Society has taught us that we are victims! When we believe we are victims we have given up our power and we can easily be manipulated and controlled. When we believe we are victims we blame everybody and everything for the mess our life is in. When we take our power back and refuse to ever be a victim we accept that we create our life and then we learn how we create and become consciously aware of how to create and how to destroy or let fear run our life. The world has been run by fear for thousands of years. Are you going to buy into that story or are you going to learn how to create the life you want?
The first step is to stop being a victim. This will necessitate that you will have to come up with a new story of who you are. And for many of us our story about ourself has become our identity, which means you are going to have to create a new story or identity! You can create a future that is different from your past. 
Are you ready to start this journey? If so join me Tuesday 11/12/13 at 2 PM Pacific Time