Guests: Dr. Stuart and Dr. Theresa Warner, the pediatric powerhouse husband and wife team where 75% of their patients are children under the age of 10.


In this episode, we will cover:

why Dr. Theresa was called to the hospital 2 nights ago to see a newborn baby
the simplest, safest, most effective method you can use to make sure your child fulfills their God-given health potential
the shocking statistics of how sick our children are in this country today and how you can help your child avoid being one of them


Resources mentioned in the conversation:

the Drs. Warner website:
wellness oriented health info for moms and their children:


Bio: The Drs. Warner

Dr. Stuart and Dr. Theresa Warner are a husband-and-wife chiropractic team who have revolutionized the chiropractic world by teaching chiropractors to attract the child as the first patient in the family to receive care. Guided by their passion for helping children achieve their full God-given potential, the Warners have created a unique model for building child-centered practices.

The Drs. Warner are a husband-and-wife chiropractic team who have been in private practice in Point Pleasant, New Jersey since 1992, where 75% of their patients are children under the age of 10. In almost every instance, the child is the first patient in the family to receive care in their practice.

In 1995, the pair founded the celebrity- and government-endorsed Kids Day America/International™ in which more than 5 million children being screened for subluxation. The Drs. Warner have also founded Wellness Moms America™, chiropractic-led monthly meetings that bring together like-minded mothers to teach them how to live the chiropractic wellness lifestyle.

The Warners are passionate about teaching children and love visiting schools each year to share the chiropractic message and teach kids about the detriments of subluxation and how to keep their spines and nervous systems healthy.  

The Drs. Warners are widely sought-after speakers on the topics of chiropractic pediatrics and pregnancy. In addition to their own mega conferences and programs they have served as regular keynote and team speakers for many of the top chiropractic programs, state conventions, philosophy nights, and private programs and have been postgraduate faculty members of several chiropractic colleges.

Yet despite these many accolades, the Warners’ greatest achievements by far are their 3 beautiful children: Sydney, Skylar, and Alexis. All 3 children were adjusted within 5 minutes of being born, practiced extended breastfeeding and co-sleeping, and have been raised in the chiropractic lifestyle.