Show notes and Transcript

Kim Isherwood heads up the most important campaign group in Wales.

Public Child Protection Wales seeks to protect children from state sexualisation and wake parents up to the evils being forced on their children.  
Kim joins us to discuss what first alerted her to how the education system is been used to groom our children. 
She explains how the Welsh politicians and media have simply gone along with this evil with many of them actively promoting it. 
Without PCP Wales many parents would be none the wiser to what teachers are doing to their children. 
What can the public and parents do to get involved in this battle to save our children? 
Join us to be inspired and hear Kim explain how you can become part of the fightback, and please share with family and friends.

Kimberley Isherwood is first and foremost a mother and she is the Chair of Public Child Protection Wales (PCP Wales), a parent-led, not for profit organisation concerned at the way national and local Governments have failed children in safeguarding and education.
Kim holds a degree in Criminology and Social Policy and a masters degree in Criminology and is a fully accredited Relationship & Sexuality Education teacher trainer doing a post grad in Applied Criminal Justice and Criminology.
She is not afraid of hard work and is always ready to ask the questions others will not and last year PCP Wales took the Welsh Government to court over proposals to bring in comprehensive sexuality education for children as young as three.

Connect and support Kim and PCP Wales...

Interview recorded 10.7.23

*Special thanks to Bosch Fawstin for recording our intro/outro on this podcast.

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(Hearts of Oak)

Hello, Hearts of Oak, and welcome to another interview coming up in a moment with Kim Isherwood.
I have followed Kim for about nine months now, and thrilled to have her on.
She heads up an organisation called Public Child Protection Wales, and this is about safeguarding, protecting our children from the sexualisation onslaught that is coming all across the world.
And she discusses why she's got involved in this, why she started the organisation, she discusses some of the teaching materials that are now being used to sexually abuse our children. And how parents, or if you're not a parent, you maybe have someone in your family, a child in your extended family, and you want to preserve their childhood life.
You want to hold off this because there is an age-appropriate time for all of this. And Kim talks about that clash between parental rights and governmental rights. 

Kim Isherwood, it is wonderful to have you with us. Thanks for your time today.

(Kim Isherwood)

No, thank you for your time, Peter. I really appreciate this.

Not at all. I've wanted you on for the last probably six or eight months. I've seen you at different things and what you cover is absolutely essential. As a parent, I understand that, you're a parent, but it's not just for parents, but those who have friends, nephews, nieces, whatever, because it affects everyone, I think, what we're going to discuss. But is where you can find Kim's excellent organisation. She's also on Twitter, @KimberlyTish. All those will be in the description, so make sure and follow what Kim is doing.
But maybe before we get into PCP Wales, why it's needed, what you're doing, the education system, why it's not just Wales but all over the UK and actually worldwide what we're facing, could you take just a few minutes and introduce yourself to our viewers and listeners.

Well yeah as you said my name is Kim Isherwood and I always described myself as a child from the streets. I was homeless on and off from the age of 14 to 21 and I spent a bit of time in a youth offenders institute and that's where I discovered that institutional child sex abuse.
Everybody in there had been abused you know so that's what I developed a passion for that obviously you know very close to my heart you're living with these girls for a long time and you you get to see a lot of what they've been through.
Moving on, then I became a mother. My eldest son has autism and ADHD, so I then furthered my education in the realms of social policy.
I then went on to do a few, I've done three university courses, a certificate in higher education for vulnerable adults, social policy and criminology, and then most recently a master's in criminology.
So I've kept, obviously, the two fields separate. One was my passion and one was a passion as a mother.
And then in January, 2020, I discovered an article online regarding sex education in three-year-olds.
And these two worlds just collided, Peter. I was absolutely amazed at how these two fields could cross in such a way.
I tried my best to look a bit further. And obviously then I discovered it was far more sinister, than what anybody's given it credit for, you know?
So that's when I started the campaign against the sex education, it was just a Facebook group.
And then later on, it was about six months later, we discovered further failings within our system.
And that's when we established Public Child Protection Wales.
Because I've spent the last 15 years supporting families of children with additional needs, forced adoptions, removals, and things like that.
With this campaign, with the sex education and the casework that I do on a one-to-one basis with families, we felt we had no option other than to set up this organisation to try and address these issues and obviously our immediate concern right now is the sex education but we do have plans to go on and address all the safeguarding policies, rewrite the training in Wales and basically you try and make this the safest place in the world for raising and educating children which is not rocket science.

I see the passion and enthusiasm, massive concern, it comes across, it's plain for all to see, you know the topic and you have a deep concern of what is happening.
You read about it just in the media, you became aware, it's more and more public what's happening, our newspapers report it, just like entertainment news now, really. How did it hit you? And it doesn't hit so many other people, because I have the conversation with parents and they nod, but it doesn't seem to really hit them or get them. 

Well, I'm the kind of person that I need to prove things wrong. So I first discovered the sex education in 2013, and it was an article online, and it was talking about masturbation from age four in Spanish schools introduced to the World Health Organization. People were saying it was Jewish propaganda because it came from a website called Israel 360 and obviously I went looking. I found the document, this article was not propaganda and I was naïve, very very naïve, you know you're looking at the World Health Organization how on earth are they saying we are sexual from birth and we should be masturbating from birth, you know? So one thing led to another and it wasn't long before we found the source of this data, and I use that term loosely, you know? And so for me, when I discovered it in the Welsh documents then, you know, like seven years later, it was an absolute no-brainer.
Again, naïve, I believe this wouldn't hit the British Isles, you know, and it literally took my heart sunk. I read a headline saying the Welsh government have removed your parental opt-out for sex education from age three. Now I want to categorically state that with my experience with institutional abuse, had I not known the origins of these frameworks, I probably would have thought, hmm, age three, but then I would have thought to myself, do you know what, it's needed to keep these children safe. That's what I would have thought, that's probably what I would have, to know what I mean, come to the conclusion about. But knowing the origin of this documentation, it reads like models of offending, you know, so the process people go to offend, it's like a step-by-step instruction, so I would say it's a manual of offending. And that was something I just could not let go of, you know, I cannot let go of that. It's one thing when it's across the pond and you can pass it off as crazy Yanks going through a faze or whatever, but it's something quite different than when it's actually in your living room, you know.
So we could not let it go and we will never let it go, you know, for that reason.

I've been curious, kind of touching the political side, and then we'll get on to the website itself and what you have, because I, as someone maybe on the right, kind of in UKIP and all that, I've been happy to blame Labour, point the finger at Labour, but living in, someone from Northern Ireland living in London. England is just as bad when you have a pretend Conservative Party. We have it just as bad here. Northern Ireland's maybe the only part of the Union that has maybe held off a little bit more because it is more traditional in its viewpoint of many things. Have you looked at it politically and kind of wondered how it's not just one side of the political spectrum, but it seems to be right across. Everyone seems to have fallen for this.

Yeah, well, what it was in, there's a document on our website, it was published by, Planned Parenthood Federation, and it's an overview of 25 countries. So in there on page 174, it discusses England, but in the corner of the page, it tells you that the studies in England apply to the whole of the UK.
If you read page 8 it actually tells you and it states five select committees so we've assumed that this includes Southern Ireland. It states that all five select committees of the UK have adopted this sex education with the view for legislative changes and this took place in March 2017. So we're all in the same storm we're just in different boats so that would mean that it was the Labour government in Wales, it was a Conservative government for England, it was the SNP for Scotland, and I'm unaware who it would have been for Northern Ireland, I'm sorry.
But yeah, so this is not a political issue, it seems to be, it's orders from above, you know, this is orders from above, this is the World Health Organisation, and the United Nations are pulling the strings on this. So again, I had no idea that all four UK countries were involved in this until after we'd started the campaign and my colleague had found the documentation.
So even when we saw some of this less in common in England in 2018, I did think to myself, they need to get that sorted out, you know, because we knew exactly where this self-stimulation for four-year-olds had come from and again that was the United Nations. So yeah we're all in the same predicament here. A concerning thing is we've been legislated against in Wales harshly.
Without having this lesson content as rough as they've had it in England and Scotland.
But this will be applied to the whole of the UK. They've adopted the same thing.
And the term I keep using is, if they have signed a contract for a BMW, they are not going to be driving a Focus into the classroom. It's that BMW that's coming. So this is something the whole of the UK need to be aware of now. We did prove this as well as fact in the judicial review.
Our case should be out there now for public viewing. There are two claimants who referenced this global sex education, that's myself and one of the claimants that we had to anonymise. Well, this was proven as fact. These documents have now reached mainstream media with the Conservative politicians in Wales claiming they are outraged. Well, every Conservative politician in Wales had this evidence. They were asked to support us when we issued the letter before action to the Labour government and they have not supported us, but they will make statements on our behalf.
So this is where we're at. This is not a party solution, it is a people solution.

Yeah, the pretend outrage from so-called conservatives. Let me bring up the website. This is the front page of the website. Tell us about starting PCP Wales, kind of the initial starting, and how you have, I guess, developed it, rolled it out, got people involved.

Well, to tell you the truth, we had to learn everything. We had to learn how to build the website by ourselves. We got a nice team together, we wrote the constitution, opened the bank account and we have been, we've been pretty much building a brand you know we if you look at our demonstrations now everybody's there kitted out in their uniform and eventually Public Child Protection Wales sex education will be a tiny part of that because we've just, we're not happy with the children's commissioner, we're not happy with the safeguarding procedures here in Wales and having a degree in social policy being devolved for just 20 years, we don't feel that is good enough, we feel that we do have the skills to make this country far safer and we are not supported by the NSPCC, we are not supported by the Children's Commissioner, we are not supported by Barnardo's, therefore we do not think they should be funded in the way they are, they are irrelevant to us on the ground, so we are building our own organisation simply because they are not good enough, they are not filling the criteria, they are not keeping our children safe, therefore we've built Public Child Protection Wales with the view to dissolve the rest of the people really.

Tell us your mission statement about promoting a high standard of safeguarding to the children of Wales. I think people are quite shocked that that is not in place already.
A lot of the things that you talk about, people think well this is common sense. I'm sure they're already in place and then when you begin to look you find out actually there are next to no safeguarding procedures to actually protect children from sexualization. 

Well this is another thing what we have done is, everybody's groomed by the system you believe schools are places of safeguarding, so the first thing we did was we put our team through level two safeguarding exactly the same as the teachers, so people could understand what was going on. I obviously sit in on this training, I explain the differences and I try to get people to really think.
So people assume schools are places of safeguarding, they assume these people are vetted.
Well the DBS only detects convictions, so unless you've been convicted of a sexual assault, that's not going to be flagged up anyway. A PNC check now that would be more in depth, because that flags up reports you know concerns without the convictions and when you actually look, at the safeguarding procedures in general all of the training, I am yet to find a single piece of training that educates school staff on what happens within their institution. Now we get reports published by the Independent Inquiry into Child Sex Abuse on the rates of sex abuse in schools and they claim, and I'm quoting the document here, that sex abuse in schools is an open secret.
With over 40% of children who are being abused, they're aware of it happening to other children.
So a major issue here is the fact that they are not trained in institutional child sex abuse.
Now my argument here is simple. To protect your car from a car thief, you think like a car thief.
To protect your house from a burglar, you think like a burglar. So to protect a child from a predator, you need to understand the mind and behaviour of predators, yet that training is completely absent. When you speak to a teacher about institutional child sex abuse, they will say what is that? Well you work in that environment? It is littered with abuses, why do you not know?
So what we have, we have a system that develops policy based on statistics. Now they will use stats from the Office of National Statistics and the Crime Survey England and Wales.
There you will find records of familial abuse, that's abuse at home and that's only because it's been reported. Now we built policy on these statistics because of that's what we've collected, yet institutional child sex abuse goes on for longer periods of time, there is usually multiple victims and it gets, and it doesn't get reported you know and you can look at another report by by the IICSA that claims schools are reluctant to report abuse.
So we're not collecting these statistics.
We will see academic reports years later about what happened years ago.
But those stats are never collected, and they are never used for the development of policy.
Well, I am the person who looks for the hidden statistics.
So I do FOIs in police stations. I look at the Education Workforce Council fitness of practice panels.
And when we are getting in excess of 200 sexual assaults and rapes in one Police Force.
 For three academic years and schools are reluctant to to report this abuse then we really do have issues you know and we also um, so the so the safeguarding procedure in school is simple, the level two safe guarders report concerns to the safeguard lead who is level three, well I'm safeguard lead, all my job is to decide whether it goes to the police, social services or the safeguarding board. That's all my job is. Now if you look at another report published it was jointly commissioned by the Welsh Government, Barnardo's and the serious sexual assaults.
I can't remember the name of it now, but it's the serious sexual assaults department it is and I actually know the lady who wrote this report it was Dr Sue Roberts. Now she took cases from social services. So, we've got teachers believing this stuff is going to social services and it's being dealt with. Well, the social workers are not trained in child sex abuse at all.
No social services are trained in child sex abuse in fine detail. They do their third-party training and that's it. Not only does it mention that, it states the social workers do not know what to do with the disclosure of abuse. They're not allowed to ask questions around the disclosure of abuse and they very often have to go to their supervisors or line managers. So what we're dealing with here is a report and pass system. If it is reported and passed it goes to social services and then it kind of flops anyway. So these are issues that we need to address and I've met loads of social workers who are really into child sex abuse but they've had to go and do a master's in criminology just to specialise in that field you know so we've got all these lines of
these disciplines and these academic disciplines but they're not crossing, they're not overlapping. So we're very much within a system that has groomed us into believing schools are places of safeguarding when we're actually living in a system that does not address institutional child sex abuse and I suspect that is probably the reason why the media and politicians will not speak to us because every time they do, we mention institutional child sex abuse and that is never aired. In actual fact, it was one time on Jeremy Vine, he said we'll forget about that for now. So this is the kind of thing we're dealing with. Nobody wants to look at what's happening within our school system anyway. They believe the safeguards. They believe correct terminology for your genitalia safeguards as well. And again, that's a myth that we are setting out to prove is false.

One other thing you talk about in your mission statement is ensuring parental care involvement remains at the heart of all developments. And there's one side is, I guess, parents have trusted their children to the education system.
I think what you're doing is helping wake parents up to that is not a trustworthy institution any longer.
But then they think well don't worry as a parent I can get involved. I've seen story upon story that and personally I've seen, that's not the case. The school is not, schools are not necessarily welcoming parental involvement. Is that a fair assessment? 

That is absolutely a fair assessment and I'll bring your attention to a recent court case, the Claire Page case. So Claire Page wanted know her daughter was being taught in school via a third-party sex education organisation.
They would not give her the resources. She found some very questionable stuff on the website, very graphic.
Their personal lives as well you know are questionable and the court has actually decided it's not in the public interest to share these resources with parents. Now time and time again we keep coming up against this thing about copyright, the schools can't show us because of copyright and when you look at these third party organizations very often their only qualification is their sexuality, there is no safeguarding training even though we complain safeguarding trainers are not up to scratch. It's not there anyway. You know, they have no qualifications in child development, child psychology. There is nothing there. There's no professionalism there. But what we're actually dealing with here are complex specialist fields, you know, and they just being dished out by, it's where they're having a party during these people have got together for a party, cook this stuff up and they just throwing it out. Like it's the be-all and end-all. Well yeah, it's the be-all and end-all of childhood in a sense.

Because, well probably 25% of our viewers are US and then probably about 65 UK. And we, Kim, you, we both watched some of the videos of school board meetings in the US, with the parents reading out some of the awful materials. And it seemed to be they have a place to air it. We, in the UK, seem to be quite different. We don't seem to have that same public forum to air it and then the school can pick parents off one by one.

Yeah, well I've actually attended meetings and I've been kicked off the meetings because the government is sending out these people to front these organisations and tell parents things aren't, you know. So these organisations are supposed to be there to support the schools but then they're saying in the same sentence then that the teachers have the final say.
Well how can the teachers have a final say over something you don't understand? They've brought you in for that so who is actually supporting who here and also when you ask them for the resources to back their statements, so correct terminology safeguards where's the research to support that? simply non-existent children can differentiate between good touch bad touch, where's the research to support that? it's practically it's non-existent you know, so these things these phrases are they throwing out there the non-existent anyway you know so if If they could back these things up, that would be something, you know, but they can't.
Nobody will come in on a proper debate.
No one will give us air time simply because what we are speaking is the truth and is common sense.
And if it gets out what we are saying, then that's going to change the whole mindset of parents anyway, you know, because they are being told this stuff safeguards.

Where is some of the push for it? I mean, I've been in my kids' schools, and you see the whole pride wall during Pride Month, and I don't think that should have any say.
That's completely separate from LGBT lifestyles. When you're looking at schools, sexualisation in schools, that should have no part.
Both cases, in a Church of England school, where I think sometimes in the UK we trust. And I'm saying that as a Christian, that we trust the Church of England.
They will bring biblical, correct teaching. That's not the case. Where's the push coming from? Is it coming from those well-funded LGBT organizations like Stonewall? Is it fear of being called out? Where's it coming from? 

Yeah, so it is coming from these well-funded lobbyists.
They are doing the work of the people from the top, you know, and that's it. Empty vessels make the loudest noise. They are getting all the airtime. You've got to have a victim and a demon for this kind of thing to work, so they will victimise people and then they'll demonise the common sense people then, you know. But this is coming from the third party lobbyists.
They are open about it. You've got the work of Dr Ellie Barnes, who openly says she wants to smash heteronormativity. She references the work of Dr Alfred Kinsey and that work as tables of sexual abuse of children as young as two. So yeah we've got some questionable academics and like I said they are all linked to these lobbyist groups, they're all well funded and yeah that's that's where it's coming from basically. They have a say over everything, now a lot of people will say well you know but we we talk about straight relationships all the time we need to have this in school. Well actually no we don't because when I was in school you would only know your teacher's married if they had a ring or their name was Mrs. You know, if I said, Miss, have you got a boyfriend? I would be told to mind my own business. So that's a big point people are missing here.
Where's the professionalism?

What about parents when they speak out? I know a case in school I know well, and a teacher was finishing up and decided to explain to the children of seven-year-olds that she was a lesbian, getting married to a lesbian lover.
And this is what lesbian was all about. And it started to describe lesbian sexual relationships to seven-year-olds.
Obviously, no place in a school. When parents complained, they were threatened with being reported to social services.
Is that... Tell us about that, because I think parents sometimes are a bit reticent, but I think it's probably you have to be wise and maybe how you approach engaging with a school.

Yeah, well this is something that is happening. Parents are being reported to social services because what people are not aware of is our children now have sexual and reproductive rights.
So the first step of this education is if you interfere you're breaching your child's right to an education. The step further from that then is you're breaching your child's sexual and reproductive rights. So we are on a slippery slope here, you know, parents don't have a single say at all, but I have always had a great relationship with my son's school only because it was a three-way partnership, you know, school, child and the parent.
Where are we going with this? You know, we know exactly where we're going with this.
It's damage limitation now, isn't it?

Oh, yeah. What has been the response to you from organisations and media as you've tried to highlight the abuse that's happening in schools?

Well, the media are not reporting anything. I film every single altercation with the media anyway, and I also send them the evidence afterwards to show that we are, you know, speaking the truth.
But the media won't publish any of that.
You know, they have been publishing facts of our case. So the World Health Organization documentation, UNESCO documentation, but they don't want, they don't wanna show you guys exactly what's going on, you see?
So now this is gonna be tomorrow's chip wrapper more than anything.
But what I keep saying to the media is this, you don't like us because when you point your camera into our crowd, you don't know if it's a Christian or a lesbian. So out here in Wales, we have united every single minority group, every single group, religious, non-religious, sexualities, we have united them all. But that goes against everything they promote. That goes against every narrative that they push out there. They don't want the UK to know there is a group of common sense people in Wales fighting for the safety of their children. They want people to think we are bigots. They want people to think we are homophobic. Well, half of our panel is part of the LGBT community anyway. So again, you know, this is why they won't report on us because they can't demonize us. They have given a statement saying that this is misinformation and they are yet to point out what that misinformation is because we've proven it in court as fact.

On the website, again, people can get all the resources.
Please do make use of it. And if you go to the here, the sex ed part, you can click resources, and there is a wide range of resources available there, telling you what is happening.
And then it goes into some of the WHO stuff. Now, I guess it's strange, people don't think the WHO, What are they doing involved?
When you look into this, you find organizations involved, which kind of surprises why they're getting.
And they go through right from the beginning of zero to four, talking about masturbation, or at that age, children knowing what's best for them.
I mean, tell us about how the kind of organizations, how they are pushing this agenda.

Well, there's three theories, there's three underlying theories here. So one is we are sexual from birth. The other is the gender ideology, which means, well, they say gender is a social construct. Then the third is the queer theory, and that's being played as your hip and cool if you're queer. Well, actually, the main aim of queer theory is to queer all heteronormativity and to prove that there's not a binary between gender, sexuality, and the most concerning of all, there's no binary between adulthood and childhood. They don't believe in childhood, they believe childhood in a sense is a myth, and you know when you look into their work they say things like child plus adult equals okay, this is what we are dealing with here, these academic disciplines that's being promoted as something that's really cool, it's coming down from professors, you know in the universities so it's being sold as credible then but when you actually look into the stuff you expose these people for who they are, their social media then disappears. So these are people who cannot even stand by their conviction here, you know, if they could stand by that conviction, then that would be something.

Tell us about the political pushback. As you've spoken, what's been the pushback, certainly from Welsh politicians?

So there's been absolutely no political pushback whatsoever. There was a handful of politicians against this, and then they didn't get in on the next election. So we had one politician they went from 23,000 votes the previous term all down to 1,200 when I know of a thousand non-voters that voted anyway. We had one member of the Senate who wasn't even on the ballot paper, so the people who were speaking out about this they seem to have disappeared.
We had Kirsty Williams who was flying the flag for this education who gave a fantastic speech if anybody wants to see that on YouTube, she gave a nice performance saying how the children of Wales are banking on her, they are banking on her for this education, she did not sit in the next election she got off on the next stop, so we've got the politicians are acting like we don't exist basically they're not giving us any airtime they have even said that this is paedophile conspiracies when what we have said is these are paedophile policies and you only have to look at the paedophile information exchange manifesto to see that, you know, so again we've proven that as fact as well.
There is no political pushback, there is a group in parliament, a group of about 40 politicians who are fighting against this gender ideology but again they're from all different political parties So there is no political pushback whatsoever. This is a political pantomime. This is a political agenda going into our schools. So you wouldn't expect any political pushback then because they all seem to be singing from the same hymn sheet.

I was shocked in Westminster whenever the case you mentioned, getting parents getting access to the educational materials, that then one of the MPs has asked the government, we need to have access and say, well, you're part of a conservative government for 13 years, this happened under your watch.
How is that, that seems the most natural thing for parents to have engagement and understand what their children are teaching, and yet schools seem to have hidden it away, as if this is something wrong and therefore you can't see. It's literally, we are sexually engaging with your child and you don't have a right to know. It's a weird concept for us to understand as parents.

So the government were going to launch a campaign as a matter of urgency against the misinformation that we were putting out there. Well, we were still waiting for this campaign because if this education is as good as they say it is, they should be shouting it from the rooftops, not hiding it from us. So as a parent or any concerned citizen, you know, the children are all of our responsibility. The children are the future. What happens to them shapes the world, you know. And this is what we're dealing with. If this was as good as they said it was, they would be shouting it from the rooftops. They would have me on a live debate there and then, I've offered all 60 ministers of the Senate, all 650 ministers of Parliament. So if this was as good as they said it was, they would have me on TV and they would absolutely destroy me there and then splash this all over the newspapers and say, this is moral panic, this is exactly what you're having, you can access it at any time, this is going to keep your children safe. But they cannot do that. They cannot do it and we all know why they cannot do it. Because it's too sinister.

Tell us, coming near the end, tell us about people getting involved with you. How do people get involved? How do they make a difference? 

So they can subscribe to our website, or you can join different sex education groups on Facebook, Twitter, follow the people that you know, follow the people in your area.
We are building a coalition, so a UK-wide coalition. We are no longer being trapped with these invisible borders. This is not a devolved matter, this is a global matter.
We have to unite this kingdom.
We are currently in the process of working with different groups like the School Gate Campaign, Rally for the Children Cornwall, there's lots of different groups. We are removing the logos from our flyers, we're putting our work together, we are compiling a four-page flyer which is going to address all the issues in England, Ireland, Scotland and Wales. It's a universal leaflet, we will be raising money for all the groups to get this out there. We are on a mission to inform and educate. We're not here to debate and waste time, we're out there to inform people, connect, get people understanding they are not on their own in this, this is a global thing.
We're supporting each other, we're meeting, we're networking, this is our opportunity now guys.
We can cover a lot of ground over the six weeks holidays and then we can all meet in Parliament Square on the 13th of September to remind Rishi Sunak that we are watching, we are waiting, we are going nowhere. Our children are too precious to wait to be saved. So we will be looking into a nationwide sit-out, you know, removing children from school because that was powerful in Canada.
There was 90 children, 90,000 children in this district and I think 30,000 were removed on the first day of Pride Month. That had a massive impact. We can do this guys, but we just get together, get networking. First point of contact, subscribe to our website, we'll keep you informed.
Join the coalition against indoctrination and sexualization of children in schools.
That's on Facebook, get on there guys and all groups are now working in unison.
We are building a UK-wide coalition. This is a movement, only a movement can stop this.
It was a movement that brought it in, only a movement can get it out.
It has to be people power, no other way around it.

Yeah, we've had Susan Mason on before a number of times, School Gates campaign does a fantastic job.
Going to Westminster, that means what you're doing is important, not just for Wales, but wider. What you've started is looking at what's in Wales, but going to Westminster, shows actually that this is something that affects every single part of the UK and wider.

Well, this is it. So we were saying we're going to start small and then take them all.
We had to focus on the fight in Wales because it was a preventative campaign. You see, there was already less than content around the rest of the UK. So it was preventative campaign ours was, and we always knew what happened here in Wales would affect the whole of the UK. So we tried really hard, do you know what I mean, to destroy this legislation. But the judicial system is simply not on our side. We always said this was going to be a case of uniting the kingdom, but we did focus our fight in Wales only because we had that judicial review.
Now it's a damage limitation campaign, we all need to be on the front line now and that's what we are doing in Public Child Protection Wales. We're ensuring each group has what they need, we're encouraging them to meet, we're going to be supplying leaflets all around the country, and like I said we're in the process of putting these together now. Factual information that covers all four countries, a universal leaflet, everybody has a right to know.

And I guess also important for anyone watching who is a teacher or involved in the education process, we kind of sometimes think the education process has been captured by a Marxist ideology, and that is true. But there still will be many good people in the education sector.
And I guess important for teachers, if they see something that they think is inappropriate, they can, I guess, whistle-blow, they can pass the information on and highlight it.

Absolutely, yes, they could. And we will do everything in our power to keep that, confidential. We would never rename that teacher or where this information has come from. But we do have to be working together now. I suspect a lot of training that's gone on in recent years is alienating parents from the training and we do feel like you know the whole profession has turned against us but you can't do your job without us. Things are going to happen in your work environment where our children are, and the only people that's going to be able to help you are the parents. Now you've got to work with the parents because you are the ones the government has put on the front line. With this case law we've got here in work now, you are the ones in the firing line, we will be coming after teachers because that's our only option now. They've put you in this position, help us get you out of it.

Kim, I really appreciate you coming on, what you're doing is absolutely essential and I think it's one of the key battles to actually protect our children from this ideology that wants the whole gender reassignment stuff, all of that, it's a slope that children cannot recover from, it's irreversible, some of that, and what's been forced on them.
So thank you so much for coming on and sharing what you're doing with Public Child Protection Wales.

Oh, thank you for having us. We appreciate this. You know, we appreciate all the support we can get.

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