Feeling frustrated with your body and hating it? Or maybe you feel like you're always fighting against it?  

You are not alone. Many of my clients feel like this and sometimes I do too. 

Imagine an alternative way of relating to food, eating and your body that is characterized by kindness and not criticism. 

That's the role of intuitive eating. The goal of intuitive eating is to help you cultivate a healthy relationship with food and your body. It's an approach developed by Evelyn Tribole, MS, RDN & Elyse Resch, MS, RDN in 1995. Since than over 60 studies have shown the numerous benefits of intuitive eating. 

Join me in this episode where I'm sharing the key focus and benefits of this type of eating. And not it's not another diet. It's a life long approach that rebuilds trust in your body. 

To revisit my stress reduction techniques: https://anchor.fm/cathy-richards--rd/episodes/Episode--11--The-Easy-Tools-that-I-am-using-to-Uplevel-my-Stress-Reduction-euc8p1