Lyn is joined today by Nathan Segal, an expert in long-lasting relationships and a natural connector of people, to discuss the ways in which we can activate strength and confidence by rejecting fear and doubt, especially in this current COVID 19 world that seems to have most of us focused on fear and negativity.


The world and the media today seem to be operating under the same thought principles as cult thinking, in that beliefs are insidiously embedded upon our minds until they present themselves as our reality, and we acccept them as fact.
Anchoring is a powerful psychological tool that can relieve anxiety and re-enforce positivity, grounding you when you need it most. It is a technique based upon NLP (Neuro-Linguistic Programming) effectively changing the way we think, speak and behave.
Developing mental and emotional awareness not only allows us to check ourselves when we need to change our negative thinking and behaviours. It also allows us to recognise when others are attempting to use this power against us.
We all primarily learn in different ways. Usually through VAK either Visual (seeing), Auditory (hearing) or Kinaesthetic (feeling / touching) We can recognise people's primary learning styles by the different types of VAK language they use. Our subconscious silently translates these styles into our own communication category.


‘I imagine myself being firmly rooted to the earth’

’This is industrial strength mind control’

‘I want to show you how to generate confidence on demand’

‘You will have a technique that keeps you grounded, confident, safe and secure within yourself'


Hearts Entwined Podcast

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Nathan Segal has worked in the fields of computer graphics, photography and writing for over 30 years. While searching for a deeper meaning to his life he had a series of epiphanies while reading "Way of the Wolf," which made him realize his true calling is in teaching people how to talk to strangers and how to create long-lasting relationships.

You can get in touch with him at

Website -

Email - [email protected]


Lyn Smith – (The Queen of HEARTS) – Love, Dating & Relationship Expert

Lyn’s personal story is a very inspirational and harrowing one of how she went from having unhealthy and unfulfilling relationships with men (on the back of several serious traumatic sexual assaults in her teens) to now being in a soul fulfilling relationship which makes her feel alive, is full of passion and gives her inner peace.

She has a proven track record as a Love Solutions - Relationship Expert / Trainer / Inspirational Speaker and Best-Selling Author based upon her own vast personal research, experiential learning and training with the world’s leading industry experts.

Understanding the polarisation of masculine & feminine energy resulted in her creating massive attraction and a passionate, intimate, fulfilling relationship – that inspired her to design & present her own course programmes to share these break-through relationship techniques with women across the globe.

HEARTS Entwined is a world-class service based on care and understanding, which is committed to providing step-by-step high-value love, dating and relationship solutions.

Lyn makes a difference by helping you make a difference; she has a vision of contributing back on a global scale – to create a lasting legacy of safety, dignity and opportunity for children and women who have survived rape, abuse and severe trauma as a result of war crimes and sex trafficking – through the setting up of worldwide – ‘you can heal your life’ centres.


[email protected]