Previous Episode: How To Talk To Strangers
Next Episode: Listen To Yourself

This week, Lyn is joined by Margaret Thorli who mentors single parents, to give a well-deserved pat on the back to all the single fathers out there, who are doing an amazing job of balancing work whilst at the same time being the primary carer for their children.

Families can fall apart for all sorts of reasons, but we often discover our own strength during the process of rebuilding our lives. Altho' it’s a strength that’s found in both men and women, this special episode is dedicated to all the single fathers.

Men are more private than women, and don’t tend to open up much. Margaret has built up trust with these men by initially beginning the conversation around work, before successfully talking to them about dating and relationships.
Normally, in the aftermath of a breakup, we don’t consider the issues that men might face in reintroducing themselves to the dating world, but they struggle too.
Finances can also be a huge issue for men, who can often find themselves suddenly supporting two separate households. This forces them to work harder in order to earn more money, which can put pressure on their time with their children, as well as their friends, which can lead to a sense of isolation.
Raising a child as a single parent is a journey for both you and the child. It can be a struggle at times, but also very rewarding, and can bring you closer, forming a relationship built upon love and example-setting.
Getting support, receiving benefits, or merely asking for help, carries a huge stigma for most men. It’s people like Margaret who are making a difference by seeking out men in order to offer help and support without judgement.


‘Dating? What’s that?’

‘Encourage them. Motivate them’

‘Women and men may parent their kids very differently, and it doesn’t mean that either is right or wrong’

‘Just because we’re women, it doesn’t automatically mean we’re better at child care'  


Hearts Entwined Podcast
-Apple Podcasts (iTunes)



Margaret Thorli is a successful mumpreneur, author, public speaker, trainer and career mentor for single women and lone parents.

She creates and facilitates life-long-learning seminars to advise individuals such as single fathers, lone parents, single women and young people.

“Championing the voice and worth of single mothers and fathers”

Her aim is to educate, inspire and empower 20,000 single women seeking a relationship and those raising children alone to discover their underlying potential to achieve the lifestyle that they’ve always envisioned.

She is the author:
Single Mother and the Dating Game: Tips on how to manoeuvre the Dating Minefield lifts the veil on the issue of single mothers and dating
8 Tips to A Better Relationship: Ideas on how to have a great and loving relationship focuses on conquering fear, lifelong self-defeating habits and negative thoughts that hold the single mother back from reaching their full potential
Elephants In my Stomach: feeling the fear, wanting to flee, shares how to identify fear and finding the power to prevail in a strategic way

“Success is not final; failure is not fatal: It is the courage to continue that counts."

"Success usually comes to those who are too busy to be looking for it."




Lyn Smith – (The Queen of HEARTS) – Love, Dating & Relationship Expert


Lyn’s personal story is a very inspirational and harrowing one of how she went from having unhealthy and unfulfilling relationships with men (on the back of several serious traumatic sexual assaults in her teens) to now being in a soul fulfilling relationship which makes her feel alive, is full of passion and gives her inner peace.


She has a proven track record as a Love Solutions - Relationship Expert / Trainer / Inspirational Speaker and Best-Selling Author based upon her own vast personal research, experiential learning and training with the world’s leading industry experts.


Understanding the polarisation of masculine & feminine energy resulted in her creating massive attraction and a passionate, intimate, fulfilling relationship – that inspired her to design & present her own course programmes to share these break-through relationship techniques with women across the globe.


HEARTS Entwined is a world-class service based on care and understanding, which is committed to providing step-by-step high-value love, dating and relationship solutions.


Lyn makes a difference by helping you make a difference; she has a vision of contributing back on a global scale – to create a lasting legacy of safety, dignity and opportunity for children and women who have survived rape, abuse and severe trauma as a result of war crimes and sex trafficking – through the setting up of worldwide – ‘you can heal your life’ centres.



[email protected]


See for privacy information.

This week, Lyn is joined by Margaret Thorli who mentors single parents, to give a well-deserved pat on the back to all the single fathers out there, who are doing an amazing job of balancing work whilst at the same time being the primary carer for their children.

Families can fall apart for all sorts of reasons, but we often discover our own strength during the process of rebuilding our lives. Altho' it’s a strength that’s found in both men and women, this special episode is dedicated to all the single fathers.


Men are more private than women, and don’t tend to open up much. Margaret has built up trust with these men by initially beginning the conversation around work, before successfully talking to them about dating and relationships.
Normally, in the aftermath of a breakup, we don’t consider the issues that men might face in reintroducing themselves to the dating world, but they struggle too.
Finances can also be a huge issue for men, who can often find themselves suddenly supporting two separate households. This forces them to work harder in order to earn more money, which can put pressure on their time with their children, as well as their friends, which can lead to a sense of isolation.
Raising a child as a single parent is a journey for both you and the child. It can be a struggle at times, but also very rewarding, and can bring you closer, forming a relationship built upon love and example-setting.
Getting support, receiving benefits, or merely asking for help, carries a huge stigma for most men. It’s people like Margaret who are making a difference by seeking out men in order to offer help and support without judgement.


‘Dating? What’s that?’

‘Encourage them. Motivate them’

‘Women and men may parent their kids very differently, and it doesn’t mean that either is right or wrong’

‘Just because we’re women, it doesn’t automatically mean we’re better at child care'  


Hearts Entwined Podcast
-Apple Podcasts (iTunes)



Margaret Thorli is a successful mumpreneur, author, public speaker, trainer and career mentor for single women and lone parents.

She creates and facilitates life-long-learning seminars to advise individuals such as single fathers, lone parents, single women and young people.

“Championing the voice and worth of single mothers and fathers”

Her aim is to educate, inspire and empower 20,000 single women seeking a relationship and those raising children alone to discover their underlying potential to achieve the lifestyle that they’ve always envisioned.

She is the author:

Single Mother and the Dating Game: Tips on how to manoeuvre the Dating Minefield lifts the veil on the issue of single mothers and dating
8 Tips to A Better Relationship: Ideas on how to have a great and loving relationship focuses on conquering fear, lifelong self-defeating habits and negative thoughts that hold the single mother back from reaching their full potential
Elephants In my Stomach: feeling the fear, wanting to flee, shares how to identify fear and finding the power to prevail in a strategic way

“Success is not final; failure is not fatal: It is the courage to continue that counts."

"Success usually comes to those who are too busy to be looking for it."




Lyn Smith – (The Queen of HEARTS) – Love, Dating & Relationship Expert


Lyn’s personal story is a very inspirational and harrowing one of how she went from having unhealthy and unfulfilling relationships with men (on the back of several serious traumatic sexual assaults in her teens) to now being in a soul fulfilling relationship which makes her feel alive, is full of passion and gives her inner peace.


She has a proven track record as a Love Solutions - Relationship Expert / Trainer / Inspirational Speaker and Best-Selling Author based upon her own vast personal research, experiential learning and training with the world’s leading industry experts.


Understanding the polarisation of masculine & feminine energy resulted in her creating massive attraction and a passionate, intimate, fulfilling relationship – that inspired her to design & present her own course programmes to share these break-through relationship techniques with women across the globe.


HEARTS Entwined is a world-class service based on care and understanding, which is committed to providing step-by-step high-value love, dating and relationship solutions.


Lyn makes a difference by helping you make a difference; she has a vision of contributing back on a global scale – to create a lasting legacy of safety, dignity and opportunity for children and women who have survived rape, abuse and severe trauma as a result of war crimes and sex trafficking – through the setting up of worldwide – ‘you can heal your life’ centres.



[email protected]


See for privacy information.