I've definitely covered this topic in the past. The distant past. It's time to bring it up again. We are highly bombarded by dirty electricity known as elctro-smog.
This electro-smog is all around us in the form of wifi, microwave radiation, cell phone towers, meter boxes on homes, smart devices like tv, laptop, computer, ipad and many other smart tech.

How do we protect ourselves and our cells from getting damaged?

I'll give you the top 5 tips you can implement for FREE today in this bonus episode.

And if you want 20% off any EMF equipment for your home by Nov 30th, enter code "root20" upon checkout at this website. www.shieldyourbody.com

Are you coming to "Stop Worrying Week?"  - It starts on Dec. 5th. Grab your ticket (only $39 at THIS LINK and I'll see ya there!

Did you know my group coaching program opened up? I'm taking new students for the 2023 year. This is an exciting opportunity for you to get into action on your own personal health journey. It starts with you saying YES to yourself. CLICK HERE to learn more

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