What's the secret to healing from all types of diseases? Nutrition. Dr. Joel Fuhrman, an Ivy League educated MD, is an international speaker on nutrition and natural healing. He is the author of the best selling book, Eat to Live. Listen to this podcast to hear how patients have reversed heart disease, lupus, colitis, diabetes, lose hundreds of pounds and more. He offers an inspiring message of Hope and Healing. That we have the power to change our health and its very easy, just change what you put in your mouth.

Here are key questions he answers and highlights from his answers:

01:55 1. What inspired you to make this jump from a winning figure skater to The health coach of america?

05:33 2. Do you believe that nutrition can prevent and cure disease no matter what age and genetic we’re born with?
- Nutrition is now affecting genetics, than genetics affecting nutrition.

09:43 3. What is a Nutritarian Diet?
- A Nutritarian diet is designed to encompass all micronutrients, vitamins, minerals to maximize their health, looking at every aspect that can affect human longevity.
- Too many animal product consumption can raise a hormone called IGF1, which can cause cancer and promote aging. This can also damage the gut. Paleo and Ketogenic diets are high protein diets.

15:25 4. What should we have for breakfast, lunch, dinner and snacks?
- Eating frequently amounts to shorter lifespan. Eat when you're hungry, and eat right.
- You would want to sleep at an empty stomach.
- Consume less animal products, eat more fiber and micronutrients.
- If people increase their nutritional quality of what they're eating, and eat more micronutrients, their appetite goes down, and they lose their toxic hunger.
- Eat GBOMBS - Greens, beans, onions, mushrooms, berries, and seeds. These food fight cancer.

22:49 5. Can you give us tips or insights on how one can change from the american SAD diet to eating a more nutritarian diet?
- Suggested book: Eat to Live Quick and Easy Cookbook
- Eat a healthy breakfast and lunch and have a light dinner
- Other insights on the podcast

28:50 6. Allergies: Why do we have an epidemic?
- Gut and body weakness
- It takes 2 years of healthy eating to get "rid" of allergies.

36:57 7. Why do doctors continue to prescribe horrific pills instead of fruits and vegetables? Is there a document that says what are the negative results of these pills, and who can interpret these?

40:31 8. What is the one piece of advice, small and simple, that you want everyone of us to do to help us put ourselves on the path to health?
We have the power to control our health destiny
What you eat affects your genes.
- Food is a 100 times more effective in preventing cancer, strokes, and other disease.

Dr. Fuhrman's Book:
Eat to Live: The Amazing Nutrient-Rich Program for Fast and Sustained Weight Loss

Eat to Live Quick and Easy Cookbook


WEBSITE: https://www.drfuhrman.com/

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