Today we are talking with Tony Castillo registered dietitian, dad, husband, Instagram extraordinaire

He has led a passionate life in the nutrition space and spent time as a sports nutritionist at the University of Florida and for the Toronto Blue Jays. 

I get the honor of chatting with him today as we ask What’s the Hype! We are covering hydrating powders, creatine, pre-work out supplements, green powders and probiotics. 

Tony joined us just three episodes ago on episode 83 to talk about sports nutrition for kids and teens. You’ll definitely want to check that out.  

I could not wait to have him back to for this fun episode as we dive into trending hyped up topics in the world of sports nutrition. 

We are asking WHAT’S THE HYPE!?! Reminder we are now on You Tube with our episodes if you prefer to watch. 

Just quick disclaimer, always check with your family doctor before making any changes in your health care. 

Relevant Links


Other Episodes to Check Out 

Psychologist Tips to Support Your Teen Athletes Mental Health 

Sports Nutrition for Kids and Teens 

Meditation Benefits for Kids



Want to skip straight to a hot topic? See timestamps below. But of course, we recommend listening all the way through to get all the great tips and tricks!


5:14 About Tony Castillo and his nutrition approach

8:49  What’s the hype around electrolyte drinks

9:56 What electrolyte drinks actually provide and why it matters

11:16 What you should be looking for in electrolyte products

15:09 The most appropriate type of sports drink for teens

16:12 What’s the hype  around creatine

18:29 Who creatine is great (and not so great) for

22:50 The dose of creatine you should be taking and why

28:22 What’s the hype around greens powder 

30:48 What the research has revealed about greens powders

33:20 What’s the hype around pre-workout products 

41:06 An analogy about probiotics that rings true

43:14 What resources you should use before investing in probiotics

44:34 The difference between probiotics and prebiotics