Is disease caused by emotional blockages? If so, what are the tools to clear what's holding us back from great health? Listen to Jessica Neideffer share her experience with healing herself from Crohn's, which almost killed her. She now heals others through the same energy and emotional healing protocols that include changing our language, transforming our thoughts and creating new vibrations. A "must listen" for anyone trying to heal from any illness.
Check out the health bootcamps for emotional healing here

Jessica Neideffer became aware that there was more to her than just a physical body at a very young age. She experienced many health issues during childhood and almost died when she was fifteen from complications of Crohn’s dis-ease. After many years of doctors treating the symptoms with western medicine, she knew there had to be another way of being healed and healthy. After a profound experience at the age of 31, she realized there was a different way and that she was meant to support herself and others in healing on a deeper level.

Since this moment in 2007, Jessica began studying and practicing energy work and sound healing. She became more conscious of what her body was asking for and began working with Naturopaths, Nutritionists, and other Mentors to assist her in the healing process. Through her own research and life experience, she found that a combination of diet, exercise, and emotional healing practices was the key.

Jessica supports her clients by sharing tools and exercises as part of the personal development and healing practices she has refined over the years. She works with Reiki, Sound Healing, NLP, and different guided meditation techniques. She understands that each person moves through life issues in different ways, so she works with multiple modalities to assist individuals in their process, at their own pace. She works with them to BE healthy and realize their goals and dreams.

Jessica is living her purpose and is dedicated to supporting ALL in remembering their innate ability to heal themselves and change their life from within, one thought at a time.