After more than 20 years of anxiety and panic attacks (that were so bad she didn’t leave the house for weeks at a time), Nicola discovered “a completely new way of understanding how human beings create their experience of anxiety and how to dissolve it almost effortlessly.”

She wrote a book about her insights: ‘A Little Peace of Mind: The Revolutionary Solution for Freedom from Anxiety, Panic Attacks and Stress,’ and runs programs coaching others about the understanding she discovered.

The first time I saw Nicola was when one of her videos popped up in my Facebook feed. The way she described her former anxious thinking was so relatable (anxiety and me go back a long way😜) and when I heard her compare the nature of thought to the ticker tape on a news channel - it resonated even more (I’m a former TV news journalist and presenter), so I signed up to one of her courses to learn about the insights that changed her life so dramatically.
Not long after that, I invited her on to healthHackers so that you guys could hear about her solution too. I’m happy to say she said yes. And now here we are - episode 47 with transformative coach and author, Nicola Bird.😁

In this podcast, you’ll hear Nicola explain:
🔹the key insights that changed her relationship with anxiety and panic attacks
🔹unstoppable thoughts, and why you don’t have to jump on them
🔹dealing with “what if..?”
🔹why she quit trying to find solutions
🔹how long it took for her to find peace
🔹relinquishing the need to control
🔹how her new insights wiped 90% of tasks off her to-do list
🔹the new feel-good venture that grew from her garden
🔹plus, who is Sydney Banks and what are the Three Principles?

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