Today Wendy Sloneker, Grief Coach & Specialist, explains Anticipatory Grief. These are the thoughts and fears about something specific that might be coming or changing, such as a medical diagnosis, a loved one or pet that starts to physically or mentally decline, or the noticing of incremental loss (tangible or intangible). 

There’s a little part of her brain Wendy calls “The Peanut.” She describes it as the part of her brain that protects her by helping her anticipate and prepare for the coming grief-causing event. The Peanut becomes heighted in moments of anticipating a future event – and even the anticipation before the grief can be unsettling. 

Anticipating future events can take us out of the moment, away from what’s actually happening now in our lives, robbing us of life’s moments. So, Wendy follows up with some tips and ideas of how to feel “normal” when your “Peanut” is causing some big feelings or some anxiety. 

If you would like to learn more about navigating grief and loss, or find support by working with Wendy, visit her website:

And if you are interested in Wendy’s group coaching program, Going Inside, find more information at