If you’re aiming to eat healthy, but constantly feel pressed for time, you’re not alone.

It can feel like an on-going struggle, especially when you believe that dedicating time and effort is necessary for healthy eating and weight loss to occur.

But here’s the good news: while a dieting approach might demand more of your time, creating lasting results doesn’t hinge on more time and effort.

In this episode, you’ll learn what’s truly necessary to eat healthy and lose weight, all without needing more time. 

We’ll talk about:

→ Why you experience time scarcity with healthy eating

→ Which time-consuming healthy eating practices you can eliminate

→ The non-negotiables for permanent weight loss (that don’t require extra time)

→ How you can follow through with healthy eating, even when you’re not expending large amounts of time to do so

When you learn to eat healthy naturally, not only will weight loss not take up your time, but you will also create more time in the process.

Learn more at: https://katrentas.com/making-time-for-healthy-eating-podcast/


Ready to change your eating habits without restriction or overwhelm? I can help. Click here to learn more about the Own Your Eating Habits program. 

Find yourself overeating and you’re not sure why? I’ve created a free video master class, where I share the two reasons why you’re overeating now and what you need to do to stop overeating forever. Click here to access the free master class. 

Hang out with me on Instagram here.