Sat Nam, 

This episode covers the last 3 of the 10 Values of the Aquarian Age.  (This is Part 3 of a 3-part series, to listen to the earlier parts check out episodes 38 and 42). At the end of this episode, I lead you through Sitkari Praynam, known for its cleansing effects and ability to boost glandular function. 

Here are all 10 values of the aquarian age for your reference:

Episode 38

1) Change and learning is continuous and life-long.  we must maintain mental, emotional, and physical flexibility. 

2) Intellect is not enough.  We need a new relationship to intuition, emotion and instinct. 

3) information is not enough.  Neither is knowledge.  We need wisdom. 

4) Learning is not enough.  We must learn how to learn. 

Episode 42

5) Complexity is increasing, as is our need to deal with it. 

6) Our sense of personal identity and its foundation is shifting. 

7) This is an age of paradox - more global and more individual, with fewer boundaries and more demand for political separations.  Everything is faster and we have less time.  We need far more love and unity, for we have more fear and tremendous insecurity. 

Episode 46

8) Stamina and contestant peak performance are the common benchmarks to evaluate all people and their work, and the need is to go inward and regenerate. 

9) We require a reconciliation and integration of the spiritual side of life with the technological and material sides - a spiritual fitness to sense values and meaning. 

10) There is no isolation.  Each action we take must be considered ecologically, and globally because each person does affect, directly or indirectly, vast networks of people, and other living beings and places. 

One of the best ways to manage the tensions and stressors of this time is a daily meditation or spiritual practice. If you'd like support with yours, click here to join our free 10 Days of Kirtan Kriya meditation program.   

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Jen & Ramtin