested in.

[38:02] Tell us more about, because as this is rolled out, you see it in some countries being rolled out.
I think South Korea might have been one of the first countries to have a network.
What kind of data are you looking at? Because you're looking at data of the impact of the 5G electromagnetic waves. You can, I guess, test that.
It's rolled out into a population. So how does that work? Because I guess whenever you see medical issues like cancer, we're all told cancer is going up, that seems to be linked to people
getting a jab. So that's a separate story. But changes in medical numbers, changes in cancer rates. How do you kind of analyse that and connect that back to 5G?

[39:02] Well, there's a six sigma event, what happened in 2019, where the half a million people added to the sickness benefit. And it's specifically in and around the time when the 5G network was actually installed. radiation is an environmental pollutant. If I bring an environmental pollutant into an
environment that all of a sudden a lot of people start getting cancer, the cancer rates and the
reason why they're interconnected with the jab, the jab's full of nanoparticular contaminants.
[39:32] If I then put the, when I vibrate that radiation at you and especially in the blanket coverage, which is the sub gigahertz frequency, travel straight through the body, but it has an effect.
On those nanoparticulates because they then catch that radiation, they vibrate them and we can, you know if you look at explosives right,
high-powered explosives on the battlefield create nano particulates. Now where soldiers you know get these you know I've got a
number of the you know these documents where post mortem you know people that have cancer in the
kidney or the liver whatever and when they've actually you know done a biopsy looked at the soo-lec or microscopes they've
actually found that they what caused this cancer causing event is some nano particulates, so troops suffer it, you know, whether dealing with high explosives because you do create these nanoparticles. Nano particulates cause sterilization.
[40:35] Why anybody want to be injecting anybody with any is just beyond, well it's not beyond our comprehension. We know they have a depopulation plan, we know they're attacking the West in
particular. It's all about, you know, depopulation, taking your money. If you understand the World Economic Forum, right, an international terrorism organization, right, who you've got most of your people in cabinets across the country, across the world, they're all involved with the WAF, the WAF,
unfortunately are planning your death. They've got a plan in place, they're coming for you, fortunately, the whole thing seem to be falling a bit for them because unfortunately they didn't stabilize,
the antenna in the deltoid due to rushing the technology getting people in check people not aspirating the syringe and consequently people dropping down dead immediately a lot of people thought uh yeah I'll not be having that so there's an awful lot of people haven't had the shot.
Now, they have to come back.
[41:35] And bring that again. Until you get every single person with that vaccine in them, their real life is totally at risk and that's the this is the problem. They're going to lock you down in
these digital cities, digital prisons, whether it be food supply or that and then they'll come along go you've got to take that. They have to get the tens of millions of people who haven't had it.
[42:00] They have to get them vaccinated. So what I'm going to say to people is we are our adversary as a structured weaponized system against us we need to have a structured response to
It see I hear all of there's enough of us make no mistake about it what we don't have we don't have enough unity and the reason for that we've got a lot of state actors embedded in the movement. What I'm going to say is people, I always like to test them out very quickly,
ask them some simple questions. Is 5G safe? Is it a weapon system? As soon as they go.
[42:36] It's all, it's well, you know, that, that, and you, even if they're just ignorant, you don't want them about. If they tell you the vaccine's a vaccine or a biochemical weapon, we've got all
the data on that. I mean, Dr. David Martin does a fantastic job, not the only one, but does a fantastic job in identifying all the patents. In Bill Gates's patent, the antenna they've injected,
into you that he's had a great deal of input into and bunged up all the different institutions to tell you that it's safe and effective. That antenna specifically so he can create a cryptocurrency.
On your physical activity. That's what he's really after and he's put it in this Azure net with Azure.
It's a Microsoft cloud platform so it'll be able to see you walking along the street from those transmitters on the top of the street lights so it's watching you and all of a sudden he's building a cryptocurrency on the back of it that's really where they're going, what he didn't know well.
He probably did it's going to kill the larger proportion of the population so he ain't gonna get much on his cryptocurrency and at this rate we're seeing as of December I said it
[43:48] early on the bio weapons got a two-year fuse for 24 months so it was the 8th of December in 2020 when they started the vaccines we're now starting to see as of December just gone.
We're starting to see another thousand plus people every single week added to the kill rate.
[44:10] If that carries on to the summer you know at the back end it's you're going to be there's going to to be 50,000 extra deaths per week in the UK and they've already killed them.
[44:23] You know the fact that they've had that shot put in them. Now there is ways to mitigate it. If anybody's listening to this, you've had the vaccine, make no mistake about it, there is an antidote,
get in touch. The greatest power to you is getting 5G stopped. I mean that 5G network, especially in the streetlights, can target acquire you and can eliminate you causing the atonic seizure. I just take you with an 868 pulse and that's it. You're dead.
[44:51] Then I mean yeah if you've got somebody there who can start you back up you know if you've got a defibrillator on that then maybe you do have a chance. However if there's nobody about who knows how to use that equipment bringing your back round is going to be a problem.

[45:05] Just to finish off, that connection between 5G and the mRNA vaccine and with them working together, I remember the first time I had Kate Shemirani on and she started talking about this.
This was early on.
I didn't know what to do with that conversation because it was just, wow. I think you learn things, you assess what's happening, you become more aware.
But tell us more about, as we finish, that link between those two, because what you're saying the 5G masts can cause damage by themselves, but with what's in the mRNA, that that is actually helping it or affecting it in some way.
So can we finish off on that?

[45:57] You've got leakage of the mRNA, so if you've got these nanoparticles around the body and it's leaked into the body, then obviously the electromagnetic radiation pollution is going to be problematic to you. It just increases the toxicity because the nanoparticles they like sort of reflect.
[46:12] They'll modulate at the frequency and what they'll do is they'll damage the cells, you get oxidative stress which is precursor to cancer. That's how you're getting people who are currently developing stage four, they're not even going to stage one, they're going to the doctors, they're not well,
they get stage four and they're dead within months. That's what's happening.
The other people where it's been stabilized in the deltoid it needs to be removed and we're looking at ways to get it removed but what I'm going to say to people get an ADM magnet, powerful earth magnet they're not expensive, test yourself in and around your deltoid if you get an attachment.
Right get in touch with us we'll then put you on a protocol but what we'll do is we'll then go
and take action. We need people, there's 30-40 million people in this country who are victims of a crime, they need justice and the sooner they start waking up to what's happened to them.
And stop trying to pretend that you know it's something they just want to bury their head in, the only thing they're going to be buried in is in a coffin, right. They don't stop this 5G network,
it's planning to kill them and the only thing that stopped it, this war in Ukraine could go hot.
If it does, they need a civilian population. It's probably one of the reasons why they've held off.

[47:27] Yeah. Mark, I appreciate your time. I'm glad that we got this sorted out eventually.
Thank you for coming along and sharing your findings, your understanding, perspective on this. It's been fascinating. So thank you for your time today.

Thanks, Peter. I was pleased to be on.