You want to eat healthy consistently with ease so you can lose weight permanently. You’re committed to creating those results in your life.

But, you notice that each time you set out to implement these changes, something throws you off track. Eventually, you lose the initial focus and determination, and end up back at square one.

Know this: It’s not that you stopped having enough time or energy to follow through. It’s not that healthy eating or weight loss was inherently unsustainable for you. You stopped making progress because of the pressure that you initially fueled those changes with.

In this episode, I'll discuss how high-achieving women often unknowingly fuel their healthy eating and weight loss efforts with pressure and urgency.

You’ll learn:

→ How to determine if pressure is fueling your goals to eat healthy now

→ Exactly why you will gravitate towards urgency with the changes you want to make

→ What is truly necessary to transition from short-term to long-term weight loss successfully

→ Strategies to start relieving the pressure from healthy eating and weight loss now, so you can make progress continuously

Relieving this pressure is essential. Turns out, not only is pressure unnecessary for lasting change with healthy eating and weight loss, but it’s also exactly what’s stalling you now.

Learn more at:


Ready to change your eating habits without restriction or overwhelm? I can help. Click here to learn more about the Own Your Eating Habits program. 

Find yourself overeating and you’re not sure why? I’ve created a free video master class, where I share the two reasons why you’re overeating now and what you need to do to stop overeating forever. Click here to access the free master class. 

Hang out with me on Instagram here.