Jason A. Duprat, Entrepreneur, Healthcare Practitioner and Host of the Healthcare Entrepreneur Academy Podcast talks about the types of partnerships Ketamine Academy is currently seeking and securing. He also discusses the competitive spirit among entrepreneurs and shares why it’s important to help others versus having an adversarial state of mind. Jason also takes time to chat about the value of having multiple revenue generating streams. 


Episode Highlights:

Jason highlights the potential partnerships he’s exploring for Ketamine Academy.  He shares why many of his students are interested in obtaining a shadowing experiences as part of their education and training.   What types of services will Jason’s potential partners offer? In the entrepreneurial world, sometimes companies don’t see the value in partnerships and fixate on looking at everyone as competitors.  The more streams of revenue you have, the better off you’ll be.   In order to grow your business, start side gigs and look for partnerships and affiliate referral opportunities.  The average multi-millionaire has between 12-20 streams of income. 


3 Key Points:

Ketamine Academy has recently been approached by two different companies for partnerships. Look for ways to partner with other organizations instead of taking an adversarial approach. There’s no such thing as 100% passive income because there’s always work to be done...it’s more pseudo passive.   


Tweetable Quotes:

“What we are going to be doing here in the future is offering some in-clinic shadowing experiences in a ketamine therapy practice.” – Jason Duprat  “At the Ketamine Academy, we do online education, and there are some people that prefer to really have a consultant walk them through step-by-step.” – Jason Duprat  “We have gotten pretty savvy at learning how to create content digitally, put it into  an online course, create a community around that course, and create non-annoying ways to market that particular course.” – Jason Duprat  

 Resources Mentioned:

JasonDuprat.com Jason Duprat: Linkedin  Facebook

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