“Emergence” is the process of coming into being or of becoming important or prominent. And Emergence is happening for Wendy Sloneker and her coaching process — she’s announcing a shift in her work with clients! 

Emergence Coaching is the new direction, and while it incorporates all the tools from her previous practice, it also allows Wendy to take her expertise in emotions and provide support to people who are stuck and sick of being stuck. 

If you’re stuck in loss and in emotional pain of any kind, and the path you’re on is clearly a dead end or some kind of weird emotional cul-de-sac, Wendy can help you find your way again. 

The structure of emergence coaching involves shifting, reframing, and reclaiming. If this sounds like something that could help you or someone you know get unstuck, stay tuned for more details. 

If you’re ready to emerge from pain and loss and the cocoon you’ve been stuck in for far too long, join Wendy in her group coaching program goinginside.me for support. And keep your ears open for Wendy’s new podcast!