In a change-of-pace episode, Chadi has the tables turned on him as he is interviewed by two supporters and reviewers of his new book “Toxic Exposure: The True Story behind the Monsanto Trials and the Search for Justice.” Kelly Ryerson, MBA,, and Mikkael Sekeres, author of “Drugs and the FDA: Safety, Efficacy, and the Public's Trust” and “When Blood Breaks Down: Life Lessons from Leukemia,” ask Chadi to comment on why he was chosen as an expert witness, how glyphosate causes cancer and how much exposure is needed to cause lymphoma, why Roundup is able to stay on the market to this day, and what it was like to take the stand and answer questions from the Monsanto lawyers, among so much more.

Order your copy of “Toxic Exposure” today.

Check out Kelly’s blog-turned-website “Glyphosate Facts.”