On this episode of the Healthy Wealthy and Smart Podcast, I welcome Joel Erway onto the show to discuss how to position yourself as an expert. Joel helps coaches, experts, and consultants increase revenue through simple online sales webinars by showing them how to charge what they're actually worth. #WorthIt

In this episode, we discuss:

-The mindset of an expert

-Why you should lead with an offer to solve your audiences’ pain or pleasure point

-How to generate noise for a new launch

-The importance of authority positioning

-And so much more!


To be an expert you have to change your mindset to reflect that you have something of value to offer. Joel reassures, “We are all experts in something.”


Being an expert does not mean you have to know more than everyone on a topic. Joel has found that, “Expertise is relative,” and, “You really just have to be one step ahead of whoever your ideal customer is.”


Content producers build a consistent audience over time where ultimately, “There’s so much pent up demand if you have any sort of good will with your audience.”


There is untapped potential for revenue generation within your audience and Joel stresses, “Make the damn offer.”


For more information on Joel:


Joel Erway is founder of The Webinar Agency, which helps businesses build live and automated webinars. He is also the host of two podcasts, Sold With Webinars and Experts Unleashed.

Current small business owner consultant responsible for 7-figure growth in multiple client's businesses. His personal mission is to implement 6-figure growth in every 1-on-1 client he works with through digital marketing and online sales webinars.

Former sales engineer for 5 years - grew a brand-new territory to more than $2MM+/year in sales; Responsible for 7-figure growth of multiple online business clients; Exclusive webinar coach for Russell Brunson's private mastermind clients; Converted as many as 30% of attendees into sales from cold traffic


Resources discussed on this show:

Sold With Webinars Podcast

Experts Unleashed Podcast

Joel Erway LinkedIn

Joel Erway Facebook

Joel Erway Twitter

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Have a great week and stay Healthy Wealthy and Smart!


Xo Karen



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