
Connie's motivational quotes for today is by – Tony Allasandra, “In selling as in medicine, prescription before diagnosis is malpractice.” 

 Check Out These Highlights:  When you hear the word Sales what do you think?  Icky, sleazy, pushy, in your face…yuk!!!  What if I told you that sales is something that can be fun, enjoyable for you and your prospect or client?  I know, are you rolling your eyes?  Well you are in store for a treat.  It’s not just me who feels like selling from a place of love, care, and respect is important and my guest today exudes that same energy.

About Janelle Kennedy: Janelle is a  Las Vegas native who works as a Business Development officer for a mortgage company called Alderus Mortgage and also a local business connector. She wants to inspire others with her enthusiasm and joy for connecting and helping others achieve their goals. She uses her positivity and creativity to better the lives around her.

How to get in touch with Janelle Kennedy:

Email:  [email protected]

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