Alex Newman returns to Hearts of Oak to help us to unpack The Deep State.
Alex has his finger on the pulse like few others, his daily show and regular pieces in publications like Epoch Times cover so many current issues but four years ago he wrote a book on our topic this episode.
What is the Deep State and why is there such a backlash against those who seek to expose it?
Join us as Alex answers these questions and illuminates this clear and very present danger.

Alex Newman is an award-winning international journalist, educator, author, speaker, investor, and consultant who seeks to glorify God in everything he does.
In addition to serving as president of Liberty Sentinel Media, Inc, he has written for a wide array of publications in the United States and abroad. He currently serves as a contributor to the Epoch Times, a correspondent for the Law Enforcement Intelligence Brief, foreign correspondent and senior editor for The New American magazine, a writer for WND (World Net Daily), an education writer for FreedomProject Media, a columnist for the Illinois Family Institute, and much more.
Over his career as a journalist, Alex has interviewed current and former heads of state, members of Congress, royalty, and countless other fascinating people. His work, which has received numerous awards, has been repeatedly highlighted by Drudge, Breitbart, Fox News, and many other outlets. His writing has been published in major newspapers across America, and his PR work has appeared in the New York Times, the Washington Post, Reuters, the Associated Press, and more.
In addition, Alex has authored and co-authored several books. One of his major works was an exposé of government schools with internationally renowned Dr. Samuel Blumenfeld called Crimes of the Educators published by WND Books. It was endorsed by conservative leaders ranging from Phyllis Schlafly to Ron Paul.
Across multiple platforms and with tens of millions of views on his videos so far, Alex also hosts and co-hosts a number of shows. Alex hosts The Sentinel Report on the Frank Speech network which reaches many millions worldwide. Separately, he hosts Behind The Deep State and Conversations That Matter. Finally, he co-hosts Unravelling the Narrative.
Alex is on the Leadership Council of Freedom Force International, one of the premier liberty organizations in the world. He also serves as a director for the organization Bear Witness Central, which works to protect and preserve the U.S. Constitution by educating the public in partnership with other conservative organizations. Alex is a Leadership Fellow at the James Madison Institute, Florida’s premier free-market think tank. And he serves on the advisory board of Citizens for Free Speech.
Alex has a B.S. degree in journalism from the University of Florida with an emphasis on economics and international relations, as well as an A.A. degree in foreign languages from Miami-Dade College. He also studied international relations at the Institute Français des Alpes in France.

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The Sentinel Report TV show:
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'Deep State: The Invisible Government Behind the Scenes' and 'The Deep State: Pulling Strings From Behind the Scenes' available on e-book from Amazon...

Interview recorded 14.3.23

*Special thanks to Bosch Fawstin for recording our intro/outro on this podcast.

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[0:22] Hello, Hearts of Oak, and thank you for joining us for another interview with Alex Newman, just coming up. Alex was with us back in July, and he's joined us to talk about the Deep State, Fact or Fiction. He has written a book five years ago on the Deep State, and it's a massive term, one that's misunderstood, one that there's a lot of pushback when you address, which always makes me curious. So we delve deeper into it, and Alex was able to share his input, his knowledge on what the Deep State is and look at some of those organizations and institutions that are using, how the media engage with it. Alex of course writes everywhere, he is on so many channels, he is the founder and president of Liberty Sentinel Media Inc, he writes for Epoch Times along with many other organizations, appears on many programs and is on Lindell TV every Monday to Friday at 4.30 Eastern Time which would be 9.30 p.m. UK time. You can catch him there. I know you'll enjoy listening to Alex as much as I did speaking with him. Here he is.

Alex Newman, it's wonderful to have you back. Thank you so much.
It's wonderful to be here. Thank you so much for having me Peter.
Thank you for having me yesterday on your show. The first time on your show it's great to be on it and I've watched it. I've watched it on on Lindell TV and obviously the website.
So it was great to join you. Thank you for that.

I was an honour to have you. Thank you very much. It's great to have a British perspective sometimes.
[1:50] I think Americans are very inward focused.
We just focus on America, but it's really great to hear from somebody who is in another place, who's dealing with the same kind of things, only a little bit further advanced.
It's a good warning, I think, that Americans need to hear more often.

No, absolutely.
[2:07] Well, Alex was with us back in July after I met him at the AFA conference over in LA.
He is the founder and president of Liberty Sentinel Media Inc.
And there the link is underneath there,
And I think today we're gonna look at the deep state.
I put it, fact or fiction, a lot is written about it. And I know Alex, you have written about this and people can get that on the website. We'll put the link in the description, the deep state exposed. We'll touch on that a little bit.
And so of course I need to let the viewers know if they're not watching Lindell TV, they can catch you on Monday evenings. Is it once a week you're on?

No, it's actually a daily, every weekday.
Yep, every weekday from 4.30 to 5 New York time.
Liberty Sentinel, they can get you on that. Maybe just go back, what was your vision?
[3:08] You set up Liberty Sentinel what was your vision for it? What did you want that to actually achieve?
What was your idea behind this?

Actually, we set it up as a college newspaper, believe it or not.
I was in college, this was 2007. And I got together with a group of, we got liberty minded people, liberty minded guys. And we decided, you know, all the newspapers are fake.
It's all propaganda.
We need something for this community and for the surrounding area to have good information.
So we created that. It started off just a once a month print publication with an online component and very rapidly grew.
And pretty soon we were distributing, you know, 15,000 copies a month throughout, what was it, eight or nine counties. After college, we didn't really prepare successors.
So we kind of shut down the paper.
I kept the company. And the thinking was, you know, I don't know what I'll need this company for in the future, but today it's a lot of different things.
We produce content for a lot of the biggest and greatest media outlets out there.
I write a lot for the Epoch Times. I serve as senior editor for the New American.
I do five or six other shows.
We work with all kinds of different people.
[4:20] Just trying to get reliable, accurate, truthful information out there from a biblical perspective, from in our country, we have our constitution, from a constitutional perspective, for the purpose of informing, educating, and activating, especially Americans, but also people around the world on these issues.

Yeah, absolutely. Well, if I can bring up where people can get, or when they go on the website, That's what you'll get.
It's packed full of articles with the videos there as well. So make sure and make use of it that that's not on your list of places you have a look at each day.
It is well worthwhile.
[4:58] Now, the book, it was five years ago, actually, you were at the Deep State Exposed.
And that I think has become a term that encompasses a lot of the control, the agenda, the attack on truth, reduction of value of the individual.
And it's a term that's actually not used that much in the UK.
[5:19] So maybe we can go back to that point and you wrote a book on the deep state.
Do you wanna just unpack the meaning of that? Because two thirds of our viewers will be UK, a third will be US. And it may be a term which isn't deep inside people's minds in the UK.

Yeah, thank you, Peter. And so I actually chose the term because it was starting to become part of the popular lexicon in America.
There had been a poll commissioned by one of the universities, the Monmouth University Polling Institute early on during Donald Trump's presidency.
And they found that 75% of Americans, and this was pretty evenly distributed across both parties, believed in what the pollsters described as a deep state.
Now, they defined the deep state in the poll as a group of unelected military government and other individuals who were seeking to control the national policy of the United States outside of democratic means.
It was some, you know, don't quote me on that, but it's a rough paraphrase of how they define the deep state.
And I think that is actually a decent definition. And so we were at the point already in America, actually the, I first did a special report in the New American Magazine on the deep state.
That was about five years ago.
And then about two and a half years ago, we turned it into a book.
Deep State, the invisible government behind the scenes. I probably have a copy here.
[6:39] I do. And I went all over the country doing talks on this subject as well, on the Deep State because it was really coming out of the closet, right? And this was something I had been exposing my entire career as a journalist, this unelected secretive network.
I go a little bit deeper. You know, yeah, there are the forces in Washington, DC, the permanent bureaucracy, you know, some of the forces within the intelligence community, things like that that have been caught over and over again, doing things they shouldn't do.
But there's also another layer behind that. And in the book, I define it as the deep state behind the deep state.
And these are the organizations that are less known. Some of them are technically secret.
Others actually have a website. They publish membership lists, like the Council on Foreign Relations.
The counterpart in the United Kingdom would be the Royal Institute for International Affairs.
These are very, very powerful organizations.
That don't necessarily operate in the shadows, but people don't really understand what they do.
Of course, you have the Bilderberg group, you know, 120 plus weirdos and their minions come together.
And I actually snuck into one one time, that was fun.
[7:42] You've got genuine secret societies like Skull and Bones, we have at Yale University here.
We've got the Bohemian Grove out in Northern California. I'm sure you guys have your own in the United Kingdom.
And, you know, I started noticing a pattern as I started investigating these things.
I started noticing that they were all moving us generally in the same direction, all moving us away, from the concept of nation states toward first regional and then global governance, moving us away from individual liberty, God-given rights protected by the constitution toward this more utilitarian technocratic view of government that the individual is more of a cog in the machine.
[8:20] So, that was very disturbing to me. And I actually related directly into the Bible.
In this book, I actually outline that what I think is going on here is we're dealing with a struggle against evil. The Apostle Paul describes it in Ephesians chapter 6 as a battle against powers, principalities, the rulers of the darkness of this world, spiritual wickedness in high places. And so, is every member of the Council on Foreign Relations working for Satan?
No. Well, maybe, but not consciously necessarily. I was brainwashed with this stuff too. I was taught in school that countries are bad and that's why we have wars and if we want to get rid of wars we got to get rid of religion we got to get rid of nations and just move to this one world kumbaya United Nations so I think that really is ultimately my understanding of the deep state I used the term because it was already in the popular lexicon but I take it a step further than say your average person walking down the street might understand
And of course there is a
[9:16] backlash, which always intrigues me whenever when you speak in something you suddenly find there is this backlash, not a backlash of engagement or discussion, but of ridicule, of smearing.
Do you want to kind of touch on that? And certainly we've seen it the last three years on COVID, but it goes back further than that. Whenever you touch on certain things, you find you're told you're not supposed to discuss that.
Yeah, and what we're seeing here is actually just a more advanced form of what Pavlov did with the dogs.
And actually, they start training the children for this very early on in their so-called education, which is really a fraud. There's very little education actually happening in public schools in the United States.
But this is a conditioned response. It's a conditioned behaviour.
So just like the dogs start drooling, you know, when they hear the little bell ringing.
And so the people start drooling when they hear the term conspiracy, right?
And they actually don't even know what the word means. They just, conspiracy, that just means something stupid that's not true. No, get a dictionary, conspiracy means two or more people working together in secret for immoral, illegal or wicked intent.
[10:22] And so there are conspiracies everywhere. Your average person understands this very well.
Businessmen conspire, right? If you ask an average person walking down the street, do you think businessmen might conspire to extort you out of money or raise their price?
Well, of course they would, right? We all understand that.
Might politicians also, oh no, that's a conspiracy theory, right?
And they start drooling. So this is not actually a result of logic or reason.
It's not that they're processing evidence.
It's that they have been conditioned, first in the schools and then later through the media, to just start drooling.
And of course, I'm using drooling as a proverbial, right? But, well, that's silly or whatever buzzword of the day.
That's racist or that's homophobic.
Or that, you know, just pick your buzzword that they've been trained to spout when they're exposed to the stimuli.
[11:06] And that's what you get. That's a conspiracy.
And so you end up with a large segment of the population that is actually impervious to reason, logic, or evidence.
And I think that's how the deep state likes it. You know, more and more, this is falling by the wayside.
I think more and more Americans, especially, and I think it's probably true in Britain as well and in other parts of Europe.
I spent a big part of my life in Europe, but Latin America, Africa, you know, I have people that I speak with regularly all around the world.
I think people all across the planet are starting to realize that, you know, they may not know all the details, but they're starting to realize that, wow, there really are people who want to undermine our nation states and undermine our individual freedoms and move us toward a system that at the very least we never consented to, and at the very least we haven't voted on, right?
And so I'm encouraged by that. But yeah, there has been a very deliberate process of trying to ridicule and marginalize people who point this out, which of course is exactly what you would do if you were trying to secretly undermine institutions and values that people cherish.

No, I think whenever watching Trump from afar running and winning in 2016,
[12:13] The vitriol against him was one thing, but it seemed to be something more than that. And certainly I hadn't, from being a student of politics, had not seen anything on that scale before. I mean, what were your thoughts around that time? Because it seemed as if there was something bigger against this individual who was standing than we'd seen ever before.

There absolutely was. And that's because the deep state, to borrow the term, to continue at this term, understood that Trump was not necessarily part of them. He was not controllable by them. And you know, you don't have to agree with everything that Trump ever did or said to recognize that he was kind of like a human wrecking ball, right? He had his own ideas. He was going to go in there and do those things. And he didn't care what the fake media or anybody else thought.
And you know, for many years in his life, he was actually close to some of this machinery.
But he also came from a background that I think deeply disturbed them, right? Early on in Trump's presidency. In fact, it might have even been before he was elected. I went to Roger Stone's house and to Roger Stone's office and we filmed some interviews. And this was for public, right?
This was not a one-on-one conversation. This was for the public. And Roger Stone tells me, yeah, Donald Trump, he comes from an amazing background. His dad was a good friend of Robert Welch, the founder of the John Birch Society. His dad was one of the major funders of the John Birch Society.
[13:32] John Birch Society is like kryptonite for the deep state. They start freaking out.
It's like throwing water on the wicked witch of the West.
Because the John Birch Society has been trying to fight this for 60 plus years.
And so when you have Roger Stone, a very close aide and advisor to Donald Trump, saying that Trump's dad was John Birch Society.
Trump, of course, was mentored and worked very closely for decades with Roy Cohn, who was on the board of the Western Goals Foundation, which was founded by Congressman Larry McDonald, who, in addition to being the chairman of the John Birch Society, was the most conservative, the most anti-communist, the most anti-deep state member of the US Congress.
So much so that the Soviets ended up shooting down his airplane in 1983.
You know, he really made a lot of people mad. And so Roy Cohn was on the board with Congressman Larry McDonald. Congressman Larry McDonald was kind of like a Donald Trump, you know, just a human wrecking ball when it came to stopping the machinations and the plans of the establishment.
And so Donald Trump came from this background.
[14:28] It was very obvious that he wasn't going to be a conventional politician.
It was very obvious that he wasn't going to be taking marching orders from the Council on Foreign Relations.
Or he actually was the only Republican president in the last hundred years who hadn't gone to go visit these clowns at the Bohemian Grove with their weirdo rituals that they do.
And actually, apparently they had talked about him there. Some emails were leaked from Stephen Harper, who was the Prime Minister of Canada and Colin Powell.
And Colin Powell had written to Stephen Harper, no, sorry, to the former Defense Minister of Canada.
He said, I got to sit next to Stephen Harper And, you know, we had some nice chats and we all agreed Donald Trump is terrible.
You know, we got to stop Donald Trump.
So within the kind of organizations and networks that we kind of broadly classify as the deep state, Donald Trump was viewed as very dangerous.
And even after he was elected, they continued to come out of the woodwork and say this.
I've got a video that I used in my presentations across the country on the deep state of the former head of the CIA, John McLaughlin.
Saying he was asked on a panel discussion. So Donald Trump is whining that there's a deep state out to get him and that they want to remove him.
Is that true?
And I think she was expecting the guy to say like, what an idiot, what a conspiracy theorist.
And he actually says, thank God for the deep state.
[15:41] Wait, what? You're thanking God for a deep state trying to take out the elected president of the United States?
Did we just hear that?
You had Senator Chuckie Schumer, the leader of the Democrats in the US Senate, said on Rachel Maddow, this weird guy who's got a TV show on MSLSD, Asked him, you know, about Donald Trump.
And Chuckie Schumer says, yeah, you know, the intelligence community has six ways from Sunday to get back at you. So Donald Trump better be really careful.
Who says that? What's that supposed to mean? Are you going to shoot the guy?
Are you going to, you know, put fake news about him in the media?
What tools, what six ways from Sunday does the intelligence community have to get back at the elected president of the United States?
And so I think it was very obvious.
Again, you don't have to agree with everything Donald Trump said or did during his presidency or before to realize that there was a very powerful network, not just American, but global, that absolutely hated the guy.
And even though every once in a while he'd throw him a bone, you know, he'd meet with Henry Kissinger, he'd pursue some policy that they were pleased with, ultimately he was a human wrecking ball to their agenda.
He got us out of the UNESCO. He got us out of the World Health Organization.
He got us out of the Paris Agreement. I mean, these are all critical policies that the deep state has been working on for a long time. And here comes this guy, and in just a period of a few years is destroying the whole architecture that they'd spent all these decades building.
So they'll never forgive him for that. I wouldn't be surprised if we saw, you know, another SWAT raid on Mar-a-Lago and they bring the CNNs and stuff to drag them out in chains.
[17:10] But yeah, they hate him. And I think the reason why is obvious.

Because I think every president really up to that point kind of fitted in the jigsaw. They fit it neatly in. They were in one of two parties that stayed in their lane. And then you have someone coming, an enigma that blows out of the water. And it was interesting to see the, I guess, the split in the Republican Party of a fear that someone was coming in that was maybe uncontrollable and they were losing that control of their own party.

[17:44] Yeah and you know there's always been this struggle within the conservative movement and the Republican Party. It's been going on for many many decades. You had kind of the establishment faction and the grassroots faction and the establishment faction really has been primarily represented by I would say National Review and William Buckley. You know if you actually go back and read William Buckley's position, I mean the guy has a lot of troubling connections. He was a member of the Secret Society. I mentioned Skull and Bones at Yale.
He was a member of the Council on Foreign Relations. He worked for years for the Central Intelligence Agency in Mexico City. He was okay with abortions. He was okay with what he described as a totalitarian bureaucracy within our shores to supposedly deal with the Soviet Union. So, you know, on a traditional political spectrum of where Americans are at, William Buckley didn't really fit very well in the conservative side of the spectrum. And yet, the New York Times and the and the Washington Compost and PBS, they all trotted him out as the conservative.
He was the representative of responsible conservatism and anyone who didn't line up behind William Buckley was somehow irresponsible or extreme.
And so we saw this in the 2016 election, right? National Review did a whole issue about stopping Trump and they brought all their clown car out and everybody wrote the article about why Donald Trump is so scary and so dangerous.
And the conservative movement and the Republican Party laughed at them.
They said, you guys are clowns, right? We don't care what you think.
You're not the leaders of the conservative movement.
[19:07] And so at that point, I think the establishment wing of the Republican Party really was destroyed.
I mean, a lot of them are still there, but they've had to camouflage themselves.
They've had to pretend to be conservative. They've had to pretend to be MAGA, if you will, to borrow a term from the modern lexicon.
[19:22] But a lot of them were just pushed clear out, right? Bill Kristol, the editor of the Weekly Standard, another leading figure within what was the establishment Republican.
I mean, there's no genuine grassroots Republican conservative today in America who seriously cares what Bill Kristol thinks.
I mean, the guy's a joke to the extent that anybody knows him, he's a joke.
Same thing now today with National Review.
National Review hasn't been to CPAC since Trump won the presidency, because they realize they're not really part of any actual movement anymore.
They're kind of this fringe, you know, they don't quite fit in with the Democrats, because they like more war than I think the Democrats are comfortable with. But they certainly don't fit in with the Republicans.
So they're kind of out in the wilderness.
And that was all a result of Trump's presidency. He was the first one that was able to really.
[20:07] communicate this to the American people in a way that they would understand, in a way where the media couldn't suppress it,
[20:13] Because it happened very rapidly, the discrediting of the media completely among conservatives.
Because it used to be, you know, the media could come in and play air support and kind of do damage control whenever the truth started leaking out.
But with Trump, Americans, and this became very clear after the election, Americans who supported him were inclined to believe almost the opposite of what the fake media said.
So if the media said, well, National Review said Trump is bad, and National review is the standard bearer of the conservative movement, conservative Americans would say, okay, I guess the conservative movement is actually not led by National Review, National Review must be a joke.
And so you saw this really big rift in conservatism that was there for decades and decades.
There was always this power struggle within the party.
Do we want constitutional, Christian, limited government, God-given rights, or do we want this kind of establishment brand of neoconservatism, right?
Irving Kristol, Bill Kristol's father was kind of one of the founders of neoconservatism.
And he actually admitted once that it was kind of Trotskyite in orientation.
[21:10] So this struggle existed for decades and decades. And then Trump's presidency kind of finally blew up that struggle.
You know, and I think the final contest there was Liz Cheney running for office in Wyoming.
I guess really somebody that was a political newcomer. I mean, I knew Harriet Hageman.
She's been in some of my talks.
I've known her for years. You know, nice lady.
But National America Republican Party had not heard of Harriet Hageman and yet she crushed Liz Cheney like a bug.
I mean, it wasn't even a contest. And I think at that point it was clear to everybody, all the analysts, everybody that the what was used to be the establishment wing of the Republican Party was basically not just impotent, but ground into dust.

[21:50] Yeah, well, I'm just back from CPAC, which was a, I don't know if I dreamed about CPAC, certainly daydreamed about it. And you compare it to what we have in the UK, and it's got that energy, that razzmatazz, that showbiz, that, and it was great to be there and to the energy there.
Obviously, Trump spoke at the end for, I think, an hour and a half, and really good speech, although didn't raise it to high decibels as such, but bang on so many of the topics.
But I kind of look when you look, you're wondering whether, I mean when he got in in 2016, whether actually people know him much better, they are even more afraid of him, in many parts of the country, and whether that fight for this time will be even worse, even harder, even more brutal than it was before.

[22:48] I think it will be. And it's very interesting now. The establishment has realized that they're not gonna be able to run one of the regular milk toast fake Republicans.
I mean, the idea of Jeb Bush seriously running in a Republican Party, nobody can take that seriously.
It's a laughing matter.
Nobody would seriously consider running an establishment Republican.
And so what's happening is the establishment Republicans now coalescing behind Ron DeSantis.
And, um, you know, I, I spent hours and hours in Ron DeSantis's office.
He used to be my Congressman, always, you know, pestering him about the votes that were less than ideal.
[23:22] He's my governor. Of course, you know, he was at the meeting we were at just a few weeks ago, had a chance to speak with him briefly there. And so, you know, I really don't have a personal problem with Ron DeSantis. He's been a great governor. He's my governor.
He's certainly the best in the whole country. But I think the reason the establishment wing of the Republican Party is coalescing behind Ron DeSantis, and this is a really good sign to me, is because they realize there's nobody else who doesn't have credentials as a hardcore conservative willing to punch these clowns in the nose that has any chance of winning against Donald Trump.
And I think that they're more terrified of Donald Trump than they are of Ron DeSantis, because Ron DeSantis is still, you know, something more of a conventional politician.
He doesn't throw out like insults that are gonna embarrass these people for the rest of their lives, right?
And so I think they're like, you know what? Maybe Ron DeSantis isn't the policy guy that we like, but at least he's not Trump, and he has a chance of beating Trump.
And so, you know, let's marshal our forces behind him. So it's gonna be really interesting.
But I think just the fact that this is where the Republican Party at is a really good sign.
[24:21] You know, Ron DeSantis has been a standard bearer for the freedom movement, actually.
And he could have done better. Of course, he's a human being like anybody, but he did, early on he succumbed to some of the hysteria and did a few of the little mandates, but very rapidly he turned that around.
And he actually protected the people of Florida from the craziness that was affecting most of the rest of the country.
And I know, cause I live here, you know, we really didn't have mandates from the local, from the county or from the state level where I live.
Life just pretty much continued as normal. Never did anyone here tell me to put on a face diaper, never did anyone tell me I couldn't do something if I wouldn't take the thing. And so, and I thank Ron DeSantis for that, you know, he really led the way. And so I'm frankly pleased that I know a lot of conservatives are very worried about the possibility of Trump and Ron DeSantis kind of of destroying each other and dividing the conservative movement.
And I think that's a fair concern.
[25:11] And I share it, but I also think there's a silver lining here.
And this shows you that the American people are breaking free of the fake, you know, uni-party, the fake two-party system where they really all agree.
And they're demanding somebody who's going to actually be bold and courageous and standing up for the rights of Americans against the tyranny that has really run almost unchecked for so many decades now.
So I think that's encouraging. And actually, at the meeting we were at just a few weeks ago in Miami, I spent a little time with Anthony Sabatini, a lot of time with Anthony Sabatini.
I would say he was our best legislator here in the state of Florida by far, took on all the crazy COVID stuff.
And he planted a seed in my mind that I haven't been able to stop thinking about.
He said, you know what? This is really gonna be good to have Ron DeSantis and Trump running because they're gonna both have to run to the right.
They're both gonna have to run as real conservatives. That's gonna change the Overton window in this country.
The fake media is no longer gonna be able to keep the debate confined within this dumb little box.
They're gonna smash it wide open.
And yeah, it's gonna be interesting.
But yeah, the media is gonna do everything they can to attack Trump like they did last time, the deep state will as well. I think potentially even including criminal charges that we may see soon.
[26:22] But it's a fascinating time to be alive.
Well, it is. And you talk about the media and it's interesting to see how, with Trump, the media coalesced against him, but generally how they've come together against many of the values.
And I don't know whether that means the media just a useful idiom, a pawn used by others, or whether they're more part and parcel of the evil we're seeing?
Well, I think at the highest levels they are absolutely part and parcel of what we're seeing. In fact, I mentioned the Council on Foreign Relations several times. That's the sister organization of your Royal Institute for International Affairs. Actually, Cecil Rhodes set up this huge global network, and it's described in a book I have behind me. It's called Tragedy and Hope, Cecil Rhodes, of course, the mining magnate who made his fortune in South African mining.
And when he died, he left a will and he created this whole global network.
And he really was interested in globalism. He kind of talked about we want to spread English civilization around the world, but I think that was really not his primary objective.
But in this book, the historian who writes it explains that actually in the United States, the chief outpost of this international operation is the Council on Foreign Relations.
[27:39] So you have the CFR. Now, CFR has corporate members, right, which is interesting. And what you'll find is that a lot of the major media organizations in this country, the conglomerates that own, you know, massive media holdings, in addition to other things, right, not just media, they're corporate members of the Council on Foreign Relations. In fact, until not too long ago, News Corporation, which owns Fox News and the Wall Street Journal and the New York Post, was a corporate member. Some of the Murdochs have been members. In fact, I think some of some of the Murdoch children still are members.
And so, yes, the media is absolutely a part of that. Now that doesn't mean that your average bozo who's reading a script on the television is consciously participating in the subversion of American values, but at the highest levels of these companies, absolutely they are.
[28:24] And I think the American people have started to see through this.
They might not know all the details, but we've been getting poll after poll after poll now that shows the overwhelming majority of Americans realize that the media is not just biased, right?
Bias was one thing, everybody's biased. I think even the concept of unbiased media is rather unrealistic. You can be fair, but everybody's got a bias and it shows up in who you're gonna interview, what stories you're gonna choose to write. I mean, we just need to be honest and say that.
[28:48] But this is not bias. This is an issue of dishonesty. And the latest poll that I saw, I think this came out within a month or so, was that the overwhelming majority of Americans now recognize that the media is consciously deceiving us.
They're lying to us. And that's way beyond bias.
And I think, again, the 2016 election showed that pretty clearly.
You had the mainstream media absolutely united in lockstep.
There was no major media outlet in this country that came out in favour of Donald Trump.
Of the big networks, the Media Research Centre did an analysis.
It was 92 or 93% negative coverage of Donald Trump.
When he was mentioned, it was in some negative context. Of the top 100 newspapers in this country, I think two endorsed Donald Trump. So with all the media united against Donald Trump, What happened?
[29:34] He won in a landslide. And so, you know, obviously Americans are not paying as much attention to this nonsense as they used to.
And I think in many cases, and I think a lot of the people who control the media realize this, in many cases, when the media says something, Americans are just automatically inclined to disagree with it.
Like with Ukraine is a good example. A lot of Americans could have been brought to bear to support Ukraine, but when they see the media supporting and when they see Joe Biden supporting, they're like, no, I don't want anything to do with that. And that's where we are now as a nation.
I think the majority of Americans now completely reject the media.
Many of them, even to borrow a term from Donald Trump, as enemies of the people, which I think that's a dangerous term, that's a communist term when you start calling people enemies of the people.
But I think a lot of Americans are there now. They say, CNN, CBS, ABC, they are enemies of the people, and they might not be wrong.

[30:24] One thing that excites me, and if it was all up to,
the hope of America being in Fox media wise on the right. That would be depressing, especially as we've seen what's happened to it.
But the proliferation of other alternative media outlets, you're obviously very much part of that in the US.
And it was great going to CPAC, walking along media row and seeing so many different podcasts, different TV shows.
And of course, in the corner, you've got, you couldn't even get past because Real America Voice, Steve Bannon was there, Lindell TV next door.
There's so much, and that seems to be more difficult, I guess, to control when it's all independent.
And I think for me, that's one thing that it excites me looking ahead.

[31:17] Yeah, and I think this trend has been emerging for a long time.
The internet really broke it.
You know, when I was in journalism school, I was at the University of Florida, which is considered one of the top journalism schools, and they were always telling us, I mean, in class, you know, these professors who had been executive editors of major, you know, left-wing propaganda machines called newspapers in the big cities, they'd always tell us, I mean, just drill it into your head, you all are the gatekeepers.
You're gonna control what people are gonna say. And I would just laugh, like, I guess these guys haven't figured out that the internet exists now, right?
Because, I mean, already YouTube was out there back before it was owned by the totalitarians at Google, the fascists at Google. You could find anything you wanted, right?
And so I think these people were still living like decades earlier, where the media actually was the gatekeepers that had already ended.
They just hadn't realized it.
And it's taken a while for this to develop. But I do think we're at the point now where probably the politically dominant forces in this country are now largely informed by alternative media.
And if you go from state to state, right? You turn off CNN, you turn off Fox and you go just to different state capitals.
What you'll find is that the state legislators, the people who are making the decisions that impact our lives, our County commissioners, our mayor,
[32:26] they're getting their information from these sources that used to be alternative media or conservative media.
Now they're just the media. That's just where people go to get their information.
CNN is a joke. CNN has less viewers at prime time than ancient freaking aliens, right?
I mean, CNN is a joke. They really, they've lost their viewership.
At prime time, they often get less than a million people watching.
And most of these people that are watching are not really politically active.
It's like people in a nursing home that are forced to watch a CNN or people that are trapped in an airport that have no interest in watching what's on the screens up there.
[33:00] You know, these are not the people that are going out and working their hineys off for candidates.
These are not the people that are donating to political parties, right?
And so I'm really encouraged by this. The media monopoly has been broken.
And you saw it so clearly in 2016. I think this is why the fascists at YouTube freaked out.
And again, you know, you don't have to agree with everything Alex Jones has ever said. I like Alex Jones. I go on his program sometimes. But, you know, what we saw in the 2016 election, he was absolutely mopping the floor with the fake media. His YouTube channel was getting more views than ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN, New York Slimes, Washington Compost combined just on his YouTube channel.
And so they saw this and they're freaking out.
[33:39] They're like, wow, the people who actually vote, the people who actually determine elections, they're not getting their news from us.
We have billions of dollars, but they're getting their news from this guy in Texas, Alex Jones has got a radio show in a TV studio and they panic.
And so, you know, the YouTube, it wasn't enough to just shadow ban him, right?
Because in a free marketplace of ideas, that the new media was absolutely crushing these people.
So they couldn't have a marketplace of ideas, even in a rigged marketplace of ideas.
Because first they tried the shadow banning, you know, they tried to break their algorithms so you couldn't find what you were looking for.
And still the new media, the alternative media was crushing the legacy fake media.
And so they finally said, well, we just can't do this anymore.
We just have to delete these people from the internet so that no matter how hard you look, you can't find them.
And that still didn't work.
And it's not going to work. There's a hunger for truth out there among Americans that no matter how hard the fascists in Silicon Valley
[34:32] try to suppress this information. It's not gonna be suppressed and we're seeing that we're gonna continue to see that There are too many millions of Americans who are awake to this now They're gonna have to do something much more drastic than shadow ban us or kick us off of Twitter to stop this information from coming, Out.
I do love how Alex Jones triggers there everyone and it is a joy to behold and how they've gone after him makes you think actually there is something there if they're going after him with such verocity and aggression and beyond anything we've seen before.
But you're on, people can watch show on Lindell TV and that's another platform by Mike Lindell who also is vilified by the media at large by the left.
And I mean, I love the way someone who in effect is kind of the American dream, where he's come from a back road of addiction.
And then now has pulled himself up, has built a business in my pillow, and then also has a TV station. And that kind of the American dream, that's what is needed across the US, across Europe, really.

[35:38] It is, it is. And yeah, the media has demonized him like crazy. And guess what?
Just recently they did polling to see who was gonna be the most popular candidate to lead the Republican party, to serve as chairman of the RNC.
And Mike Lindell was far and away the biggest one, the most popular candidate.
So, you know, we're at the point now in America where if the media demonizes you, people like you.
If the media says you're bad or you're a conspiracy theorist or you're extreme or whatever, people automatically say, well, that guy must be good.
And so this is a good spot to be in, you know? And I don't want people to get the impression that I think everything is just rainbows and unicorns and we're just a clear path to freedom now.
I'm not saying that, but we are at a point now where the media has been totally discredited, totally defanged, and now new voices are rising to the top and that's as it should be.
And you are one in the United Kingdom and even here in the United States.
And there are just this whole new ecosystem of voices and platforms and shows and blogs and websites and magazines.
The Epoch Times is another good example.
I mean, this was completely unknown two decades ago. Today, it's one of the biggest newspapers in America.
It's a number four, if I'm not mistaken, in subscriptions behind the New York Slimes, the Washington Compost and the Wall Street Journal. Last I checked, they're at like 1.7 million subscribers.
[36:54] And that happened very, very rapidly. And I write for the Epoch Times.
I love the Epoch Times, but how did that happen?
It's because they're telling the truth. People are hungry for the truth.
And so, you get a newspaper that tells the truth, guess what, people will flock toward it. So this is extremely encouraging in my opinion, Peter.

And I think one of the things, obviously, you writing the book on the deep state and discussing it and bringing it out in the open, but then I think over the last three years that's been sped up with many people beginning to question what is happening, question organizations and organizations which were maybe in the shadows have been brought into the light. I mean, I mean, what are your thoughts then on the last three years on how it has exposed what is happening under the deep state?

[37:43] I'll tell you what, Peter, everywhere I go in America, and I'm constantly on the road, everywhere I go, I'm meeting people who are like, you know what, before COVID, I was just a mom.
I was just, you know, I was worried about getting my kids fed and clothed, you know, had none of this stuff on my radar.
And then COVID hit, and they said my kid had to wear a diaper on his face.
And they said I couldn't go eat at a restaurant unless I would take this experimental thing.
And they woke up.
And not only did they wake up, not only did they start saying, what's going on here?
Who's behind this? What is really happening?
Not only did they do that, After they got educated, they said.
[38:17] I'm going to work on stopping this. And so they're forming groups and they're getting together with other moms, they're getting together with other patriots, they're getting together with other Republicans and they're getting involved politically. They're joining Republican executive committees.
They're running for office. They're lobbying their state legislators.
They're running for Congress.
And so we're in a really unique moment, I think, in American history.
A lot of people are starting to call it a great awakening and that has very strong Christian overtones.
So, you know, I don't know that I'm ready to say that we're quite there yet, but something is happening.
You know, a lot of people who just a few years ago were not paying any attention, they really didn't care.
They've suddenly realized that they're now in a battle for the heart and soul of their nation, in an existential battle for the very future of their family, for the future of their country, for the future of their church, for the future of their liberties.
And you know, once people realize that, once people realize that like, there's been a war declared on you, and if you don't do something, it's gonna end really badly, people get activated.
And I would submit to you, and I don't have any numbers on this, but I would submit to you that there are many millions, millions of Americans who within the last three years, they were completely out of the fight before and they are now very active participants.
[39:29] And they're gonna grow and they're gonna develop and they're gonna move up the ranks and they're gonna get higher and higher in elected office.
And so, my big concern now is that, and the deep state recognizes this, they've got wonderful forecasting models, they've got people like Peter Schwab or Peter Schwartz, excuse me, over at the World Economic Forum, that do a future scenario planning.
I mean, they've charted this all out. They realize that we're on a trajectory now where if people keep waking up at this rate, they're gonna be in big trouble.
And so my concern is we may see something wild, something dramatic to try to put a stop to this.
Something like, you know, the World Economic Forum not too long ago did the cyber polygon exercises that were the communications and the grid would go down.
You know, so I think the deep state recognizes that they're in a very vulnerable position right now.
They've completely lost the support of the public.
And you saw this on YouTube. I think that's why YouTube had to get rid of the thumbs down.
Every time World Economic Forum would put up one of their dumb propaganda videos, it'd get like two thumbs up, right? It's the guys on stage. And then a million thumbs down.
So, oh, wow, people woke up. So they're in a very dangerous place.
And just like a dangerous animal.
Once you get them in the corner, you know, they're liable to lash out and behave all crazy.
[40:37] That's where we are right now. Too many people are waking up too quickly, thanks to what happened with COVID, thanks to what happened with the 2016 election, thanks to what happened with the 2020 election. And, you know, they're going to need something a lot bigger than a January 6th PSYOP to try to put this toothpaste back into the tube.

Yeah. You mentioned the Great Awakening in that biblical context. And when I was with you yesterday you had mentioned that you'd been preaching a church on Sunday. And that link, I mean, growing up as a pastor's kid, very involved in my local church, and that is the most important thing to us as Christians, that Jesus is the most important thing. It's intriguing that mix in the States, and especially with this pushback, that there are churches, not necessarily across the board, but maybe who were more passively involved, there is that spark. What is that like for you, kind of in two different camps, a media camp, a church camp? Tell us about that mix.

[41:41] Yeah, what I'm seeing is just, it's really encouraging. It's wonderful. And in fact, I think COVID had a profound effect on the churches. You know, what the enemy meant for evil, God absolutely is using for good, right? The enemy wanted to shut down all the schools so that all the kids could be forced online so they could gather all the data. Well, what actually happened? Parents started of seeing what was happening in their kids' schools and they're yanked their kids out of public schools.
Millions of families have fled the government's indoctrination systems.
And something similar happened with churches. The enemy thought, hey, this is gonna be a great way to attack the church.
We're gonna force these Christians to stop meeting and stop praying and stop singing.
And what actually happened?
A lot of pastors grew a backbone. A lot of pastors that were basically out of the fight, you know, just, you know, preaching 18,000 different versions of a John 3, 16 sermon, largely out of context.
[42:24] They were like, wait a minute here, what's going on? This is like, wow, this is serious.
And so a lot of the fake churches actually crumbled. I read somewhere that one in five churches shuttered and didn't open again.
And you know, that sounds terrible. It makes you want to cry.
And then you realize that the overwhelming majority of those churches were not Bible believing churches. They were not.
Truly preaching the word of God. The people in that congregation did not truly have a relationship with Jesus Christ.
And what happened? The people who did actually went to the good churches.
This church that I just preached at, I preached all four morning services at this wonderful church in Idaho.
[42:58] The Christian Candlelight Fellowship in Coeur d'Alene.
It's now the biggest church in the region. And what happened during COVID is they just absolutely exploded.
They became huge. People were coming from everywhere to the point where they've massively outgrown their church.
They're having to do four different, I've never been to a church with four services in one morning.
That's how rapidly that church grew. And this is happening, I mean, I just mentioned that one because it was last weekend, but this was happening all over the country, Peter.
[43:22] The churches that remained faithful to the word of God, the churches that said, like John MacArthur in California, you know, just brilliant.
The guy had always been, you know, Romans 13 means you must submit to the government and everything, don't ever ask any questions, don't even be involved politically, right?
And then this comes along and he says, wait a minute, Sorry, Governor Newsom, but you're not the head of the church.
You can't order us to shut down. Jesus Christ is the head of the church and we're gonna have to stay open.
You know, we respect you, we honour you as the government authority, but you don't have that authority.
We're gonna have to stay open. And so now this pastor who, you know, influences tens of thousands of other pastors across this country is preaching sermons on how governments are making themselves illegitimate by doing the opposite of what government was instituted by God to do.
Instead of punishing evil and protecting good, They're punishing good and protecting evil.
So you have this huge awakening happening in the church and it's extraordinary to see, it's amazing.
I think God is doing something hugely significant in this country.
Yeah, I think one of the big reasons that we're in this mess, Peter, is because churches and pastors have not been preaching the whole counsel of God.
[44:30] I've been working in, we've been doing pastors summits all across the country.
They're called the Liberty Pastors Summits and we're doing them all over the country.
We're bringing hundreds of pastors. We've done thousands of pastors now all over the country, bringing them together and teaching them a series of different things just straight out of the Bible.
So I've been teaching on globalism and education.
Pastor Paul Blair, who's kind of leading and Dan Fisher, who are kind of organizing, leading this, are pastors out of Oklahoma.
They're teaching, you know, what does the Bible say on government?
What does the Bible say on all these critical issues? And I love what Pastor Paul Blair always says.
Jesus cannot just be the Lord of your Sunday morning.
Jesus needs to be the Lord of every single area of your life.
That includes your family, that includes your business, that includes your politics, that includes your government.
Every area of your life needs to be in submission to Christ.
And that has profound implications. And that's something that's been largely lost in our country. the reason our country was born.
Is because the pastors were preaching the truth from the pulpit.
[45:26] And this has been largely forgotten, but we had the Black Robe Regiment.
Without the Black Robe Regiment, we probably, and I know this is a sensitive subject for Brits, so I won't rub it in, but we never would have actually declared independence.
It was because the pastors were saying, this king is acting out of line.
He doesn't have the authority to do these things. This is ungodly.
We are not going to be okay with that.
And that's why our country was born. It was because the pastors were preaching in their pulpits.
And that's the history of our nation.
And this was, you know, shortly after the great awakening when John Edwards and others were preaching these fiery sermons and just the spirit of God was moving across this country.
Our founding fathers were kids listening in the pulpits to this.
Of course, they were inspired by the great Christians of Britain, right?
Oliver Cromwell, of course, you know, our founding fathers had him in mind where he said, you know, Lex Rex, the law is king and who ultimately establishes the law, that's God.
And even the king has to submit to the laws of God, right? The king cannot ignore the laws and the commands of God.
The king must be in submission to them as well.
So all of the ideas that are at the centre of our country, that are at the centre of our constitution, that are at the centre of our civilization, have been lost now through multiple generations of indoctrination in the public schools, through multiple generations of pastors being too scared to preach the truth.
[46:39] Because the IRS threatens they're gonna go after anybody who says anything that they don't like for their tax exemption.
And now that's all crumbling. Now we're seeing pastors and congregations and Christians realizing that no, this all, the Bible is the answer to these things.
And that's how our country was born. That's how Western civilization was born.
If there's gonna be any hope of reclaiming it, it's gonna have to be through reacquainting ourselves with the word of God and through courage in our pulpits, in our churches and among the body of Christ.

[47:09] I think we'll end on that. That's absolutely perfect. Alex, I really appreciate you coming along.
Thank you for joining us today.

Thank you so much, Peter. It's an honour and a pleasure. Really appreciate all that you're doing.
Hopefully we'll meet again very soon. I hope you get back to the United States or maybe I'll be on the other side of the pond this summer. So let's keep in touch.

Either or. And can I just finish here, obviously on gab GETTR truth and I know
Just remind the viewers kind of what is the best place to find you and what can they find on the website?

Well, thank you so much. So my personal website is
I put up a really eclectic mix of things there, everything from some of my shows, podcasts, articles that I and others write. I'm the volunteer executive director of a ministry called Public School Exit.
We're actually helping churches and families, not just across the United States, but around the world, figure out how to get God's people out of the government schools and into the safe sanctuary of home schools, Christian schools, private schools, et cetera.
You can find that at I'm senior editor of the New American Magazine.
You can find us at Even if you don't subscribe to the print magazine, you can get the daily headlines for free in your inbox by email.
[48:15] I write for the Epoch Times. And yeah, I do a lot of other things.
I write for the Law Enforcement Intelligence Brief.
It goes out to every police chief and sheriff in the country, but people are welcome to get that as well if they want. So a lot of different things, but you can find me on Twitter or post a big mix of stuff there, at Alex Newman underscore J-O-U. And of course, Gab GETTR.
I'm still on Fascist Book, although I don't use it all that much.
But thanks again, Peter. Really, it's an honour to be here with you.
Thank you for all that you're doing and God bless you, sir.

God bless. joining us today, Alex.

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