Hear English presents a guest post from professional comedy writer: Joel, aka the Bespoke Joke Bloke www.bespokejokebloke.co.uk


You can get the mp.3 here.  Too slow? Try the faster version in the following post.  

Cooee,  nice to
see you.  How’s your first
day?  How’s everyone treating
you?  Nicely?  Really?  Even Jill?  Oh
that’s nice.  I’m amazed she can
still smile; she says it was Bell’s palsy but I think it was Botox.  So you can see how special it was for
her to smile for you.

Have you got a boyfriend?  You can tell me I’m really discreet. I mean just ask
Jennifer.  I didn’t tell anyone
when she was going out with Brian from reprographics, who was married to Jessy
in accounts.  They ended up getting
divorced and Jennifer had a telling off from HR.  I mean who’d gossip about that and get her into
trouble?  I reckon it was Harry the
guy who does security.  It’s not
his fault, he just likes a drink. 
At lunch time, tea time, well most of the time.  Poor guy stuck on that desk all day
long.  Do you like a drink? Oh, me?
No, never.  Ever come into work
with a hangover? Me? No, never…so, do you have a boyfriend?

Do you think any of the guys working here are hot? Oh no,
workplace romances are always trouble. 
Take Jennifer: I mean, she had to take 2 months off work.  She said it was back strain, but, my
mate, who works down the pub and knows someone in the NHS, said she had a
breakdown and was in a mental hospital. 
Like that Jill, who went on a 6 week holiday to see her cousin in
Australia, but, I reckon she was having a boob job.  She went out a C and came back a D; I don’t think the sun
made them grow big.

So have you heard any good gossip?  C’mon you’re new; everyone’s indiscreet with the
newbie.  It’s about me? What could
there be about me? Oh, that I’m on a final written warning and performance
improvement notice for bullying and harassing other staff members.  Well if having a chat is what the
company views as harassment that’s their problem.  Do I have a boyfriend? That’s none of your business!
