Your goal is to eat healthy and lose weight. You start making progress, but eventually, things don't go as planned. You overeat, don’t follow your plan, or gain some weight back. Then, you decide what you’re doing isn't working and quit.

Eventually, you feel motivated again to “do it right” to lose weight, only to repeat the cycle of committing, taking action, experiencing a setback, and then quitting, only to start over again.

Can you relate to this relentless cycle?

Know This: the cycle of quitting and restarting isn’t occurring because something outside of you isn’t working; it's because you view setbacks as signs of failure. This mindset keeps you perpetually quitting and starting over with healthy eating and weight loss.

Let’s help you break this cycle for good.

In this episode, we'll cover:

How an all-or-nothing mindset traps you in this cycle with healthy eating and weight loss.

Common thoughts that halt your progress with weight loss, leading you to restart.

Non-negotiable perspective shifts necessary to keep going despite setbacks.

Key strategies to maintain progress, even when you feel like quitting.

The key to lasting progress in healthy eating? Changing how you view setbacks along the way. This shift makes achieving your weight loss goals inevitable.

Learn more at:


Ready to change your eating habits without restriction or overwhelm? I can help. Click here to learn more about the Own Your Eating Habits program. 

Find yourself overeating and you’re not sure why? I’ve created a free video master class, where I share the two reasons why you’re overeating now and what you need to do to stop overeating forever. Click here to access the free master class. 

Hang out with me on Instagram here.