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Do you...

Frequently ask others to repeat themselves? Turn the TV or radio to a volume others find loud? Struggle to hear on the phone?Have trouble understanding conversations in noisy places?Answer or respond inappropriately in conversations?Have difficulty hearing women and children's voices?Feel like others are mumbling or garbling their words?Miss important information in meetings? Avoid social situations that you once found enjoyable?Are your regularly told by others that you should get your hearing checked? 

Hearing loss has many causes, but when it comes on gradually, the signs can be difficult to identify as our bodies adjust over time. 

If you experience any of the signs of hearing loss we discussed in this episode, schedule your annual hearing evaluation with your local hearing healthcare provider. 

Not sure where to start? Feel free to send us an email and we will connect you with a trusted local hearing healthcare provider to assist you on your new hearing journey! 

While we know all hearing aids amplify sounds to help you hear them, Starkey Genesis AI uses cutting-edge technology designed to help you understand them, too.

Using innovative Neuro Sound Technology, Genesis AI mimics how a healthy auditory system hears. This allows the hearing aids to better replicate how the human brain processes sound.

Click here to find a hearing care professional near you to try Genesis AI! 

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