If you’ve seen Dr Robert Cywes on his YouTube channel you’ll be familiar with his straight talking, no fuss videos aimed at those looking to find out what's at the root of their diabetes or obesity.
His medical background includes 18 years of performing obesity surgery (over 8000 times). He’s also a board certified pediatric general surgeon and specializes in helping adults and teenagers through his practice in Palm Beach, Florida. 
Dr Cywes used to weigh nearly 300 pounds - and has described his experience as an “ongoing journey” of losing weight and understanding why he became heavy.
Do not expect this episode of healthHackers to be a lecture on eating less and exercising more. Dr Cywes is known for taking a different approach. One that looks at tackling addiction to carbohydrates.
In this episode, you’ll hear:

🔹why overeating is emotional, not nutritional
🔹the problem with too much sugar
🔹why he says sugar and carb addictions are more intense than alcohol or nicotine habits
🔹reasons Dr Cywes hates the word “diet”
🔹how obesity is a protective mechanism
🔹his response to those who criticize him for demonizing carbs
🔹how carbs aren’t what they used to be
🔹why he believes we should stop giving our kids sugary foods as “treats”
🔹how being slim doesn’t mean you’re not addicted to carbs
🔹plus, insights into the management of his own carb addiction

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Read articles and see all videos at https://healthhackers.org/

Subscribe to the ‘Carb Addiction Doc’ on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCk4Mk7vArjSYBa1VKv9-chA
Support him at https://www.patreon.com/carbaddictiondoc
Check out Dr Cywes on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/carbaddictiondoc
On FB: https://www.facebook.com/carbaddictiondoc/
His website: Obesityunderstood.com
Text him on 561 5170642 for a consultation (USA) or email [email protected]

Common sense caution: Anything you hear or see within healthHackers content should not be considered personal or medical advice. You’ve all heard it before, so you know the score - always talk to your own health provider about your concerns.👌