This week, Lyn welcomes special guest, Charlene Bosworth, who joins Lyn to discuss money and how it impacts every aspect of our lives, including love and relationships, and how by being at peace with money, we can prevent it from ever becoming a barrier to finding love or damaging our current / future relationships.


Relationships are not always as beautiful or as perfect as we would like them to be. We occassionally have to be prepared to overcome challenges, this sometimes takes hard work and we have to understand that we're going to fail from time to time, but know we'll be wiser for the experience.
It helps to give money a name or label, depending on what money has meant to you in the past, and positively address what you would like money to mean to you now.
Relationships are what help us to get through the more challenging times in our life. We can face any obstacle if we have the help and support of others.
Construct your own love letter to money based on what you positively want it to be. What does money mean in your life, and how can it serve you better going forward?


'I love to give people the permission to write their love letter to money'

'Love has many ups and down'

'Relationships are a people business'

'Money doesn't get talked about enough'


Hearts Entwined Podcast

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Charlene Ignacio Bosworth is a seasoned entrepreneur with over 23 years experience and serves entrepreneurs with Speed To Solutions surrounding their everyday sales/marketing and systems/operations.

Using her Black Belt Lean Six Sigma certification has led her to work with small to medium companies, women entrepreneurs and enterprise Inc. 500 companies across the country.

Charlene’s passion is being a leader in revenue generating strategies, National Speaker, Certified BYB Trainer/Coach and B2B networking pro. Be inspired by her and motivated to scale and grow your business.


e-mail [email protected]

Instagram: celebrate_your_aloha_

Clubhouse: @charbosworth--


Lyn Smith – (The Queen of HEARTS) – Love, Dating & Relationship Expert

Lyn’s personal story is a very inspirational and harrowing one of how she went from having unhealthy and unfulfilling relationships with men (on the back of several serious traumatic sexual assaults in her teens) to now being in a soul fulfilling relationship which makes her feel alive, is full of passion and gives her inner peace.

She has a proven track record as a Love Solutions - Relationship Expert / Trainer / Inspirational Speaker and Best-Selling Author based upon her own vast personal research, experiential learning and training with the world’s leading industry experts.

Understanding the polarisation of masculine & feminine energy resulted in her creating massive attraction and a passionate, intimate, fulfilling relationship – that inspired her to design & present her own course programmes to share these break-through relationship techniques with women across the globe.

HEARTS Entwined is a world-class service based on care and understanding, which is committed to providing step-by-step high-value love, dating and relationship solutions.

Lyn makes a difference by helping you make a difference; she has a vision of contributing back on a global scale – to create a lasting legacy of safety, dignity and opportunity for children and women who have survived rape, abuse and severe trauma as a result of war crimes and sex trafficking – through the setting up of worldwide – ‘you can heal your life’ centres.


[email protected]