Jason A. Duprat, Entrepreneur, Healthcare Practitioner and Host of the Healthcare Entrepreneur Academy Podcast provides strategies to achieve success in a work-from-home environment. No matter if you’re working remotely as an entrepreneur or due to the COVID-19 outbreak, Jason offers key tips to create and maintain structure.


Episode Highlights:

COVID-19 has caused many healthcare workers to transition to a remote working role.    Working from home provides many opportunities and challenges as well.  Limit distractions in order to create a routine and provide structure.  To establish boundaries, designate a separate workspace.  By staying home, you’ve already saved commute time. Use this time to take breaks for recharging your energy and mindset.  Make time for socializing to cope with the isolation of working from home. This includes face-to-face engagement and during the new norm of coronavirus, you can utilize video via Zoom or FaceTime.   Get dressed every morning as if you were going into the office. Don’t stay in your pajamas!   Ketamine Academy and IV Therapy Academy are offering courses at a 50% discount. See details below.


3 Key Points:

Set up boundaries and limit distractions when working from home in a designated area.  Plan time for taking breaks to refresh your mind, get outside, walk around and get some exercise.  It can get lonely when working from home so include time to socialize with others. Don’t shut yourself off.   


Tweetable Quotes:

“One of the biggest things I’ve done to be a successful full-time work-at-home professional is limit distractions. It’s huge to be able to set up boundaries.” – Jason A. Duprat “Always have your set start time and set lunch time, and make sure you save time for breaks. It’s best if you schedule those out as well.” – Jason A. Duprat “I’m interacting with others, and there is a whole lot to be said for the mental well-being that comes along with making sure you’re connecting and interacting with other individuals in-person and not just behind a screen.” – Jason A. Duprat


Resources Mentioned:

Jason’s Website: JasonDuprat.com Jason’s Socials: LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/jasonduprat Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/jasonaduprat Healthcare Entrepreneur Academy Facebook Group: https://www.jasonduprat.com/group Ketamine Academy Course at 50%: ketamineprofessionals.com/virus IV Therapy Academy Nutritional Therapy Course at 50% (Code: VIRUS): ivtherapyacademy.com

#HealthcareEntrepreneurAcademy #HealthcareBoss #healthcare #entrepreneur #entrepreneurship #workfromhome #remotework #coronavirus #COVID-19 #wereallinthistogether