“It’s easy to mistake when we feel good in someone’s presence, that it's totally the other person who's making us feel that way”

Lyn is in conversation with Laurie Holmes a Transformation Coach in this inspiring episode that has something in it for everyone.

They discuss what falling deeply in love is really about, why it’s essential that if we want to experience true love at it's highest level, we need to understand the importance of loving ourselves first, and that love is something that comes from within.

Laurie shares that she grew up with the idea that 'someone else' was going to make her happy, this is a common misunderstanding and it’s only when we get educated and become more aware of the fact that true happiness comes from within, that we stop expecting someone else to be responsible for it.

Our happiness is not reliant on another person or thing, happiness comes from within first and foremost, and it’s all about taking responsibility and embracing all aspects of ourselves, listen in to find out more...

If you are in any relationship where you have 'expectations' then you are never going to be satisfied because the other person is never going to be able to live up to your expectations, it’s almost impossible. You're are just setting yourself and them up for failure.
If you have a relationship built around mutually respecting, admiring and loving each other then it will continue to grow and be beautiful
My parents loved each other daily but also had a toxic relationship in the way they interacted with each other
Once you have done the inner work on yourself you will gain new insights and awareness which will positively transform your relationships
For some people starting with self-love can be very difficult.
It’s about loving all of you, loving all of the different aspects of yourself, loving all the different experiences and knowing that you are ok. Even if the experiences when they happened were negative at the time, you have learnt valuable lessons, grown and deserve love like everyone else.
I realised everything that I was seeking was already inside me, that’s when I was able to start enjoying relationships and having fun
When we look at everything on our planet, we know it’s all energy – whether it's a solid, liquid or gas!
If we look at ourselves we are essentially cells made up of pure energy.
In women it is the feminine energy and in men the masculine energy that is usually more dominant, it’s the polarisation of these energies that creates attraction and takes the relationship up to the next level.


‘Now men are coming out of the woodwork and it’s not because I’m chasing them, it’s showing up naturally and organically’

‘We can embrace all of us, every bit, even our lined and wrinkled faces and our bodies that become saggy through time’

‘It’s a symbiotic relationship - one that's a give and take relationship’



Hearts Entwined Podcast
-Apple Podcasts (iTunes)



Laurie Holmes is a Spiritual Author, Intuitive Certified Transformative Coach, Clarity Mentor, Trainer & Facilitator of Women’s Groups, Massage Therapist, Grandmother and curious explorer of life’s endless highway of opportunities, creativities and adventures just waiting to be uncovered and discovered.

She lives in Hardeeville, SC with her bossy cat Chloe, and see’s each day with fresh eyes and a contagious zest for life.

Websites: www.leapintopossibilitynow.com  www.lifewithoutlimitsnow.com

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/mentoringcoacheswithLaurieHolmes/

3 Principles Mentoring @MentoringCoachesWithLaurieHolmes



Lyn Smith – (The Queen of HEARTS) – Love, Dating & Relationship Expert


Lyn’s personal story is a very inspirational and harrowing one of how she went from having unhealthy and unfulfilling relationships with men (on the back of several serious traumatic sexual assaults in her teens) to now being in a soul-fulfilling relationship which makes her feel alive, is full of passion and gives her inner peace.

She has a proven track record as a Love Solutions - Relationship Expert / Trainer / Inspirational Speaker and Best-Selling Author based upon her own vast personal research, experiential learning and training with the world’s leading industry experts. 

Understanding the polarisation of masculine & feminine energy resulted in her creating massive attraction and a passionate, intimate, fulfilling relationship – that inspired her to design & present her own course programmes to share these break-through relationship techniques with women across the globe.

HEARTS Entwined is a world-class service based on care and understanding, which is committed to providing step-by-step high-value love, dating and relationship solutions.

Lyn makes a difference by helping you make a difference; she has a vision of contributing back on a global scale – to create a lasting legacy of safety, dignity and opportunity for children and women who have survived rape, abuse and severe trauma as a result of war crimes and sex trafficking – through the setting up of worldwide – ‘you can heal your life’ centres.



[email protected]

See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

“It’s easy to mistake when we feel good in someone’s presence, that it's totally the other person who's making us feel that way”

Lyn is in conversation with Laurie Holmes a Transformation Coach in this inspiring episode that has something in it for everyone.

They discuss what falling deeply in love is really about, why it’s essential that if we want to experience true love at it's highest level, we need to understand the importance of loving ourselves first, and that love is something that comes from within.

Laurie shares that she grew up with the idea that 'someone else' was going to make her happy, this is a common misunderstanding and it’s only when we get educated and become more aware of the fact that true happiness comes from within, that we stop expecting someone else to be responsible for it.

Our happiness is not reliant on another person or thing, happiness comes from within first and foremost, and it’s all about taking responsibility and embracing all aspects of ourselves, listen in to find out more...


If you are in any relationship where you have 'expectations' then you are never going to be satisfied because the other person is never going to be able to live up to your expectations, it’s almost impossible. You're are just setting yourself and them up for failure.
If you have a relationship built around mutually respecting, admiring and loving each other then it will continue to grow and be beautiful
My parents loved each other daily but also had a toxic relationship in the way they interacted with each other
Once you have done the inner work on yourself you will gain new insights and awareness which will positively transform your relationships
For some people starting with self-love can be very difficult.
It’s about loving all of you, loving all of the different aspects of yourself, loving all the different experiences and knowing that you are ok. Even if the experiences when they happened were negative at the time, you have learnt valuable lessons, grown and deserve love like everyone else.
I realised everything that I was seeking was already inside me, that’s when I was able to start enjoying relationships and having fun
When we look at everything on our planet, we know it’s all energy – whether it's a solid, liquid or gas!
If we look at ourselves we are essentially cells made up of pure energy.
In women it is the feminine energy and in men the masculine energy that is usually more dominant, it’s the polarisation of these energies that creates attraction and takes the relationship up to the next level.


‘Now men are coming out of the woodwork and it’s not because I’m chasing them, it’s showing up naturally and organically’

‘We can embrace all of us, every bit, even our lined and wrinkled faces and our bodies that become saggy through time’

‘It’s a symbiotic relationship - one that's a give and take relationship’



Hearts Entwined Podcast
-Apple Podcasts (iTunes)



Laurie Holmes is a Spiritual Author, Intuitive Certified Transformative Coach, Clarity Mentor, Trainer & Facilitator of Women’s Groups, Massage Therapist, Grandmother and curious explorer of life’s endless highway of opportunities, creativities and adventures just waiting to be uncovered and discovered.

She lives in Hardeeville, SC with her bossy cat Chloe, and see’s each day with fresh eyes and a contagious zest for life.

Websites: www.leapintopossibilitynow.com  www.lifewithoutlimitsnow.com

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/mentoringcoacheswithLaurieHolmes/

3 Principles Mentoring @MentoringCoachesWithLaurieHolmes



Lyn Smith – (The Queen of HEARTS) – Love, Dating & Relationship Expert


Lyn’s personal story is a very inspirational and harrowing one of how she went from having unhealthy and unfulfilling relationships with men (on the back of several serious traumatic sexual assaults in her teens) to now being in a soul-fulfilling relationship which makes her feel alive, is full of passion and gives her inner peace.

She has a proven track record as a Love Solutions - Relationship Expert / Trainer / Inspirational Speaker and Best-Selling Author based upon her own vast personal research, experiential learning and training with the world’s leading industry experts. 

Understanding the polarisation of masculine & feminine energy resulted in her creating massive attraction and a passionate, intimate, fulfilling relationship – that inspired her to design & present her own course programmes to share these break-through relationship techniques with women across the globe.

HEARTS Entwined is a world-class service based on care and understanding, which is committed to providing step-by-step high-value love, dating and relationship solutions.

Lyn makes a difference by helping you make a difference; she has a vision of contributing back on a global scale – to create a lasting legacy of safety, dignity and opportunity for children and women who have survived rape, abuse and severe trauma as a result of war crimes and sex trafficking – through the setting up of worldwide – ‘you can heal your life’ centres.



[email protected]

See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.