Welcome to 'Its Alright to be Dwight'
A podcast with the television, film and voice actor Dwight Schultz, exclusive to Hearts of Oak.
This episode Dwight explores hidden motives and the sexual connotations of the term "bad." Multiple gender transitions and allegations of corruption involving figures like Obama, Clinton, and Biden before shedding some light on the troubling issues of child trafficking and pornography.

Dwight mentions the book 'Magic Soup, Typing Monkeys, And Horny Aliens From Outer Space: The Patently Absurd Wholly Unsubstantiated and Extravagantly Failed Atheist Origin Myth' at the beginning of the podcast, get it here on Amazon  https://amzn.eu/d/fLfX8m7

A respected performer on Broadway, Dwight Schultz found everlasting fame by playing the certifiable "Howling Mad" Murdock on the action series "The A-Team" (1983-86).
A living, breathing cartoon with a seemingly endless selection of voices and accents at his command, Murdock provided the air power for the A-Team's clandestine adventures, provided that his compatriots could break him out of the mental hospital where he resided.
One of the show's most popular and memorable figures, Murdock ensured Schultz steady work on television and on the big screen playing Reginald Barclay in "Star Trek: The Next Generation"
An accomplished voice actor, Dwight can be heard in numerous hit computer games and in countless animated shows.
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