Previous Episode: Post-Holiday Food Guilt
Next Episode: Stress Vs. Emotions

Serious about losing weight for the very last time this year?

Permanent weight loss isn’t about simply changing what you eat. If it was, you would already have the result by now.

It’s about approaching this goal with the intent to change your eating behaviors at the root level, so you can not only lose weight but maintain that loss for life.

This means, you’ll need to go about losing weight differently this year. In this episode, I’m sharing the absolute non-negotiables of permanent weight loss to ensure your success.

We’ll walk through:

→ What it really takes to create exceptional results with weight loss

→ The mindset blocks to look out for on your weight loss journey

→ My no-nonsense advice after coaching dozens of women to permanent weight loss

→ How to address weight loss in the new year to guarantee your success

You don’t need to endlessly track, plan, or prep healthy eating to be successful. Those days are done. The key to permanent weight loss is simply approaching it completely differently than you have in the past. 

Learn more at:


Ready to change your eating habits without restriction or overwhelm? I can help. Click here to learn more about the Own Your Eating Habits program. 

Hang out with me on Instagram here.