Lyn is joined by Sharon Hess, who imparts some very valuable wisdom - that by being yourself at all times and not trying to fit into someone else’s ideal, we can find lasting love in a happy relationship.

By 'doing this' - staying true to ourselves and having faith in our own set of values, we can make sure that we don’t 'do that' - give away too much of ourselves.

Sharon says I've noticed that many of my clients block themselves, usually in at least one of these three main areas of life:

Ignoring red flags early on is very common, as many are trying to present the best version of ourselves. But red flags and danger signals should never be ignored.
Remember that we always have a choice. Each moment of our day we are provided with a decision making opportunity. Always be true to yourself and choose what’s best for you and your well-being.
Sometimes we settle for less because we believe that’s all we’re ever going to get. But as Sharon says, the Universe needs room to install positivity into your life, and it can’t do that if your life is filled with the clutter of negativity / wrong people.
Form your own opinions and tastes when it comes to relationships. Don’t allow people to shape your preferences, or as Lyn puts it, don’t allow people to 'should' all over you, for example - you 'should' be doing this or you 'should' be doing that!
Everyone we meet, and everyone in our lives, are all there to help us learn, grow and progress. Each person comes with their own set of challenges, and we should embrace the lessons they teach us.
Always have faith in the fact that no matter what adversity we are currently facing, it's always temporary, it will pass. You will have already passed through and learned from many challenges in your life that are now far behind you. So be reassured that this one will pass too.
One of the main benefits of technology is that connections are more easily formed, and ideas can be shared. Today there are so many more opportunities for the Universe to plant seeds of love.


‘The thing I always love about relationships is the importance of knowing more about yourself and self-love’

‘Relationships really teach us about ourselves’

‘If you believe it, then it’s true for you’

‘If you think you don’t have a choice, you’re wrong’

‘We only have so much bandwidth as it were’

‘Each of us are a thread in the Universe’s tapestry’

‘The longest journey you’ll ever take is from your head to your heart’


Hearts Entwined Podcast
-Apple Podcasts (iTunes)



Sharon Hess began her spiritual teaching in 1992 facilitating “A Course In Miracles.”  It soon became apparent her ability was to take high level Universal wisdom and explain it in a way that could be used in everyday life.  She has empowered thousands toward peace, love, joy and abundance with her practical and often humorous approach helping you know yourself fully.

"What you are doing today is creating your tomorrow.” ~ Sharon Hess

Lyn Smith – (The Queen of HEARTS) – Love, Dating & Relationship Expert 

Lyn’s personal story is a very inspirational and harrowing one of how she went from having unhealthy and unfulfilling relationships with men (on the back of several serious traumatic sexual assaults in her teens) to now being in a soul-fulfilling relationship which makes her feel alive, is full of passion and gives her inner peace


She has a proven track record as a Love Solutions - Relationship Expert / Trainer / Inspirational Speaker and Best-Selling Author based upon her own vast personal research, experiential learning and training with the world’s leading industry experts. 

Understanding the polarisation of masculine & feminine energy resulted in her creating massive attraction and a passionate, intimate, fulfilling relationship – that inspired her to design & present her own course programmes to share these break-through relationship techniques with women across the globe. 

HEARTS Entwined is a world-class service based on care and understanding, which is committed to providing step-by-step high-value love, dating and relationship solutions. 

Lyn makes a difference by helping you make a difference; she has a vision of contributing back on a global scale – to create a lasting legacy of safety, dignity and opportunity for children and women who have survived rape, abuse and severe trauma as a result of war crimes and sex trafficking – through the setting up of worldwide – ‘you can heal your life’ centres.



[email protected]

See for privacy information.

Lyn is joined by Sharon Hess, who imparts some very valuable wisdom - that by being yourself at all times and not trying to fit into someone else’s ideal, we can find lasting love in a happy relationship.

By 'doing this' - staying true to ourselves and having faith in our own set of values, we can make sure that we don’t 'do that' - give away too much of ourselves.


Sharon says I've noticed that many of my clients block themselves, usually in at least one of these three main areas of life:


Ignoring red flags early on is very common, as many are trying to present the best version of ourselves. But red flags and danger signals should never be ignored.
Remember that we always have a choice. Each moment of our day we are provided with a decision making opportunity. Always be true to yourself and choose what’s best for you and your well-being.
Sometimes we settle for less because we believe that’s all we’re ever going to get. But as Sharon says, the Universe needs room to install positivity into your life, and it can’t do that if your life is filled with the clutter of negativity / wrong people.
Form your own opinions and tastes when it comes to relationships. Don’t allow people to shape your preferences, or as Lyn puts it, don’t allow people to 'should' all over you, for example - you 'should' be doing this or you 'should' be doing that!
Everyone we meet, and everyone in our lives, are all there to help us learn, grow and progress. Each person comes with their own set of challenges, and we should embrace the lessons they teach us.
Always have faith in the fact that no matter what adversity we are currently facing, it's always temporary, it will pass. You will have already passed through and learned from many challenges in your life that are now far behind you. So be reassured that this one will pass too.
One of the main benefits of technology is that connections are more easily formed, and ideas can be shared. Today there are so many more opportunities for the Universe to plant seeds of love.


‘The thing I always love about relationships is the importance of knowing more about yourself and self-love’

‘Relationships really teach us about ourselves’

‘If you believe it, then it’s true for you’

‘If you think you don’t have a choice, you’re wrong’

‘We only have so much bandwidth as it were’

‘Each of us are a thread in the Universe’s tapestry’

‘The longest journey you’ll ever take is from your head to your heart’


Hearts Entwined Podcast
-Apple Podcasts (iTunes)



Sharon Hess began her spiritual teaching in 1992 facilitating “A Course In Miracles.”  It soon became apparent her ability was to take high level Universal wisdom and explain it in a way that could be used in everyday life.  She has empowered thousands toward peace, love, joy and abundance with her practical and often humorous approach helping you know yourself fully.

"What you are doing today is creating your tomorrow.” ~ Sharon Hess

Lyn Smith – (The Queen of HEARTS) – Love, Dating & Relationship Expert 

Lyn’s personal story is a very inspirational and harrowing one of how she went from having unhealthy and unfulfilling relationships with men (on the back of several serious traumatic sexual assaults in her teens) to now being in a soul-fulfilling relationship which makes her feel alive, is full of passion and gives her inner peace


She has a proven track record as a Love Solutions - Relationship Expert / Trainer / Inspirational Speaker and Best-Selling Author based upon her own vast personal research, experiential learning and training with the world’s leading industry experts. 

Understanding the polarisation of masculine & feminine energy resulted in her creating massive attraction and a passionate, intimate, fulfilling relationship – that inspired her to design & present her own course programmes to share these break-through relationship techniques with women across the globe. 

HEARTS Entwined is a world-class service based on care and understanding, which is committed to providing step-by-step high-value love, dating and relationship solutions. 

Lyn makes a difference by helping you make a difference; she has a vision of contributing back on a global scale – to create a lasting legacy of safety, dignity and opportunity for children and women who have survived rape, abuse and severe trauma as a result of war crimes and sex trafficking – through the setting up of worldwide – ‘you can heal your life’ centres.



[email protected]

See for privacy information.