Every week we will discuss issues of the heart and learn how to live a balanced life between the head and heart. All of us have had our heart hurt and very often refuse to open our hearts again because the pain of a broken heart was so intense. We will heal that pain and explore the amazing gifts that are in our hearts and how to use these gifts to lead the most loving, joyous, happy, abundant life possible. My belief is that our purpose here on earth is to take care of each other. First we must heal the pain from the past so we begin the rest of our life whole. I have been a professional motivational speaker since 1991, am the author of 3 books: "Spiritual Breadcrumbs from the Universe - Insights into a More Meaningful Life", co author with Jack Canfield of " Getting Things Done- Keys to a Well Balanced Life" and "A Rose Garden-Living in Concert with Spirit" I am a life coach and am working with cancer patients too. Come play with me as we explore the amazing world of our heart. Warning; you will go places you have never been! It is safe! Your entire Spirit team is with you. This is a journey into love. Oh and laughter is my favorite way of communicating so we will have fun together. www.jimbrownspeaker.com