Dr. Scott Dorrity, DC and Consultant at ChiroLaunch speaks with Jason A. Duprat, Entrepreneur, Healthcare Practitioner and Host of the Healthcare Entrepreneur Academy Podcast. In this episode, they talk about starting your business and the tools you need to empower your entrepreneurial journey along the way. Scott provides advice to anyone who wants to start a practice, open multiple practices or is considering selling a practice.   


Episode Highlights:   

What is Scott’s background? How did he transition into chiropractic work and opening his own practices?    What are some of the systems he feels many clinicians and practices lack?    As a business owner, how do you know when you're ready to expand?    What advice does Scott offer to someone getting ready to sell their practice?    What should people look for when buying a practice?    How did Scott transition into consulting?    What are some of the problems he faced as he scaled up his consulting business?    Scott talks about the technology tools he used to grow his business and how he utilizes email in his marketing.   


3 Key Points:   

Many business owners focus on lead generation when their energy would be better spent on retention and client satisfaction.    If you’re looking to open up a second healthcare practice, consider opening another type of business that you could run more passively.    When starting out as a consultant, prioritize learning from the best.   


Tweetable Quotes:

“We forget about the retention piece. We forget about the conversion piece. We wouldn't need to do as much lead generation if we actually got those systems running really well.” – Scott Dorrity    “It's a lot harder to start a new chiropractic office and put a new chiropractor in it than it is to become a franchisee for a Subway.” – Scott Dorrity   


Resources Mentioned:   

Get The E-Myth Revisited Book on Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/Myth-Revisited-Small-Businesses-About/dp/0887307280/ref=sr_1_1?crid=3RM9JKELLLFL6&keywords=emyth+revisited&qid=1578630306&sprefix=the+e+myth+.+%2Caps%2C211&sr=8-1    Brendon Burchard Website: https://brendon.com/experts-register/    Kajabi Business Platform: https://kajabi.com/    Scott Dorrity Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/scottdorrity    ChiroLaunch Website: https://www.chirolaunch.com/   


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