If you ever find yourself asking the questions, “What really matters in life?”, “What is our purpose?”, or “What is truly essential?”, then you are not alone. The truth is, we all ask ourselves these types of questions at some point in our lives. We can get so caught up in the noise of life that we forget how to truly live. That’s why our guest this week shares incredible insight into living an essential life and how we can find meaning to these deep questions. 

This week, I am speaking with Greg Mckeown, public speaker and author of Essentialism: The Disciplined Pursuit of Less. We discuss what it means to truly live an essential life by silencing the noise and tuning into our greater callings. Greg shares with us different strategies we can implement in order to make effective decisions for ourselves and those around us. We also dive into the importance of prioritizing your time, setting healthy boundaries, and recognizing areas for improvement. 

 Topics Discussed:

Why we should always be teachable and ready  Implementing strategy for effective decision making  The importance of healthy boundaries & accountability Learning to be present with yourself & those around you The benefits of prioritizing your time & protecting your assets Recognizing essentialism as a collective sport  Changing the way we live our lives by one moment at a time 

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Connect with Greg McKeown


Website: https://gregmckeown.com  Podcast: https://gregmckeown.com/podcast/ 




Essentialism: The Disciplined Pursuit of Less https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/0804137382?ie=UTF8&tag=randohouseinc5755-20&linkCode=as2&camp=1789&creative=9325&creativeASIN=0804137382