Mood food & eating to boost brain function.

Dr Drew specialises in combining brain science with nutrition. He’s the founder of The Brain Food Clinic in New York & author of three books, including the bestselling ’50 Shades of Kale’ & the award-winning ‘Eat Complete: The 21 Nutrients that Fuel Brain Power, Boost Weight Loss & Transform Your Health’. He’s also the guy who founded National Kale Day!

In this episode of #HealthHackers, you’ll discover:

~Dr Drew’s number one anti-depressant
~which diet has shown to decrease the risk of getting depression by up to 50%
~the foods to eat for a healthy, happy mind
~why sugar is a bad habit, not an addiction
~which supplements have the most data suggesting they could help improve depression
~why Dr Drew quit being a vegetarian
~the number one disrupter for cognition
~why medication is great
~his insights for identifying whether you are depressed
~advice for anxiety management
~which vitamin deficiency can trigger psychosis
~plus, Dr Drew’s brain-boosting dinner ingredients

ADDED EXTRA! Dr Drew is offering all HealthHackers listeners 15% OFF his ‘Eat To Beat Depression’ e-course.
Follow this link to see the show notes and get your coupon code: