Ever felt that surge of motivation to lose weight for the very last time, but just couldn’t bring yourself to start?

In this episode, we'll discuss why that initial burst of motivation can fizzle out, leaving us feeling stuck and frustrated when we don't stay consistent with our healthy eating goals.

Here’s what we’ll uncover:

→ Why striving for perfection might be what’s keeping you stuck, and how focusing on realistic progress can keep you moving forward.

→ What you can actually expect when you commit to losing weight permanently, despite unpredictable life circumstances.

→ The importance of lowering the stakes with weight loss, so you can continue progressing sustainably without pressure.

→ Why embracing a trial-and-error approach, instead of striving for perfect performance, is key to making real, lasting changes with weight loss.

It’s not about constantly maintaining high motivation to achieve results. It’s about taking step-by-step actions towards lasting weight loss, regardless of the motivation that’s present.

Learn more at: https://katrentas.com/success-fuel-motivation-podcast


Ready to change your eating habits without restriction or overwhelm? I can help. Click here to learn more about the Own Your Eating Habits program. 

Find yourself overeating and you’re not sure why? I’ve created a free video masterclass, where I share the two reasons why you’re overeating now and what you need to do to stop overeating forever. Click here to access the free master class. 

Hang out with me on Instagram here.