Society won’t tell you this but entrepreneurs don’t actually lack lead generation, but instead, they lack human connection. Most entrepreneurs are trying to figure out what’s next in their business and how to show up for their audience. But in fact, it’s our audience and potential clients that show us what’s next for our business and how we can show up for them.

This week, I am sharing yet another lesson that I have learned in business and marketing and it’s that when they come, then it will be time to build. When your audience tells you they need a product or service from you, that is your golden opportunity to show up and serve your audience to the best of your ability. Too often entrepreneurs get stuck on promoting offers that their audience didn’t ask for. But when we slow down and intentionally listen to our clients, then we are able to create lifetime partners and relationships. 

 Topics Discussed:

The layers of awareness from clients and potential clients Recognizing that where you're at is not where your clients are at  How to construct an offer around what your client truly wants Why clients tell US what's next and not the other way around How polling your audience on what they want is essential for growing your business. 

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