"When the customer comes first, the customer will last." - Robert Half

Jason A. Duprat, MBA, CRNA, Healthcare Practitioner, and Host of the Healthcare Boss Academy podcast, talks about the Value Ladder, a vital strategy to scale your business. In this episode, Jason shares the importance of the Value Ladder, how it can increase Customer Lifetime Value, and the examples of services included in his Value Ladder. Tune in until the end to learn more about Jason's upcoming services and book launch!



No matter your business, always have free content or services available to your customers. The biggest challenge for clinic owners is marketing, lead generation, and customer retention. The Value Ladder helps you increase your Customer Lifetime Value.



Jason enumerates various products and services that are part of his Value Ladder. The Value Ladder consists of low-level to high-level services. With each step up the value ladder, the higher the investment and the higher the value for the customers. The first step in Jason's Value Ladder is free services such as his Podcast and Newsletters. The second step is Jason's book, "Clinic Launch Secrets," launching soon. The third step is Jason's courses: Ketamine Academy, IV Therapy Academy, and the newly launched Med Spa Launch Academy. Jason and his team are working on tiers even higher than that, such as SEO tools and Mastermind events. No matter the kind of business you own, always have free content or services available to your customers. Jason recommends sharing free content on YouTube as it's the second-largest search engine run by Google.  However, when you pay more, you're paying for best practices to save yourself from potential mistakes of financial losses. Not everyone immediately jumps to the higher tiers. They may start with the free content or services and then move up when they're interested in more advanced services. The biggest challenge for clinic owners is the marketing of their service, lead generation, and customer retention. The essence of the Value Ladder is to keep your patients coming back or the Lifetime Customer Value (LCV).


"If nobody knows about your business, you won't have any customers. The best way to get yourself out there is through free or low-cost entry points." – Jason A. Duprat 

"Once you've demonstrated your results, expertise, and excellent customer service, your customers will want to keep coming back." –  Jason A. Duprat 



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