In this episode I’m the one doing the talking, as talented journalist Gemma Evans asks me about my work. Given this is the first episode of 2021, and acknowledging the fact that many of us start a new year with aspirations for living a healthier, happier life, Gemma was keen to find out how I approach working with clients to help them make positive changes to their diet and lifestyle in a way that cements lasting change, rather than a short-term diet, detox or cleanse.

We cover cultural expectation, emotional eating, issues with dietary restriction, why our hormones and monthly cycle should factor into things, and most importantly, why we should forget perfection and find balance.

Thank you so much Gemma for suggesting we put this episode together. I am so grateful to you for giving your time to support me and the podcast.

Gemma has her own YouTube channel and podcast called healthhackers, the details for which are below, which I highly recommend checking out if you’re not already familiar with it.